Chronological list of publications of Plasma Physics department & PHELIX:

Publications PP in 2008


  1. K. A. Flippo, E. d'Humières, S. A. Gaillard, J. Rassuchine, D. C. Gautier, M. Schollmeier, F. Nürnberg, J. L. Kline, J. Adams, B. Albright, M. Bakeman, K. Harres, R. P. Johnson, G. Korgan, S. Letzring, S. Makelos, N. Renard-LeGalloudec, Y. Sentoku, T. Shimada, M. Roth, T. E. Cowan, J. C. Fernández, and B. M. Hegelich
    Increased efficiency of short-pulse laser-generated proton beams from novel flat-top cone targets
    Physics of Plasmas 15, 056709 (2008)

    The article has been selected for the June 2008 issue of Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science, accessible online at

  2. E. García Saiz, G. Gregori, D. O. Gericke, J. Vorberger, B. Barbrel, R. J. Clarke, R. R. Freeman, S. H. Glenzer, F. Y. Khattak, M. Koenig, O. L. Landen, D. Neely, P. Neumayer, M. M. Notley, A. Pelka, D. Price, M. Roth, M. Schollmeier, C. Spindloe, R. L. Weber, L. van Woerkom, K. Wünsch, D. Riley
    Probing warm dense lithium by inelastic X-ray scattering
    Nature Physics 4, 940 - 944 (2008)

  3. K. Harres, M. Schollmeier, E. Brambrink, P. Audebert, A. Blazevic, K. Flippo, D. C. Gautier, M. Geißel, B. M. Hegelich, F. Nürnberg, J. Schreiber, H. Wahl, M. Roth
    Development and calibration of a Thomson parabola with microchannel plate for the detection of laser-accelerated MeV ions
    Review of Scientific Instruments 79, 093306 (2008)

    The article has been selected for the October 2008 issue of Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science, accessible online at

  4. D. Jung, L. A. Gizzi, L. Labate, D. Neely, M. M. Notley, P. P. Rajeev, M. Roth, G. Gregori
    Experimental characterization of picosecond laser interaction with solid targets
    Phys. Rev. E 77, 056403 (2008)

  5. S. Kazamias, K. Cassou, D. Ros, F. Ple, G. Jamelot, A. Klisnick, O. Lundh, F. Lindau, A. Persson, C.G. Wahlstrom, S. de Rossi, D. Joyeux, B. Zielbauer, D. Ursescu, T. Kühl
    Characterization of a transient collisional Ni-like molybdenum soft-x-ray laser pumped in grazing incidence
    PHYSICAL REVIEW A 77 (3),art. no.-033812, 2008

  6. I. V. Lomonosov, N. A. Tahir
    Theoretical Investigation of Shock Wave Stability in Metals
    Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 101905 (2008)

  7. R. Mercier, M. Lamare, M. Mullot, V. Bagnoud, X. Ribeyre, J. Luce, J. Néauport
    Ion beam manufacturing of a graded-phase mirror for the generation of square “top hat” laser beams
    Optical Fabrication, Testing, and Metrology III, edited by Angela Duparré, Roland Geyl, SPIE 7102, 71020E (2008)

  8. P. A. Ni, M. I. Kulish, V. Mintsev, D. N. Nikolaev, V. Ya. Ternovoi, D. H. H. Hoffmann, S. Udrea, A. Hug, N. A. Tahir, D. H. H. Hoffmann
    Temperature measurements of warm-dense-matter generated by heavy-ion beams
    Laser and Particle Beams 26 (04), 583 - 589 (2008)

  9. A. R. Piriz, J. J. Lopez Cela, N. A. Tahir, D. H. H. Hoffmann
    Richtmyer-Meshkov instability in elastic-plastic media
    Phys. Rev. E 78, 056401 (2008)

  10. M. Schollmeier, S. Becker, M. Geißel, K. A. Flippo, A. Blazevic, S. A. Gaillard, D.C. Gautier, F. Grüner, K. Harres, M. Kimmel, F. Nürnberg, P. Rambo, U. Schramm, J. Schreiber, J. Schütrumpf, J. Schwarz, N. A. Tahir, B. Atherton, D. Habs, B.M. Hegelich, M. Roth
    Controlled transport and focusing of laser-accelerated protons with miniature magnetic devices
    Physical Review Letters 101, 055004 (2008)

    The article has been selected for the September 2008 issue of Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science, accessible online at

