Applikations (APP)
The group is responsible for the design, development and maintenance of applications for the GSI/FAIR-Facility used in the main control room. This covers applications for the planning and setup of beam lines from the beam sources to the target experiments, the setting management of the participating devices, the monitoring of specific parts of the facility and the whole complex regarding interlock and alarm states, the monitoring of the beams by evaluating beam diagnostics (transmission, beam position, beam properties and quality), display of configures machine cycles, and so on
The group is also responsible for the framework (LSA) for machine developers as well as a framework for applications developers (development tools, services, common libraries).
The group closely collaborates with the Accelerator Operations Department and the System Planning Department in field of accelerator data generation and supply.
Projects & Activities
Present main activities of the group are:
- Support and development for operational Applications for GSI und FAIR
- Support and further development of the LSA frameworks for accelerator settings generation and management
- Support for beam time operation