The GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung pursues exclusively peaceful purposes (Company Agreement: article §2(3)).

Ethics & Rules

GSI's research takes place in an atmosphere of openness, creativity and willingness to perform, which is the goal of researchers all over the world. In this context, cooperative behaviour is the basis for successful work in research and teaching (and administration) and in dealing with colleagues in-house and worldwide. The avoidance of scientific misconduct is the goal of the rules and regulations of good scientific practice.

In addition to existing regulations on good scientific practice, the guidelines of the German Research Foundation (DFG) in particular provide guidance for GSI in drawing up its own guidelines and principles. In the exercise of its responsibility, GSI takes particular precautions against scientific misconduct and will investigate any concrete suspicion.

Dealing with misconduct in science

GSI bears responsibility for the quality of research and is thus directly linked to the pursuit of scientific activities and the promotion of young scientists.

The first contact person in case of suspected scientific misconduct is the ombudsperson at GSI. The Ombudsperson (Mediator) clarifies the relevant facts in detail, evaluates them and takes any necessary measures (e.g. requesting correction from the perpetrator, etc.). If measures under service or labour law seem appropriate, the Ombudsperson makes a corresponding recommendation to the research director and the management.

Further information and the name and contact details of the Ombudsperson can be found on the Ombudsperson Website.

Principles and guidelines

According to the Directorate decision of 11.2.1999, GSI complies with the Hermann von Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres (Hermann von Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Deutscher Forschungszentren e.V.) guidelines for ensuring good scientific practice.

Recommendations of the Helmholtz Association on ensuring  good scientific practice and procedures in cases of scientific misconduct (in German).

The Helmholtz Association recommends that the legally independent member institutions implement these rules in accordance with the respective specifics at the centres.

Guidelines for Ensuring Good Scientific Practice, German Research Foundation (DFG), updated code from 2019

Handout for the implementation of the DFG Code"Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice" (2019, only in German)

Publication regulations

The GSI/FAIR management expects that experiments performed at its facilities lead to publications in a reasonable time, incl. citation of the facilities used.

Open Science

GSI is committed to providing comprehensive access to scientific knowledge, which is why the scientific management of GSI strongly supports the expansion of Open Access.

Open Access @ GSI (internal only)

Open Science @ GSI

Open Science in the Helmholtz Association

GSI internal publication fund for Open Access (internal only)

IP Policy

On 22 February 2016, the GSI management adopted exploitation guidelines (in German; lead: Technology Transfer Office) and guidelines for dealing with inventions (in German; lead: Patents and Licences). These guidelines are part of the IP policy of the GSI. According to current planning, guidelines on the remuneration of inventors are to follow in the first half of 2021. The above information is for internal GSI use only. Please treat it confidentially and do not pass it on to external third parties.


In general, scientific software should be released as freely as possible on a trusted infrastructure, if there is no exploitation option. For more information, see Guidelines on licensing software (internal only).