The Department
Primary Beams Plasma Physics Detectors (PBPP) consists of members of the Plasma Physics Research Department who have dedicated their actual work within the project structure in the Primary Beams section to the realization of the future Plasma Physics experimental area at FAIR in the APPA-cave (Fig. 1).;
Research at GSI and FAIR
The setting-up of beam-line, target chamber and the supporting infra-structure is the basis to provide the diagnostic methods for detection and analysis of the properties of high energy density matter (HEDM) and warm dense matter (WDM).
Das PRIOR Protonenmikroskop
Das PRIOR Protonenmikrosko (Abb.: 4; siehe auch den Link zum HEPM-Workshop bei Termine und Veranstaltungen graue Box rechts oben), das in den letzten Jahren entwickelt wurde und am existierenden HHT-Messplatz in Betrieb genommen werden wird, soll als Hauptdetektor bei FAIR für den Nachweis der Eigenschaften und Dynamik von Materie hoher Energiedichte (HEDM) eingesetzt werden.
For preparation and realization of the future Plasma Physics research at FAIR working packages to set up the research-installations for the PP-beamline in the APPA-cave have been defined for the normal conducting (nc) beam-line matching section, a superconducting (sc) final focusing system, a wobbler-system for providing the annular beam for LAPLAS and a target chamber to house the planned plasma physics experiments in.
The defined working packages and the people in charge of are listed in the table below.
Work Package | Person in charge of from PBPP | In collaboration with |
Department leader, Civil construction (GAP) | Abel Blažević | GSI: ENMI (DMU), CSTI |
Wobbler (Subpackage: Klystrons for Wobbler) | Olga Rosmej | ITEP Moskau, GSI: PBRF |
Superconducting (sc) magnets section (Subpackage: liquid He-plant) | Dennis Schumacher | IHEP Protvino, GSI: CSCY, PBMT |
Target Chamber | Andreas Tauschwitz | IPCP Chernogolovka, GSI: SiSt, CSVS |
Coordinator beam-line nc- and sc-magnets section | Dmitry Varentsov | ITEP Moskau, IHEP Protvino |
Beam matching section (Subpackages: nc-magnets, power-supplies for nc-magnets, vacuum-system, beam-diagnostics) | Karin Weyrich | GSI: ENMA, LOEP, CSVS, LOBI |