Chronological list of publications of Plasma Physics department & PHELIX:


Publications PP in 2019


  1. A. Abada, M. Abbrecia, S.S. AbdusSalam, (...) [N.A. Tahir] et al.:
    FCC Physics Opportunities: Future Circular Collider Conceptual Design Report Volume 1
    The European Physical Journal C Vol. 79 No. 6 (2019) 474
  2. A. Abada, M. Abbrecia, S.S. AbdusSalam, (...) [N.A. Tahir] et al.:
    FCC-ee: The Lepton Collider - Future Circular Collider Conceptual Design Report Volume 2
    The European Physical Journal – Special Topics Vol. 228 Issue 2 (2019) pp.261-263
  3. A. Abada, M. Abbrecia, S.S. AbdusSalam, (...) [N.A. Tahir] et al.:
    HE-LHC: The High-Energy Large Hadron Collider
    The European Physical Journal Special Topics Vol. 228 No. 5 (2019) pp. 1109-1382
  4. A. Abada, M. Abbrecia, S.S. AbdusSalam, (...) [N.A. Tahir] et al.:
    FCC-hh: The Hadron Collider - Future Circular Collider Conceptual Design Report Volume 3
    The European Physical Journal Special Topics Vol. 228 Issue 4 (2019) pp. 755-1107
  5. L. Antonelli, F. Barbato, D. Mancelli, J. Trela, G. Zeraouli, G. Boutoux, P. Neumayer, S. Atzeni, A. Schiavi, L. Volpe, V. Bagnoud, C. Brabetz, B. Zielbauer, P. Bradford, N. Woolsey, B. Borm, D. Batani:
    X-ray phase-contrast imaging for laser-induced shock waves
    EPL (Europhysics Letters) Vol. 125 No. 3 (2019) 35002
  6. V. Bagnoud, J. Hornung, M. Afshari, U. Eisenbarth, C. Brabetz, Z. Slattery-Major, B. Zielbauer:
    Implementation of a phase plate for the generation of homogeneous focal-spot intensity distributions at the high-energy short-pulse laser facility PHELIX
    High Power Laser Science and Engineering Vol. 7 (2019) e62
  7. F. Barbato, S. Atzeni, D. Batani, D. Bleiner, G. Boutoux, C. Brabetz, P. Bradford, D. Mancelli, P. Neumayer, A. Schiavi, J. Trela, L. Volpe, G. Zeraouli, N. Woolsey, L. Antonelli:
    Quantitative phase contrast imaging of a shock-wave with a laser-plasma based X-ray source
    Scientific Reports Vol. 9 (2019) 18805
  8. B. Borm, D. Khaghani, P. Neumayer:
    Properties of laser-driven hard x-ray sources over a wide range of laser intensities
    Physics of Plasmas Vol. 26 (2019) 023109
  9. L. B. Fletcher, H. J. Lee, T. Döppner (...) [P. Neumayer] et al.:
    Reply to: Reconsidering X-ray plasmons
    Nature Photonics Vol. 13 751-753 (2019) 474
  10. N. J. Hartley, S. Brown, T. E. Cowan, E. Cunningham, T. Doppner, R. W. Falcone, L. B. Fletcher, S. Frydrych, E. Galtier, E. J. Gamboa, A. L. Garcia, D. O. Gericke, S. H. Glenzer, E. Granados, P. A. Heimann, H. J. Lee, M. J. MacDonald, A. J. MacKinnon, E. E. McBride, I. Nam, P. Neumayer, A. Pak, A. Pelka, I. Prencipe, A. Ravasio, M. Roedel, K. Rohatsch, A. M. Saunders, M. Scholmerich, M. Schorner, A. K. Schuster, P. Sun, T. van Driel, J. Vorberger, D. Kraus:
    Evidence for Crystalline Structure in Dynamically-Compressed Polyethylene up to 200 GPa
    Scientific Reports Vol. 9 (2019) 4196
  11. J. Helfrich, J. Vorberger, S. Frydrych, G. Schaumann, A. Ravasio, M. Gauthier, L.B. Fletcher, B. Nagler, B. Barbrel, B. Bachmann, E.J. Gamboa, S. Göde, E. Granados, H.J. Lee, P. Neumayer, W. Schumaker, T. Döppner, R.W. Falcone, S.H. Glenzer, M. Roth, D. Kraus:
    Investigation of the temperature in dense carbon near the solid-liquid phase transition between 100 GPa and 200 GPa with spectrally resolved X-ray scattering
    High Energy Density Physics Vol. 32 (2019) pp. 56-62
  12. D. Jahn, D. Schumacher, C. Brabetz, F. Kroll, F. E. Brack, J. Ding, R. Leonhardt, I. Semmler, A. Blažević, U. Schramm, M. Roth:
    Focusing of multi-MeV, subnanosecond proton bunches from a laser-driven source
    Physical Review Accelerators and Beams Vol. 22 (2019) 011301
  13. O. Jahn, V. E. Leshchenko, P. Tzallas, A. Kassel, M. Krueger, A. Muenzer, S. A. Trushin, G. D. Tsakiris, S. Kahaly, D. Kormin, L. Veisz, V. Pervak, F. Krausz, Z. Major, S. Karsch:
