

The scientific focus of the division Nuclear Reactions is the developement and realization of the R3B experiment at FAIR. Our goal is to design, construct and maintain a versatile reaction setup with high efficiency, large acceptance, and high resolution for kinematically complete measurements of reactions with high-energy radioactive beams. Research and developments are performed by a dedicated R3B Project Group within the international R3B collaboration.


Profiting from this experience, we also contibute to the design and development of few other NuSTAR experimental setups at FAIR, such as  ELISe ,  EXL and Super-FRS.


The physics program of the division Nuclear Reactions, undertaken in co-operation with groups from TU Darmstadt and University of Frankfurt, is focused on the investigation of reactions with heavy-ion beams, in particular rare-isotope beams at energies well above the Fermi energy. The study of nuclear reactions is aimed at the understanding of fundamental nuclear properties and dynamics, and the investigation of astrophysical reaction rates.


Division leaders are Prof. Dr. Thomas Aumann (head of division) and Dr. Haik Simon (deputy leader). Full memebers list can be found here.


Results of our activites are documented in different publications. More information on our activities can be found here.


The work performed in our division is supported by HFHF, BMBF, ELEMENTS, and French-German Exchange Program.