  11. M. Schollmeier, K. Harres, F. Nürnberg, A. Blazevic, P. Audebert, E. Brambrink, J. C. Fernandez, K. A. Flippo, D. C. Gautier, M. Geißel, B. M. Hegelich, J. Schreiber, M. Roth
    Laser beam-profile impression and target thickness impact on laser-accelerated protons
    Physics of Plasmas 15, 053101 (2008)
    Copyright (2008) American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics. The article appeared in Physics of Plasmas 15, 053101 (2008) and may be found at

    The article has been selected for the June 2008 issue of Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science, accessible online at

  12. M. Schollmeier, M. Roth, G. Schaumann, A. Blazevic, K. Flippo, A. Frank, J. C. Fernandez, D. C. Gautier, K. Harres, T. Heßling, B. M. Hegelich, F. Nürnberg, A. Pelka, H. Ruhl, J. Schreiber, D. Schumacher, K. Witte, B. Zielbauer, D. H. H. Hoffmann
    Plasma physics experiments at GSI
    J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 112, 042068 (2008)

  13. N. A. Tahir
    Studies of High Energy Density Matter Using Intense Ion Beams: The HEDgeHOB Collaboration
    Bulletin American Phys. Soc. 53(5), 193 (2008)

  14. N. A. Tahir, V. V. Kim, A. V. Matvechev, A. V. Ostrik, A. V. Shutov, I. V. Lomonosov, A. R. Piriz, J. J. Lopez Cela, D. H. H. Hoffmann
    High energy density and beam induced stress related issues in solid graphite Super-FRS fast extraction targets
    Laser and Particle Beams 26, 273 - 286 (2008)

  15. N. A. Tahir, I. V. Lomonosov, A. Shutov, V. Kim, V. E. Fortov, A. R. Piriz, G. Wouchuk, M. C. Serna Moreno, J. J. Lopez Cela, D. H. H. Hoffmann, C. Deutsch
    High energy density matter research using intense heavy ion beams at the future FAIR facility at Darmstadt: the HEDgeHOB collaboration
    J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 112, 042025 (2008)

  16. N. A. Tahir, R. Schmidt, M. Brugger, R. Assmann, I. V. Lomonosov, A. R. Piriz, D. H. H. Hoffmann, C. Deutsch, V.E. Fortov
    Then CERN Super Proton Synchrotron as a tool to study high energy density physics
    New J. Phys. 10, 073028 (2008)

  17. N. A. Tahir, A. Shutov, I. V. Lomonosov, A. R. Piriz, D. H. H. Hoffmann, C. Deutsch
    High Energy Density Physics Research Using Intense Ion Beams: The HEDgeHOB Collaboration
    Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 53 (14), 288 (2008)

  18. N. A. Tahir, P. Spiller, A. R. Piriz, A. Shutov, I. V. Lomonosov, M. Schollmeier, A. Pelka, D. H. H. Hoffmann, C. Deutsch
    Studies of high-energy density states using isochoric heating of matter by intense heavy ion beams: the HEDgeHOB Collaboration
    Physica Scripta T132 014023 (2008)

  19. N. A. Tahir, H. Weick, A. Shutov, V. Kim, A. Matveichev, A. Ostrik, V. Sultanov, I. V. Lomonosov, A. R. Piriz, J. J. Lopez Cela, D. H. H. Hoffmann
    Simulations of a solid graphite target for high intensity fast extracted uranium beams for the Super-FRS
    Laser and Particle Beams 26, 411-423 (2008)

  20. D. Varentsov, A. D. Fertman, V. I. Turtikov, A. Ulrich, J. Wieser, V. E. Fortov, A. A. Golubev, D. H. H. Hoffmann, A. Hug, M. Kulish, V. Mintsev, P. A. Ni, D. Nikolaev, B. Yu. Sharkov, N. Shilkin, V. Ya. Ternovoi, S. Udrea
    Transverse Optical Diagnostics for Intense Focused Heavy Ion Beams
    Contrib. Plasma Phys. 48, 586-594 (2008)

  21. D. Zimmer, B. Zielbauer, V. Bagnoud, U. Eisenbarth, D. Javorkova, T. Kuehl
    An improved double-pulse non-normal incidence pumping geometry for transient collisionally excited soft X-ray lasers
    OPTICS EXPRESS 16 (14): 10398-10403, 2008

  22. J.P. Zou, A.M. Sautivet, J. Fils, L. Martin, K. Abdeli, C. Sauteret, B. Wattellier
    Optimization of the dynamic wavefront control of a pulsed kilojoule/nanosecond-petawatt laser facility
    APPLIED OPTICS, 47 (5): 704-710 FEB 10 2008