Export Control (AFK)

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Welcome to the export control website.


FAIR and GSI and their employees are obliged to comply with the legal requirements of foreign trade law. As Export Control Officer, I have the task of implementing systematic compliance with the legal regulations applicable in this area of law at FAIR and GSI. This results in the following subtasks:

  • Organisation and monitoring of processes relevant to foreign trade
  • Checking the admissibility of export transactions  
  • Reviewing and helping to draft export control clauses in contracts
  • Communication with authorities
  • Preparation and support of foreign trade audits
  • Securing information flows

Contact information

Felix Arndt

Export Control Officer

Phone: 06159-71-3032

E-Mail: felix.arndt(at)fair-center.eu


Frauke Pfeffer

Export Control Processing

Phone: 06159-71-2910

E-Mail: f.pfeffer(at)gsi.de

What is export/export control?

Export control is an instrument of foreign trade law (AWR) that restricts the freedom of foreign trade in certain areas and isolates certain persons, organisations, associations and companies from economic life. 

The aim of export controls is to promote regional stability and the protection of human rights worldwide on the one hand and to combat the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and terrorism on the other. To this end, not only the export of defence equipment is subject to controls, but also the export of dual-use goods (civil/military) as well as technologies, materials, supplies and testing and inspection facilities required for the development, manufacture and application of these goods.

Export control therefore means that the following activities in connection with listed goods may be subject to authorisation or prohibited when working with partners in certain countries:

  • Shipment of goods
  • Forwarding of technical documents (e.g. by e-mail) 
  • publications
  • Technology transfer
  • Technical services
  • Knowledge transfer

The shipment of non-listed goods may also be subject to authorisation or prohibited in the case of a critical use or a listed recipient.

Undeclared or unauthorised export of controlled goods/technologies can result in penalties in the form of fines as well as imprisonment. 

Important links

Further information on the subject of export/export control can be found on the BAFA Federa Office for Economics Affairs and Export Control.

Current events


2023 and older

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