    Towards intense isolated attosecond pulses from relativistic surface high harmonics
    Optica Vol. 6 No. 3 (2019) pp. 280-287
  14. I. Kishon, A. Kleinschmidt, V. A. Schanz, A. Tebartz, O. Noam, J. C. Fernandez, D. C. Gautier, R. P. Johnson, T. Shimada, G. A. Wurden, M. Roth, I. Pomerantz:
    Laser based neutron spectroscopy
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment Vol. 932 (2019) pp. 27-30
  15. Y. Nie, C. Fichera, L. Mettler, F. Carra, R. Schmidt, N. A. Tahir, A. Bertarelli, D. Wollmann:
    Simulation of hydrodynamic tunneling induced by high-energy proton beam in copper by coupling computer codes
    Physical Review Accelerators and Beams Vol. 22 (2019) 014501
  16. J. B. Ohland, U. Eisenbarth, M. Roth, V. Bagnoud:
    A study on the effects and visibility of low-order aberrations on laser beams with orbital angular momentum
    Applied Physics B Vol. 125 No. 11 (2019) 202
  17. A. R. Piriz, S. A. Piriz, N. A. Tahir:
    Stability boundaries for the Rayleigh-Taylor instability in accelerated elastic-plastic solid slabs
    Physical Review E Vol. 100 (2019) 063104
  18. S. A. Piriz, A. R. Piriz, N. A. Tahir:
    Magneto-Rayleigh–Taylor instability in an elastic finite-width medium overlying an ideal fluid
    Journal of Fluid Mechanis Vol. 867 (2019) pp. 1012-1042
  19. O. N. Rosmej, N. E. Andreev, S. Zaehter, N. Zahn, P. Christ, B. Borm, T. Radon, A. Sokolov, L. P. Pugachev, D. Khaghani, F. Horst, N. G. Borisenko, G. Sklizkov, V. G. Pimenov:
    Interaction of relativistically intense laser pulses with long-scale near critical plasmas for optimization of laser based sources of MeV electrons and gamma-rays
    New Journal of Physics Vol. 21 (2019) 043044
  20. Z. Samsonova, S. Höfer, V. Kaymak, S. Alisauskas, V. Shumakova, A. Pugzlys, A. Baltuska, T. Siefke, S. Kroker, A. Pukhov, O. Rosmej, I. Uschmann, C. Spielmann, D. Kartashov:
    Relativistic Interaction of Long-Wavelength Ultrashort Laser Pulses with Nanowires
    Physical Review X Vol. 9 (2019) 021029
  21. V. A. Schanz, C. Brabetz, D. J. Posor, D. Reemts, M. Roth, V. Bagnoud:
    High dynamic range, large temporal domain laser pulse measurement
    Applied Physics B Laser and Optics Vol. 125 Issue 4 (2019) 61
  22. V. A. Schanz, M. Roth, V. Bagnoud:
    Picosecond contrast degradation by surface imperfections in chirped-pulse-amplification stretchers
    Journal of the Optical Society of America A Vol. 36 Issue 10 (2019) pp. 1735-1742
  23. M. Schuster, V. Ludwig, B. Akstaller, M. Seifert, A. Wolf, T. Michel, P. Neumayer, S. Funk, G. Anton:
    A fast alignment method for grating-based X-ray phase-contrast imaging systems
    Journal of Instrumentation Vol. 14 (2019) P08003
  24. L. Tkachenko, A. Ageev, Y. Altuhov, I. Bogdanov, E. Kashtanov, S. Kozub, D. Varentsov, S. Zinchenko:
    New geometry of wide-aperture quadrupole magnets for plasma experiments in the FAIR project
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment Vol. 941 (2019) 162323
  25. N. A. Tahir, P. Neumayer, A. Shutov, A. R. Piriz, I. V. Lomonosov, V. Bagnoud, S. A. Piriz, C. Deutsch:
    Equation‐of‐state studies of high‐energy‐density matter using intense ion beams at the Facility for Antiprotons and Ion Research
    Contributions to plasma physics Vol. 59 Issue 4-5 (2019) e201800143
  26. N. A. Tahir, A. Shutov, A. R. Piriz, P. Neumayer, I. V. Lomonosov, V. Bagnoud, S. A. Piriz:
    Application of intense ion beams to planetary physics research at the Facility for Antiprotons and Ion Research facility
    Contributions to plasma physics Vol. 59 Issue 4-5 (2019) e201800135
  27. B. B. L. Witte, G. Ropke, P. Neumayer, M. French, P. Sperling, V. Recoules, S. H. Glenzer, R. Redmer:
    Comment on "Isochoric, isobaric, and ultrafast conductivities of aluminum, lithium, and carbon in the warm dense matter regime"
    Physical Review E Vol. 99 Issue 4 (2019) 047201