FLES Group

The First-level Event Selector (FLES) is the central physics selection system in CBM. It performs online a full event reconstruction on the 1 TB/s input data stream. The current architecture foresees a scalable high performance computer, utilizing all available computing devices in order to achieve the high throughput and computation efficiency, in order to achieve the high throughput and computation efficiency.

The task of mour group is to formulate and develop the appropriate strategies for analysis, triggering and event selection using FLES, and test the novel concept of a continuous data stream in a triggerless detector configuration with real data.

Since the CBM experiment uses self-triggered detector front-ends and a data push readout architecture, a key feature of the event reconstruction in the FLES is that the available raw data are not initially structured in events, but instead the event definition will take place as part of the 4D-tracking assignment. This requires the definition of a correct procedure of event building from time-slices, and the study of the performance -in terms of a physics observable- of the full-event reconstruction.

Key features are therefore:

  • track reconstruction in 4D using space and time information
  • event building from time-slices
  • full-event topological reconstruction
  • identification of rare probes
  • selection of interesting events
  • full-system test with miniCBM benchmark
