Information for beamtime applicants

Applying for beamtime

You may apply for beamtime via Bio-PAC or ESA-IBER.  

Important information to be considered before you apply for beamtime:

Please be aware that we only have permission to use biological material of risk level 1 (according to German and EU guidelines; Biostoff-Risikogruppe 1) in our labs and irradiation facilities. If you intend to use material of risk level 2, please make sure to inform your liaison partner early and discuss the requirements for getting a permission. It will not be possible to use risk level 3 or 4 materials.

Our labs are equipped to handle genetically modified organisms of safety level 1 (German guidelines). There is no possibility to handle higher levels.

In our labs, it is not allowed to handle radioactive material.


Scheduling beamtime

When beamtime is scheduled, experimenters will be informed by email usually no later than three months before the start. You are then required to fill and submit the beamtime form no later than eight weeks before beamtime in order to enable the precise planning of time and lab space. Together with these forms, please hand in our form for genetically modified organisms, if applicable, and SDS of any hazardous material that you intend to use at GSI. If you plan to use animals, please contact Dr. Konrad Lehmann ( for housing and scheduling, and send a copy of the pertaining ethics approval. If you bring cell lines, certificates on their being mycoplasma-free must be handed in before. All documents must be submitted no later than four weeks before the start of beamtime to

The experimenters will be informed about the schedule and allocated lab space as soon as possible, usually between four and two weeks before the first day of beamtime. Please be aware that the scheduling can be subject to changes any time. The experimenters and local liaison scientists will be kept up to date on any modifications by email.


Using beamtime

As of February 1st, 2021 all GSI / FAIR guests have to use the online registration tool for registration. For detailed information on the registration process, visit the Welcome Office website. In case questions occur, please contact the Welcome Office team (Silvia Engel, Gabriele Jansen, Karin Stix,, +49 6159 71 3310)

Everybody working in the GSI biophysics labs needs to successfully complete the instructions on biological safety, which are provided online. Additional instructions on the safe use of human tissue, handling of S2 biomaterial or animals, if applicable, will be provided in person. Please arrive in time to participate.

Access to areas controlled by radiation protection (i.e., caves) is only permitted to persons under radiation protection surveillance (see Accelerator radiation protection).
Here again, online safety instructions are provided and mandatory. Additional briefing on work in the caves will be provided on-site before the start of beamtime.


Useful links

Beamtime at GSI (general information about scheduling and coordination)

Eduroam / DFN-Roaming at GSI (Information on WiFI internet access on the campus)