Publications of the GreatMoves project:

(including publications with GreatMoves members as co-authors; most publications can be found on arxiv)


2024Thermal behavior as indicator for hyperons in binary neutron star merger remnantsS. Blacker et al.Physical Review D 109, 043015 
2024General relativistic moving-mesh hydrodynamic simulations with AREPO and applications to neutron star mergersL. Lioutas et al.Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 528, 1906 
2023Measuring the Hubble constant with kilonovae using the expanding photosphere methodA. Sneppen et al.Astronomy & Astrophysics 678, A14 
2023Exploring thermal effects of the hadron-quark matter transition in neutron star mergersS. Blacker et al.Physical Review D 108, 063032 
2023Self-consistent 3D Radiative Transfer for Kilonovae: Directional Spectra from Merger SimulationsL. Shingles et al.The Astrophysical Journal Letters 954, L41press release
2023Impact of pions on binary neutron star mergersV. Vijayan et al.Physical Review D 108, 023020 
2023End-to-end kilonova models of neutron-star mergers with delayed black-hole formationO. Just et al.The Astrophysical Journal Letters 951, L12 
2023Helium as a signature of the double detonation in Type Ia supernovaeC. Collins et al.Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 524, 4447 
2023Impact of systematic nuclear uncertainties on composition and decay heat of dynamical and disc ejecta in compact binary mergersI. Kullmann et al.Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 523, 2551 
2023Compact dark objects in neutron star mergersA. Bauswein et al.Physical Review D 107, 083002 
2023Exploring the quark-hadron phase transition with gravitational wavesS. Blacker, A. BausweinPoS(FAIRness2022) 419, 8 
2023Kilonova emission from realistic neutron star merger simulationsC. Collins et al.PoS(FAIRness2022) 419, 10 
2023Further probing the neutron star equation of state via frequency deviations in universal relationsG. Lioutas et al.PoS(FAIRness2022) 419, 32 
2023Analytic model for the gravitational wave emission from neutron star merger remnantsT. Soultanis et al.PoS(FAIRness2022) 419, 57 
2023Neutrinos and their impact on the nucleosynthesis in binary neutron star mergersV. Vijayan et al.PoS(FAIRness2022) 419, 61 
2023Gravitational wave emission from dynamical stellar interactionsJ. Morán-Fraile et al.Astronomy & Astrophysics  672, A9 
20233D radiative transfer kilonova modelling for binary neutron star merger simulationsC. Collins et al.Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 521, 1858 
2023Hierarchical Bayesian method for constraining the neutron star equation of state with an ensemble of binary neutron star postmerger remnantsA. Criswell et al.Physical Review D 107, 043021 
2023First machine learning gravitational-wave search mock data challengeM. B. Schäfer et al.Physical Review D 107, 023021 
2023Spherical symmetry in the kilonova AT2017gfo/GW170817A. Sneppen et al.Nature 614, 436press release, popular article in Sterne und Weltraum (in German)
2023Can Neutron Star Mergers Alone Explain the r-process Enrichment of the Milky Way?C. Kobayashi et al.The Astrophysical Journal Letters 943, L12 
2022Dynamics and Equation of State Dependencies of Relevance for Nucleosynthesis in Supernovae and Neutron Star mergersH.-T. Janka, A. Bausweinbook chapter in Handbook of Nuclear Physics 
2022Effects of a Strong Phase Transition on Supernova Explosions, Compact Stars and Their MergersA. Bauswein et chapter in Astrophysics in the XXI Century with Compact Stars 
2022Double detonations: variations in Type Ia supernovae due to different core and He shell masses - II. Synthetic observablesC. Collins et al.Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 517, 5289 
2022On the fate of the secondary white dwarf in double-degenerate double-detonation Type Ia supernovaeR. Pakmor et al.Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 517, 5260 
2022Formation and evaporation of strangelets during the merger of two compact starsN. Bucciantini et al.Physical Review D 106, 103032 


