The FAIR news are kindly hosted by GSI.

Meeting in Biblis on the occasion of Runder Tisch Kernfusion
At a top-level meeting at the former nuclear power plant site in Biblis, Minister President Boris Rhein described laser-based nuclear fusion as a key technology for a clean and economical energy supply. Professor Thomas Nilsson, Scientific Director of GSI and FAIR, also took part in the meeting and signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on nuclear fusion together with numerous representatives from politics, business and science.

Accelerator game: One of the interactive stations.
Virtual worlds, playful moments, modern didactics and science you can touch: the GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung and the international accelerator center FAIR, currently under construction, will focus even more strongly on promoting young talent and imparting knowledge in the future. With the new SCIENCE POP-UP in Darmstadt's city center, GSI/FAIR aims to enthuse young and old about science and technology: a hands-on space with hands-on science, open to all and tailored for…

Award ceremony for Dr. Kshitij Agarwal, who was connected to the CBM Collaboration Meeting.
The CBM Collaboration awarded the “Best Thesis Award 2024” to an outstanding PhD thesis. The prize went to Dr. Kshitij Agarwal and was presented recently during the CBM Collaboration Meeting. The Compressed Baryonic Matter (CBM) experiment is one of the central research pillars of the international accelerator center FAIR, which is currently being built at GSI. Dr. Kshitij Agarwal defended his PhD thesis at the University of Tübingen, Germany. With his thesis “Thermal Management of the Silicon…

Award: Professor Marco Durante (left) with BIR president Dr. Nicholas Screaton.
Professor Marco Durante, Head of the Biophysics Research Department at the GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung, has been honored with the „BIR Medal for Outstanding International Achievement 2024“ for outstanding international achievement. The award ceremony recently took place during the Annual Radiotherapy and Oncology Meeting of the British Institute of Radiology (BIR) in London.

Participants of the ALICE Masterclass
Scientists of GSI/FAIR’s ALICE research department again this year organized the ALICE Masterclass. On that day, 19 high-school students had the opportunity to analyze data from the ALICE experiment at the CERN research center during a visit to the GSI/FAIR campus. GSI/FAIR significantly contributes to the construction, operation and data analysis of ALICE.

Mourning Professor Dr. Hans Gutbrod
GSI and FAIR mourn the loss of an excellent scientist and pioneer of relativistic heavy ion physics. Professor Dr. Hans Gutbrod passed away on March 3, 2025, at the age of 82 years. After his dissertation under the supervision of Rudolf Bock in 1970 Hans Gutbrod continued his research on heavy ion physics at low energies in Heidelberg and Rochester. Hans Gutbrod shaped the beginnings of the relativistic heavy ion physics at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. He collaborated with Arthur…

The winning teams at Karriere Kick
What does recruiting young talent have to do with tabletop soccer? That's what xx interested participants and yy apprenticeship employers were able to find out at “Karriere Kick” in the Böllenfalltorhalle in Darmstadt at the beginning of February. Similar to speed dating, young people and training companies are drawn by lot in each round and get to know each other in a playful way during a round of tabletop soccer. GSI/FAIR took part and even won second place in the election of the best…

Group picture.
The great progress of the FAIR project, the milestones of research at GSI/FAIR, and the current scientific activities were the focus of the visit of Cem Özdemir, Federal Minister of Education and Research, and Timon Gremmels, Hessian Minister of Science and Research, Art and Culture, at the GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung and the international accelerator center FAIR (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research) being built in Darmstadt.

Group picture of the visit
Recently, a distinguished delegation from the Embassy of France in Germany visited the GSI/FAIR campus in Darmstadt to explore the latest advancements in research and strengthen bilateral scientific and technological cooperation. The French delegation included Siegfried Martin-Diaz, Counselor for Science and Technology at the French Embassy in Berlin, and Nicolas Bergeret, Consul General of France in Frankfurt am Main.