Chronological list of publications of Plasma Physics department & PHELIX:

Publications PP in 2003


  1. M. Allen, Y. Sentoku, P. Audebert, A. Blazevic, T. Cowan, J. Fuchs, J. C. Gauthier, M. Geissel, M. Hegelich, S. Karsch, E. Morse, P. K. Patel, M. Roth:
    Proton spectra from ultraintense laser√plasma interaction with thin foils: Experiments, theory, and simulation
    Phys. Plasma 10, 3283 (2003)

  2. Bakhtmetjev, Fertmann, et al., D. H. H. Hoffmann:
    Research into the advanced experimental methods for precision ion stopping range measurements in matter
    Laser Particle Beams 21, 1 (2003)

  3. E. Dewald, D. H. H. Hoffmann et al.:
    Fundamental studies of intense heavy-ion beam interaction with solid targets
    IEEE Trans. Plasma Sc. 31, 221 (2003)

  4. J. Fuchs, T. E. Cowan, P. Audebert, H. Ruhl, L. Gremillet, A. Kemp, M. Allen, A. Blazevic, J.-C. Gauthier, M. Geissel, M. Hegelich, S. Karsch, P. Parks, M. Roth, Y. Sentoku, R. Stephens, and E. M. Campbell:
    Uniformity of Laser-Accelerated Ultrahigh-Current MeV Electron Propagation in Metals and Insulators
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 255002 (2003)

  5. D. H. H. Hoffmann et al.:
    Gravitational lensing by the sun of non-relativistic penetrating particles
    Astroparticle Physics 20, 73 (2003)

  6. T. Kawamura, T. Schlegel, H. Nishimura, F. Koike, Y. Ochi, R. Matsui, S. Okihara, S. Sakabe, T. Johzaki, H. Nagamoto, K. Mima, I. Ushmann, E. Foerster, D. H. H. Hoffmann:
    Numerical study of K alpha emission from partially ionized chlorine
    JQSRT 81, 237 (2003)

  7. A. Kozyreva, M. Basko, T. Schlegel et al.:
    Dynamic confinement of targets heated quasi-isochorically with heavy ion beams
    Phys. Rev. E 68, 056406 (2003)

  8. S. Neff et al.:
    Gas density measurements with heavy ion beams
    J. Appl. Phys. 93, 3079 (2003)

  9. C. Niemann, S. Neff, A. Tauschwitz, D. Penache, R. Birkner, C. Constantin, R. Knobloch, R. Presura, F. B. Rosmej, D. H. H. Hoffmann, S. S. Yu:
    Laser-guided, intersecting discharge channels for the final beam transport in a heavy-ion fusion reactor
    J. Appl. Phys. 93, 9470 (2003)

  10. C. Niemann, A. Tauschwitz, D. Penache, S. Neff, R. Knobloch, R. Birkner, R. Presura, D. H. H. Hoffmann, S. S. Yu, W. M. Sharp:
    Initiation of a long, free-standing z discharge by CO2 laser gas heating
    J. Appl. Phys. 91, 617 (2003)

  11. S. A. Pikuz Jr., O. N. Rosmej, S. A. Magnitskii, A. Ya. Faenov, T. A. Pikuz, V. P. Efremov, J. Wieser, A. Blazevic:
    Investigation of Ca+6 stopping process dynamic inside the aerogel target by method of X-ray spectromicroscopy
    JETP Letters 78, 827 (2003)

  12. A. R. Piriz, M. Temporal, J. J. Lopez Cela, N. A. Tahir, D. H. H. Hoffmann:
    Symmetry Analysis of Cylindrical Implosions Driven by High-Frequency Rotating Ion Beams
    Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 45, 1733 (2003)

  13. A. R. Piriz, N. A. Tahir, D. H. H. Hoffmann, M. Temporal:
    Generation of a hollow ion beam: Calculation of the rotation frequency required to accommodate symmetry constraint
    Physical Review E 67, 017501 (2003)

  14. F. B. Rosmej et al.:
    Strongly coupled laser produced plasmas: Investigation of Hollow Ion Formation and line shape analysis
    JQSRT 81, 395 (2003)

  15. O. N. Rosmej, I. Yu. Tolstichina, V. P. Shevelko:
    Effect of the Target Density on the Cross Section of Charge Exchange between fast Ions and Atoms
    JTP 48, 1110 (2003)

  16. O. N. Rosmej, S. A. Pikuz Jr., S. A. Magnitskii, A. Ya. Faenov, T. A. Pikuz, V. P.  Efremov, A. Blazevic, D. H. H. Hoffmann:
    X-ray spectroscopic study of stopping dynamics for Ca6+ ion in an aerogel target
    JETP Letters, 78, N6 (2003) 374–37

  17. O. N. Rosmej, S. A. Pikuz Jr., J. Wieser, A. Blazevic, E. Brambrink, M. Roth, V. P. Efremov, A. Ya. Faenov, T. A. Pikuz, I. Yu. Skobelev, D. H. H. Hoffmann:
    Investigation of the projectile ion velocity inside the interaction media by the X-ray spectromicroscopy method
    Rev. Sci. Instrum. 74, 5039 (2003)

  18. O. N. Rosmej, I. Y. Tolstikhina, V. P. Shevelko:
    Effect of the target density on the cross section of charge exchange between fast ions and atoms
    Technical Physics 48, N9 (2003) 1110-1117

  19. N. A. Tahir et al.:
    Intense Heavy Ion Beams as a Tool to Induce High-Energy-Density States in Matter
    Contributions to Plasma Physics 43, 373 - 376 (2003)

  20. N. A. Tahir et al.:
    The creation of strongly coupled plasmas using an intense heavy ion beam: low entropy compression of hydrogen and the problem of hydrogen metallization
    Journal of Physics A: Mathematics General 36, 6129 - 6135 (2003)

  21. N. A. Tahir et al.:
    High-Power Production Targets for the Super-FRS Using a Fast Extraction Scheme
    Nuclear Instrumentation and Methods in Physics Research B 204, 282 - 285(2003)

  22. N. A. Tahir et al.:
    Influence of the equation of state on the Compression and Heating of Hydrogen
    Physical Review B 67, 184101 (2003)

  23. N. A. Tahir et al.:
    Influence of the equation of state of matter and ion beam characteristics on target heating and compression
    Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators and Beams 6, 020101 (2003)

  24. M. Temporal, A. R. Piriz, N. Grandjouan N. A. Tahir, D. H. H. Hoffmann:
    Numerical analysis of a Multilayerd Cylindrical Target Compression Driven by a Rotating intense heavy ion beam
    Laser Particle Beams 21, 609 (2003)

  25. D. Varentsov et al.:
    Energy Loss Dynamics of an Intense Uranium Beam Interacting with Solid Neon for Equation of State Studies
    Europhys. Lett. 64, 57 (2003)