Early deconfinement of asymptotically conformal color-superconducting quark matter in neutron starsO. Ivanytskyi et al.EPJ Web of Conferences 274, 07010 
2022r-process Viable Outflows are Suppressed in Global Alpha-viscosity Models of Collapsar DisksO. Just et al.The Astrophysical Journal Letters 934, L30 
2022Modelling the spectra of the kilonova AT2017gfo - I. The photospheric epochsJ. H. Gillanders et al.Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 515, 631 
2022Probing neutron stars with the full premerger and postmerger gravitational wave signal from binary coalescencesM. Wijngaarden et al.Physical Review D 105, 104019 
2022Modelling the ionization state of Type Ia supernovae in the nebular phaseL. Shingles et al.Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 512, 6150 
2022Fast neutrino conversion in hydrodynamic simulations of neutrino-cooled accretion disksO. Just et al.Physical Review D 105, 083024 
2022Analytic models of the spectral properties of gravitational waves from neutron star merger remnantsT. Soultanis et al.Physical Review D 105, 043020 
2022Dynamical ejecta of neutron star mergers with nucleonic weak processes - II: kilonova emissionO. Just et al.Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 510, 2820Erratum
2022Dynamical ejecta of neutron star mergers with nucleonic weak processes I: nucleosynthesisI. Kullmann et al.Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society  510,  2804 
2022Neutrino absorption and other physics dependencies in neutrino-cooled black hole accretion discsO. Just et al.Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 509, 1377press release, popular article in Sterne und Weltraum (in German)
2021Challenges and opportunities of gravitational-wave searches at MHz to GHz frequencies N. Aggarwal et al.Living Reviews in Relativity, Volume 24, Issue 1, article id.4 
2021A Global Numerical Model of the Prompt Emission in Short Gamma-ray BurstsH. Ito et al.The Astrophysical Journal 918, 59 
2021Metallicity-dependent nucleosynthetic yields of Type Ia supernovae originating from double detonations of sub-MCh white dwarfsS. Gronow et al.Astronomy & Astrophysics 656, A94 
2021Frequency deviations in universal relations of isolated neutron stars and postmerger remnantsG. Lioutas et al.Physical Review D 104, 043011 

Systematics of prompt black-hole formation in neutron star mergers

A. Bauswein et al.Physical Review D 103, 123004 
2021Fission fragment distributions and their impact on the r-process nucleosynthesis in neutron star mergersJ.-F. Lemaître et al.Physical Review C 103, 025806 


Inference of the Neutron Star Equation of State from Cosmological Distances

C.-J. Haster et al.Physical Review Letters, 125, 261101 


How to interpret observations of neutron-star mergers?

O. Just et al.

Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1667, 012018


The gravitational wave damping timescales of f-modes in neutron stars

G. Lioutas, N. StergioulasJournal of Physics: Conference Series 1667, 012026 

Constraining the onset density of the hadron-quark phase transition with gravitational-wave observations

S. Blacker et al.Physical Review D 102, 123023 

Equation of state constraints from the threshold binary mass for prompt collapse of neutron star mergers

A. Bauswein et al.Physical Review Letters 125, 141103press release

Impact of quark deconfinement in neutron star mergers and hybrid star mergers

A. Bauswein, S. BlackerEuropean Physical Journal Special Topics 229, 3595 

Empirical relations for gravitational-wave asteroseismology of binary neutron star mergers

S. Vretinaris et al.

Physical Review D 101, 084039


Relation between gravitational mass and baryonic mass for non-rotating and rapidly rotating neutron stars

H. Gao et al.Frontiers of Physics 15, 24603 

Constraints on the high-density equation of state from the gravitational-wave signal of neutron star mergers

A. Bauswein et al.

Acta Physica Polonica B 51, 551

2020How to interpret observations of neutron-star mergers?O. Just et al.J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1667, 012018 

Identifying a First-Order Phase Transition in Neutron-Star Mergers through Gravitational Waves

A. Bauswein et al.Physical Review Letters 122, 061102press release

Equation of state constraints from multi-messenger observations of neutron star mergers

A. BausweinAnnals of Physics 411, 167958 

 Spectral classification of gravitational-wave emission and equation of state constraints in binary neutron star mergers

A. Bauswein, N. StergioulasJournal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 46, 113002 

Identification of strontium in the merger of two neutron stars

D. Watson et al.Nature 574, 497press release

Observing the post-merger signal of GW170817-like events with improved gravitational-wave detectors

A. Torres-Rivas et al.Physical Review D 99, 044014 

Exploring the sensitivity of gravitational wave detectors to neutron star physics

D. Martynov et al.

Physical Review D 99, 102004


Improved leakage-equilibration-absorption scheme (ILEAS) for neutrino physics in compact object mergers

R. Ardevol-Pulpillo et al.Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 485, 4754 

Equation-of-state constraints and the QCD phase transition in the era of gravitational-wave astronomy

A. Bauswein et al.AIP Conference Proceedings 2127, 020013