Exotic nuclei studied with electromagnetic and light hadronic probes


The experimental setup dedicated to studies of exotic nuclei with electromagnetic and ligh hadronic probes (EXL) is part of the FAIR project. The aim of the EXL experiment is to study the structure of unstable exotic nuclei in light-ion scattering experiments at intermediate energies. The objective is to capitalise on light-ion reactions in inverse kinematics by using novel storage-ring techniques and a universal detector system providing high resolution and large solid angle coverage in kinematically complete measurements.

The apparatus is foreseen being installed at the internal target at the NESR storage-cooler ring. It comprises a silicon target-recoil detector for charged particles, completed by gamma-ray and slow-neutron detectors, located around the internal gas-jet target, a forward detectors for fast ejectiles (both charged particles and neutrons) and an in-ring heavy-ion spectrometer. 
The overall design for the recoil and gamma-ray detector for EXL is divided in two major arrays, the Silicon Particle Array (ESPA) to detect light charged particles from the target and the Gamma and Particle Array (EGPA) to detect punch-through particles and gamma-rays. 

Work is also underway for the in-ring detectors, notably for the detection of fast neutron and proton ejectiles in forward direction. The LAND detector will be used to detect these particles and its geometry has to be modifed to accomodate a beam pipe in its centre.


Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Thomas Aumann

GSI Liason: Prof. Dr. Rene Reifarth