Chronological list of publications of Plasma Physics department & PHELIX:

Publications PP in 2010


  1. V. Bagnoud, B. Aurand, A. Blazevic, S. Borneis, C. Bruske, B. Ecker, U. Eisenbarth, J. Fils, A. Frank, E. Gaul, S. Goette, C. Haefner, T. Hahn, K. Harres, H.M. Heuc, D. Hochhaus, D.H.H. Hoffmann, D. Javorková, H.-J. Kluge, T. Kuehl, S. Kunzer, M. Kreutz, T. Merz-Mantwill, P. Neumayer, E. Onkels, E.; D. Reemts, O. Rosmej, M. Roth, T. Stoehlker, A. Tauschwitz, B. Zielbauer, D. Zimmer, K. Witte
    Commissioning and early experiments of the PHELIX facility
    Appl. Phys. B (2010) 100: 137–150
    published online

  2. A. Blazevic, G. Schaumann, A. Frank, T. Hessling, A. Pelka, A. Schoekel, D. Schumacher, D. H. H. Hoffmann, M. Roth
    Multiframe Interferometry Diagnostic for Time and Space Resolved Free Electron Density Determination in Laser Heated Plasma

    The Open Plasma Phys. J. 3, 116-121 (2010)

  3. C. Deutsch, G. Maynard, M. Chabot, D. Gardes, S. Della-Negra, R. Bimbot, M.F. Rivert, C. Fleurier, C. Couillaud, D.H.H. Hoffmann, H. Wahl, K. Weyrich, O.N. Rosmej, N.A. Tahir, J. Jacoby, M. Ogawa, Y. Oguri, J. Hasegawa, B. Sharkov, A. Golubev, A. Fertman, V. E. Fortov, V. Mintsev
    Ion Stopping in Dense Plasma Targets for High energy Density Physics
    The Open Plasma Phys. J. 3, 88-115 (2010)

  4. A. Frank, A. Blazevic, P. L. Grande, K. Harres, T. Hessling, D. H. H. Hoffmann, R. Knobloch-Maas, P. G. Kuznetsov, F. Nuernberg, A. Pelka, G. Schaumann, G. Schiwietz, A. Schoekel, M. Schollmeier, D. Schumacher, J. Schuetrumpf, V. V. Vatulin, O. A. Vinokurov, M. Roth
    Energy loss of argon in a laser-generated carbon plasma
    Phys. Rev. E 81, 026401 (2010)

  5. K. Harres, I. Alber, A. Tauschwitz, V. Bagnoud, H. Daido, M. Guenther, F. Nuernberg, A. Otten, M. Schollmeier, J. Schuetrumpf, M. Tampo, M. Roth
    Beam collimation and transport of quasineutral laser-accelerated protons by a solenoid field
    Phys. Plasmas 17, 023107 (2010)
  6. D.C. Hochhaus, J. Seres, B. Aurand, B. Ecker, B. Zielbauer, D. Zimmer, C. Spielmann, T. Kühl
    Tuning the high-order harmonic lines of a Nd:Glass laser for soft X-ray laser seeding
    Appl. phys. B 100 (4): 711–716 (2010)
  7. D. H. H. Hoffmann, N. A. Tahir, S. Udrea, O. Rosmej, C. V. Meister, D. Varentsov, M. Roth, G. Schaumann, A. Frank, A. Blazevic, J. Ling, A. Hug, J. Menzel, Th. Hessling, K. Harres, M. Günther, S. El-Moussati, D. Schumacher, M. Imran
    High Energy Density Physics with Heavy Ion Beams and related Interaction Phenomena
    Contributions to Plasma Physics 50(1), pages 7–15 (2010)

  8. T. Kuehl, B. Aurand, V. Bagnoud, B. Ecker, U. Eisenbarth, O. Guilbaud, J. Fils, S. Goette, J. Habib, D. Hochaus, D. Javorkova, P. Neumayer, S. Kazamias, M. Pittman, D. Ros, J. Seres, Ch. Spielmann, B. Zielbauer, D. Zimmer.
    Progress in the applicability of plasma X-ray lasers
    Hyperfine Interact. 196 233–241 (2010)
     doi: 10.1007/s10751-009-0141-3

