Work Packages

WP 1: Stellar burning

Collaboration of GSI, Uni Bonn, FZ Jülich, HZDR, TU Darmstadt

WP 2: General understanding of r-process nucleosynthesis

Collaboration of GSI, FZ Jülich, TU Darmstadt, Uni Frankfurt, FIAS, Uni Gießen, MPIK Heidelberg, JINA, GANIL, Uni Basel, Uni Würzburg

WP 3: Cosmochronometers

Collaboration of GSI, FZ Jülich, TU Darmstadt, Uni Gießen, MPIK Heidelberg, JINA, GANIL, Uni Basel,

WP 4: Fission: origin or 'robust' r-process abundance distributions?

Collaboration of GSI, FZ Jülich, TU Darmstadt, FIAS, JINA, GANIL, Uni Basel

WP 5: Does Nature produce long-lived superheavy elements?

Collaboration of GSI, TU Darmstadt, FIAS, JINA, Uni Basel

WP 6: Theoretical modeling

WP 7: Simulation Laboratory for nuclear theory

Collaboration of FZ Jülich, Uni Bonn, TU Darmstadt, GSI, GANIL
