
Every year about 1,200 scientists from all over the world come to GSI to conduct experiments at the accelerator facility. Many of them are students and PhD candidates. For them GSI offers special programs.

GET_INvolved Programme

The GET_INvolved Programme provides international students and early stage researchers with opportunities to perform internships, traineeships and early-stage research experience in order to get involved in the international FAIR accelerator project while receiving scientific and technical training.

The GET_INvolved Programme has three primary objectives:

  • Offering training opportunities with mobility to university students and early stage researchers to support their education and scientific career.
  • Creating synergies between collaborating universities and advanced technical institutes in FAIR shareholder countries to contribute to the FAIR project in research and development.
  • Building capacities for research groups and partner institutes working together within the FAIR collaborations

More information about the programme is provide on the FAIR website.

For queries and questions related to GET_INvolved, contact us via email international(at) and international(at)

International Summer Student Program

The International Summer Student Program is designed for students of physics or related subjects who are close to completing their degrees. They spend eight weeks at GSI and conduct their own scientific projects. This way they participate in scientists’ everyday lives and get ideas in which specific field to graduate.

ESA-FAIR Summer School

For many years, ESA has been implementing space radiation research at the GSI particle accelerator in Darmstadt, the only one in Europe able to simulate cosmic radiation. GSI is now building FAIR, a new facility with even higher energy for cosmic ray simulation. Under the recently signed cooperation agreement between ESA and GSI-FAIR, the ESA-FAIR Radiation Summer School has been established to train students in basic heavy ion biophysics for both terrestrial and space applications

Helmholtz Graduate School for Hadron and Ion Research (HGS-HIRe)

The graduate school HGS-HIRe is point of first contact and coordination for about 300 PhD candidates. HGS-HIRe guarantees excellent scientific education at the unique research facilities GSI and FAIR. At HGS-HIRe the competences of all participating universities are combined for the PhD candidates’ training. Additionally HGS-HIRe offers vocational preparation that goes beyond the scientific education.


Students who have to do an internship according to their examination rules can apply at GSI. Internships are possibly in the following areas: engineering mechanics, electronic engineering, technical drawing, administration, technology, IT, research. More details on the application procedure here (German).