Public Relations Department

The media and public relations team plays a central role in communicating the strategic corporate goals to the stakeholders of GSI and FAIR in an efficient and target-oriented way.

Strategic Corporate Goals and target groups/stakeholders

Through their communications, GSI and FAIR interact with various stakeholders and target groups that have varying needs and expectations. In the media and public relations team, we keep these differences in mind and look for optimal ways to reach specific target groups through our choice of the content to be communicated, the type of communication, and the communication tools and channels.


Communication tools/mix

In order to achieve its communication goals in line with the strategic corporate goals and the target groups, the media and public relations team uses a mix of various communication tools.

Central topic management takes place in the newsroom. This is where topics are evaluated and selected and decisions are made about how to present them across all media, which communication tools to use, and how to communicate the topics efficiently and appropriately to specific target groups.

This includes the folloing tasks:

Press relations

Content editing, review and coordination of press releases about scientific, technical and political topics. Publication schedule according to relevance. Journalist relationship management, organizing interviews, in-house service for jounalists, production of footage. Organization of press events. 

Social Media

Communication via the social networks Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube. Content editing according to specific target groups. Production of special social media content. Dialog with community, further development of social media.


Websites of GSI and FAIR: Web content production and conceiving, designing, updating of the general and overarching websites of GSI and FAIR as well as the websites relevant for the general public. The websites of the individual departments underlie their responsibility.

Visitor management

Organization, planning and guiding of tours through the research facility as well as visits to the FAIR construction site view point. Guests are interested persons from the public or guests of the management board. Professional visitors or conference participants are served by the inviting departments.


Organisation and implementation of major events, press and VIP visits. Presentations at external events, e.g. trade fairs, professional events or regional events for the general public.

Art & Media

Print production, film and photo shooting and animation. Editorial texts, layout and design for communication products (also for trade fair stands, the GSI/FAIR shop and events). Production of graphics and videos in cooperation with agencies.

Corporate design

Updating and refining of the coporate design. Creation of templates for letters, Powerpoint formats, websites, posters, and other materials.

Internal communication

Communication of various topics to the employees on behalf of the Management Board.

Public contact center

Answering requests of all kind (via phone, e-mail, social media, letter) concerning all GSI and FAIR related topics. Reliable availability, sorting of requests according to relevance, answering with consultation of special departments if necessary. Requests come from various stakeholders: local residents, population, journalists, staff, Helmholtz office, ministries (state, federal states, Europe), City of Darmstadt, institutions (church, associations, companies, organizations), high school students and students, members of the community (FAIS, HIC for FAIR, HGSHire, HIM, HIJ...)