Chronological list of publications of Plasma Physics department & PHELIX:

Publications PP before 1999

  1. U.N. Funk et al.
    High energy density in solid rare gas targets and solid hydrogen
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 415 (1998), pp. 68-74

  2. S. Stöwe et al.
    High density plasma physics with heavy ion beams
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 415 (1998), pp. 61-67

  3. N.A. Tahir et al.
    Numerical simulations and theoretical analysis of proposed heavy-ion-matter experiments at the GSI Darmstadt accelerator facility
    Physics of Plasmas 5(12), pp. 4426-4455, 1998

  4. N.A. Tahir et al.
    Creation of metallic hydrogen in imploding cylindrical targets with intense heavy ion beams to be produced at the GSI Darmstadt SIS Facility
    Physics Letters A 249 (1998), pp. 489-494

  5. M. Dornik et al.
    Heavy-ion-beam-induced motion in rare-gas cryo targets
    Fusion Engineering and Design 32-33 (1996), pp. 511-516

  6. J. Jacoby et al.
    Interaction of heavy ions with plasmas
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 115 (1996), pp. 67-13

  7. C. Stöckl et al.
    Interaction of heavy ion beams with dense plasmas
    Laser and particle Beams 14/4 (1996), pp.561-574