Chronological list of publications of Plasma Physics department & PHELIX:

Publications PP in 2001

  1. P. Monot et al.
    Study of the interaction of a 10 TW femtosecond laser with a high-density long-scale pulsed gas jet
    Physics of Plasmas, 8/8, pp. 3766-3775 (2001)

  2. U. Neuner et al.
    Experiments using the high current upgrade of the GSI accelerators: response of converters to heating by intense heavy ion beams
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 464, pp. 326-330 (2001)

  3. C. Niemann et al.
    Development of a Faraday polarimenter for magnetic field measurements in a discharge channel for ion beam transport
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 464, pp. 339-342 (2001)

  4. O. Renner et al.
    Overcritical density plasma diagnosis inside laser-produced craters
    Applied Physics Letters, 79/2, pp. 177-179 (2001)

  5. F.B. Rosmej
    Aluminum Lyman-alpha group formation at high-intensity, high-energy laser-matter interaction
    Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 71, pp. 623-634 (2001)

  6. F.B. Rosmej et al.
    A new type of analytical model for complex radiation emission of hollow ions in fusion, laser and heavy-ion-beam produced plasmas
    Europhysics Letters, 55/4, pp. 472-478 (2001)

  7. F.B. Rosmej et al.
    Observation of two-electron transitions in dense non-Maxwellian laser-produced plasmas and their use as diagnostic reference lines
    Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 71, pp. 639-653, 2001

  8. F.B. Rosmej et al.
    Direct observation of forbidden x-ray transitions from autoionizing levels in dense laser-produced plasmas
    Physical Review A, 63, 032716 (2001)

  9. F.B. Rosmej et al.
    Advanced x-ray diagnostics based on an observation of high-energy Rydberg transitions from autoionizing levels in dense laser-produced plasmas
    Physical Review A, 63, 063409 (2001)

  10. F.B. Rosmej et al.
    High-resolution X-ray imaging spectroscopy diagnostic of hollow ions in dense plasma
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 464, pp. 257-261 (2001)

  11. F.B. Rosmej et al.
    Autoionizing Spectral Line Shapes in Dense Plasmas
    Spectral Line Shapes: Volume 11, 15th ICSLS, 2001

  12. M. Roth et al.
    Intense ion beams accelerated by Petawatt-class lasers
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 464, pp. 201-205 (2001)

  13. M. Roth et al.
    Fast Ignition by Intense Laser-Accelerated Proton Beams
    Physical Review Letters, 86/3, 2001, pp. 436-439

  14. M. Roth et al.
    High-Energy Electron, Positron, Ion and Nuclear Spectroscopy in Ultra-Intense Laser-Solid Experiments on the Petawatt
    LLNL Preprint UCRL-JC-135735

  15. N.A. Tahir et al.
    Metallization of Hydrogen Using Heavy Ion Imploded Multi-Layered Cylindrical Targets
    Contributions to Plasma Physics 41/2-3, pp. 287-290 (2001)

  16. N.A. Tahir et al.
    Designing future heavy-ion-matter interaction experiments for the GSI Darmstadt heavy ion synchrotron
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 464, pp. 211-217 (2001)

  17. N.A. Tahir et al.
    Necessity of bunch compression for heavy-ion-induced hydrodynamics and studies of beam fragmentation in solid targets at a proposed synchrotron facility
    Physical Review E 63, 036407, 2001

  18. N.A. Tahir et al.
    Influence of hydrodynamic expansion on specific power deposition by a heavy ion beam in matter
    Physics of Plasmas 8(2), pp. 611-615, 2001

  19. N.A. Tahir et al.
    Metallization of hydrogen using heavy-ion-beam implosion of multilayered cylindrical targets
    Physical Review E 63, 016402, 2001

  20. D.Varentsov et al.
    Time-resolved energy loss spectroscopy of energetic heavy ion beams generating a dense plasma
    Nuclear Instrumentation and Methods in Physics Research B 174, pp. 215-221 (2001)