
Control system relevant news are announced below.

Dezember 2020 NI Enterprise Agreement

NI hat mit der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft einen neuen Rahmenvertrag geschlossen, das Enterprise Agreement, der am 15. Dezember 2020 in Kraft getreten ist.

Weitere Details sind im Wiki beschrieben.

April 2020 LabVIEW Community Edition

National Instruments is pleased to announce the LabVIEWTM 2020 and LabVIEWTM NXG 5.0 Community Edition.

It is a LabVIEW Profession version including Application Builder with no water marks. It includes WebVIs in LabVIEW NXG. It also supports LINX on Raspberry PI 3 & 4, BeagleBone Black, and Arduino Uno (tethered only).

LabVIEW Community Edition is meant for non-commercial and non-academics applications. Refer to NI's license agreement for details and ask your lawyer in case of questions.

Have fun programming your home and hobby projects with LabVIEWTM.