Interaction of heavy ions with laser driven plas
The following aspects are the focus of study in the Z6 experimental area:
- The energy loss of projectile ions in ideal and non-ideal plasmas
- The charge state distribution of ions that penetrate the plasma
- Charge exchange processes in ionised matter
- The probing of plasma properties by the energy loss of heavy ions
The figure below reviews the experimental landscape of ion stopping power in plasma. It displays the parameter domain examined in previous experiments as a function of the velocity ratio vp/vth and the electron coupling parameter Γ, which quantifies the strength of electron-electron coupling in the probed plasma. As illustrated by the documented experiments, a limited number of groups and facilities possess the capability to conduct these experiments. A substantial proportion of these experiments were carried out by the plasma physics group at TU Darmstadt in collaboration with the plasma physics group at GSI (Cayzac et al. 2017; Dietrich et al. 1990; Frank et al. 2013; Hoffmann et al. 1990; Jacoby et al. 1995; Ortner 2015; Roth et al. 2000).

In other experiments, the interaction of ion beams with turbulent plasma was studied to ascertain the mechanisms by which non-thermal particles are accelerated in astrophysical environments, such as the solar wind, supernova remnants and gamma-ray bursts. This subject is the focus of a great deal of research activity (Moczulski et al. 2024).
Various experimental setups
The figure below shows various experimental setups used at the experimental area Z6. A new experimental setup with a laser generated probe beam is shown on LIGHT. (Nazary et al. 2024).

- high temperature (T > 200 eV)
- plasma highly/fully ionised
- plasma fast expanding
- energy loss in ideal plasma
Cayzac, W., Frank, A., Ortner, A., Bagnoud, V., Basko, M. M., Bedacht, S., Bläser, C., Blažević, A., Busold, S., Deppert, O., Ding, J., Ehret, M., Fiala, P., Frydrych, S., Gericke, D. O., Hallo, L., Helfrich, J., Jahn, D., Kjartansson, E., … Roth, M. (2017). Experimental discrimination of ion stopping models near the Bragg peak in highly ionized matter. Nature Communications, 8
(1), 15693.
Dietrich, K.-G., Hoffmann, D. H. H., Wahl, H., Haas, C. R., Kunze, H., Brandenburg, W., & Noll, R. (1990). Energy loss of heavy ions in a dense hydrogen plasma. Zeitschrift Für Physik D Atoms, Molecules and Clusters, 16
(4), 229–230.
Frank, A., Blažević, A., Bagnoud, V., Basko, M. M., Börner, M., Cayzac, W., Kraus, D., Heßling, T., Hoffmann, D. H. H., Ortner, A., Otten, A., Pelka, A., Pepler, D., Schumacher, D., Tauschwitz, A., & Roth, M. (2013). Energy Loss and Charge Transfer of Argon in a Laser-Generated Carbon Plasma. Physical Review Letters, 110
(11), 115001.
Hoffmann, D. H. H., Weyrich, K., Wahl, H., Gardés, D., Bimbot, R., & Fleurier, C. (1990). Energy loss of heavy ions in a plasma target. Physical Review A, 42
(4), 2313–2321.
Jacoby, J., Hoffmann, D. H. H., Laux, W., Müller, R. W., Wahl, H., Weyrich, K., Boggasch, E., Heimrich, B., Stöckl, C., Wetzler, H., & Miyamoto, S. (1995). Stopping of Heavy Ions in a Hydrogen Plasma. Physical Review Letters, 74
(9), 1550–1553.
Ortner, A. (2015). Energieverlust und Ladungsverteilung von Calciumionen in dichtem, schwach gekoppeltem Kohlenstoffplasma
[Technische Universität Darmstadt].
Moczulski, K., Wen, H., Campbell, T., Scopatz, A., Palmer, C. A. J., Bott, A. F. A., Arrowsmith, C. D., Beyer, K. A., Blazevic, A., Bagnoud, V., Feister, S., Halliday, J., Karnbach, O., Metternich, M., Nazary, H., Neumayer, P., Reyes, A., Hansen, E. C., Schumacher, D., … Tzeferacos, P. (2024). Numerical simulations of laser-driven experiments of ion acceleration in stochastic magnetic fields. Physics of Plasmas, 31
Roth, M., Stöckl, C., Süß, W., Iwase, O., Gericke, D. O., Bock, R., Hoffmann, D. H. H., Geissel, M., & Seelig, W. (2000). Energy loss of heavy ions in laser-produced plasmas. Europhysics Letters (EPL), 50
(1), 28–34.
Nazary, H., Metternich, M., Schumacher, D., Neufeld, F., Grimm, S. J., Brabetz, C., Kroll, F., Brack, F.-E., Blažević, A., Schramm, U., Bagnoud, V., & Roth, M. (2024). Towards ion stopping power experiments with the laser-driven LIGHT beamline. Journal of Plasma Physics, 90
(3), 905900302.