  9. J. J. Lopez Cela, A. R. Piriz, N. A. Tahir
    Evaluation of the Dynamic Yield Strength of Solids by Means of the Richtmyer-Meshkov Instability
    The Open Plasma Phys. J. 3, 80-87 (2010)

  10. S. Minaev, N. Alexeev, A. Golubev, D. H. H. Hoffmann, T. Kulevoy, B. Sharkov, A. Sitnikov, N. A. Tahir, D. Varentsov
    Heavy Ion Hollow Beam Formation at the Energy of 1AGeV for Implosion Experiments Using an Original RF System for Fast Rotation
    Nucl. Inst. Meth. A 620, 99-104 (2010)
  11. P. Neumayer, B. Aurand, M. Basko, B. Ecker, P. Gibbon, D. C. Hochhaus, A. Karmakar, E. Kazakov, T. Kuehl, C. Labaune, O. Rosmej, An.Tauschwitz, B. Zielbauer, D. Zimmer:
    The role of hot electron refluxing in laser-generated K--alpha sources
    Physics of Plasmas, 17 (2010) 103103(1-7)

  12. A. R. Piriz, G. Rodriguez Prieto, I. Munoz Diaz, J. J. Lopez Cela, N. A. Tahir
    Dynamic Stabilization of Rayleigh-Taylor Instability in Newtonian Fluids
    Phys. Rev. E 82, 026317 (2010)

  13. A. R. Piriz, J. J. Lopez Cela, N. A. Tahir
    Comment on "Viscous Rayleigh-Taylor Instability Experiments at High Pressure and Strain Rate"
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 179601 (2010)

  14. A. R. Piriz, J. J. Lopez Cela, N. A. Tahir
    Rayleigh-Taylor Instability in Elastic-Plastic Solids
    J. Phys.: Conf. Series 244, 022007 (2010)
  15. J. Rzadkiewicz, A. Gojska, O. Rosmej, M. Polasik, K. Słabkowska
    Interpretation of the Si Kα x-ray spectra accompanying the stopping of swift Ca ions in low-density SiO2 aerogel
    Phys. Rev. A 82, 012703

  16. J. Seres, E. Seres, D. Hochhaus, B. Ecker, D. Zimmer, V. Bagnoud, T. Kuehl, C. Spielmann
    Laser-driven amplification of soft X-rays by parametric stimulated emission in neutral gases
    Nature Physics 6 455 (2010)
     doi: 10.1038/nphys1638

  17. N. A. Tahir, Th. Stoehlker, A. Shutov, I. V. Lomonosov, V. E. Fortov, M. French, N. Nettelmann, R. Redmer, A. R. Piriz, C. Deutsch, Y. Zhao, P. Zhang, H. Xu, G. Xiao, W. Zhan
    Ultra High Compression of Water Using Intense Heavy Ion Beams: Laboratory Planetary Physics
    New J. Phys. 12, 073022 (2010)

  18. N. A. Tahir
    Editorial [High Energy Density Physics]
    The Open Plasma Phys. J. 3, 78 (2010)
  19. G. A. Vergunova, S. Yu. Gus´kov,V. B. Rozanov, O.N. Rosmej
    Formation of a plane layer of plasma under irradiation by a soft X-ray source
    J. Russ. Laser. Res. 31(5) (2010) pp 509-518
  20. S. Zając, J. Rzadkiewicz, O. Rosmej, M. Scholz, Z. Yongtao, A. Gójska, M. Paduch, E. Zielińska:
    Spatially resolved high-resolution x-ray spectroscopy of high-current plasma-focus discharges
    Rev. Sci. Instrum. 81 (2010) 10E312
  21. D. Zimmer, D. Ros, O. Guilbaud, J. Habib, S. Kazamias, B. Zielbauer, V. Bagnoud, B. Ecker, D.C. Hochaus, B. Aurand, P. Neumayer, T. Kuehl
    Short-wavelength soft-x-ray laser pumped in double-pulse single-beam non-normal incidence
    Phys. Rev. A 82, 013803 (2010)
     doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.82.013803