Departement RBDL Detector Laboratory
The Detector Laboratory (DL) of GSI is a part of the Scientific-Technological Infrastructure of GSI, which is located in the north area of the accelerator complex. The activities comprise a variety of R&D projects as well as the construction, development and maintenance of permanently installed gas detectors for beam diagnostics purposes. The members of the DL are involved in various projects supported by the European Community, which provide funding opportunities for both young researchers and experienced scientists. Non-graduated students, temporarily employed in the DL are integrated in all such activities. The work of scientific groups is supported either by sharing the DL location for a limited time or by consulting and joint R&D. Palaver about detectors are arranged irregularly. Everybody interested is kindly invited to participate and to contribute with own presentations.
More details can be found here.

Dr. Christian Joachim Schmidt
Telefon: +49-6159-71-2273
E-Mail: c.j.schmidt(at)gsi.de