mCBM@SIS18 - A CBM full system test-setup for high-rate nucleus-nucleus collisions at GSI/FAIR

A CBM full system test-setup called mCBM@SIS18 (”mini-CBM”, shortened to mCBM) is presently being installed at the SIS18 facility of GSI/FAIR. The mCBM experiment will allow to test and optimize the performance of the detector subsystems including the software chain under realistic experiment conditions which will significantly reduce the commissioning time for CBM at SIS100. mCBM has been recognized as a FAIR Phase-0 experiment and the beam time application (proposal S471) submitted on June 19th , 2017 to the General Program Advisory Committee (G-PAC) has been fully granted.


As an important step towards the realization of the CBM experiment the mCBM full system test-setup is a project which is driven by the complete CBM collaboration. Consequently, all members of the CBM department are involved working on CBM hard- and software work packages as well as on dedicated mCBM tasks:

  • design of the experimental setup (incl. simulations)
  • simulations on benchmark observables
  • design and construction of the mSTS subsystem (comprising 2x mSTS stations)
  • setup and test of the DAQ hardware incl. connection to the GreenIT Cube
  • design and reconstruction of the mCBM cave (HTD area at target hall II, SIS18 facility)
  • design and construction of the beamline incl. target chamber
  • design and procurement of switching magnet’s vacuum chamber and experiment coordination