
Lodging facilities of GSI

information on GSI Guest- and Steinhouse

Hotels (not too far from GSI)


Find here a list of hotels in the vicinity of GSI: List of hotels

Youth hostel

Landgraf-Georg-Straße 119, 64287 Darmstadt
Phone: 06151 / 45293, Fax: 06151 / 422535
Further Information

Renting rooms/flats/appartments (in/near Darmstadt)

General information on renting places to live


GSI / FAIR distributes offers from landlords who want to rent out a flat. If you are interested receiving those offers, we can add you to the mailing-list, which is used to distribute recent offers. Please write an e-mail to: guest-office(at)gsi.de

Rooms (and apartments)

Newspaper ads

Ads in the local press Arheilger Post and in the advertising paper Sperrmüll.

General search sites:
