Chronological list of publications of Plasma Physics department & PHELIX:

Publications PP in 2000

  1. A. Blazevic et al.
    Charge-state changing processes for Ne ions passing through thin carbon foils
    Physical Review A 61(3) (2000)

  2. P. Faucher, N. Peyraud-Cuenca, F.B. Rosmej
    Effect of a highly energetic electron beam on the electron distribution function in a hot dense plasma.Application to an argon plasma
    Journal of Plasma Physics 63/3, pp. 255-267, 2000

  3. D.H.H. Hoffmann et al.
    Plasma physics with intense laser and ion beams
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 161-163, pp. 9-18 (2000)

  4. U. Neuner et al.
    Shaping of Intense Ion Beams into Hollow Cylindrical Form
    Physical Review Letters, 85/21, 2000, pp. 4518-4521

  5. G. Pretzler, Th. Schlegel, E. Fill, D. Eder
    Hot-electron generation in copper and photopumping of cobalt
    Physical Review E 61(4), 2000

  6. F.B. Rosmej et al.
    X-ray emission of hollow ions in dense plasmas created with high intensity lasers
    RIKEN Review 31, pp. 42-44, November 2000

  7. F.B. Rosmej et al.
    X-ray radiation from ions with K-shell vacancies
    Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 65 (2000), pp. 477-499

  8. F.B. Rosmej
    The Heβ emission in dense non-Maxwellian plasmas
    Journal of Physics B 33(1), L1-L9, 2000

  9. F.B. Rosmej et al.
    Charge-exchange-induced formation of hollow atoms in high intensity laser-produced plasmas
    Journal of Physics B: At.Mol.Opt.Phys. 32 L107-L117, 2000

  10. M. Roth et al.
    Energy loss of heavy ions in laser-produced plasmas
    Europhysics Letters 50(1), pp. 28-34 (A2000)

  11. S. Stöwe et al.
    Heavy-ion-induced hydrodynamic motion in lead targets
    Laser and Particle Beams, 18(4), 2000, pp. 573-581

  12. N.A. Tahir et al.
    Creation of strongly coupled plasmas using intense beams of 400 MeV/u uranium ions to be generated at the Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung (GSI) Darmstadt SIS-200
    Physics of Plasmas 7(11) November 2000

  13. N.A. Tahir et al.
    Equation-of-state properties of high-energy-density matter using intense heavy ion beams with an annular focal spot
    Physical Review E 62(1), pp. 1224-1233, 2000

  14. N.A. Tahir et al.
    Shock compression of condensed matter using intense beams of energetic heavy ions
    Physical Review E 61(2), pp.1975-1980, February 2000