Press and media

Learn more about news at GSI and FAIR. Download brochures, pictures, movies and audio clips. Find out about upcoming events or how to visit the GSI facility and experiments.

Signing of the cooperation agreement
GSI is a cluster partner and expert in the GreenTech Accelerator ryon, sealed recently by the signing of a corresponding cooperation agreement between Dr. Katharina Stummeyer, Administrative Managing Director of GSI/FAIR, and Professor Jörg von Hagen, Technical Director of ryon. The cooperation aims to connect GSI's scientific and technical expertise with the local GreenTech community.

Brochures and flyers

Our variety of broschures offers you information about GSI and FAIR. Or subscribe to our target magazine.

Pictures, Movie Clips and Podcasts

You are looking for pictures in print quality, movie clips or podcasts about GSI and FAIR topics. Or a logo of GSI/FAIR? Find them in our media center.

Guided Tours

You would like to visit the accelerator facility and the experiments of GSI? You are welcome to join one of our guided tours.


Visit our lecture series Wissenschaft für Alle (German) or find information about other  public events of GSI and FAIR.
