Total nuclear reaction cross-section database
Realistic nuclear reaction cross-section models are an essential ingredient to reliable radiation transport codes. Therefore, a data collection has been generated within a GSI-ESA-NASA collaboration started in the framework of the work package 200 of the ROSSINI3 project. The database is comprehensive of the so far experimentally-measured total nucleus-nucleus reaction cross sections.
ROSSINI3 (ESA Contract No.4000125785/18/NL/GLC) was a 2-year project started in December 2018. It was funded by ESA ESTEC and led by Thales Alenia Space Italia.
The database can be found at https://bioapp.gsi.de/cross-section-db/ (© Beta Version). The application also offers the possibility to plot the data alongside with the most commonly used models in radiation transport codes. The user can report bugs and send feedback from the application itself.
Web-application user manual
For any additional information please write an e-mail to: crosssection.database(a)gsi.de