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Increasing security on windows terminal servers

New EU limits from 1st of January 2020

Refund of privately purchased Bahncard

In-house mail / mail to the HR Department


Increasing security on windows terminal servers

In-house mail / mail to the HR Department

New EU limits from 1st of January 2020

Wartung der Feuerlöschgeräte 2020

Refund of privately purchased Bahncard


Increasing security on windows terminal servers

In-house mail / mail to the HR Department

New EU limits from 1st of January 2020

Refund of privately purchased Bahncard

Wartung der Feuerlöschgeräte 2020


Increasing security on windows terminal servers

In-house mail / mail to the HR Department

New EU limits from 1st of January 2020

Wartung der Feuerlöschgeräte 2020

Refund of privately purchased Bahncard


Increasing security on windows terminal servers

Opening hours Canteen 23.12.2019

Reminder: Switching to Windows 10

Wartung der Feuerlöschgeräte 2020

Refund of privately purchased Bahncard

Travel Expense documents 2019 - year-end accounts and Closing Deadline for the Finance Department in January 2020

New EU limits from 1st of January 2020

Vorankündigung: Veranstaltung zum Thema AGG und sexuelle Belästigung am Arbeitsplatz mit Dr. Julia Schweitzer am 29.01.2020

Information of the purchasing department


GSI/FAIR Christmas Party

Einladung zum Frauen-Arbeitskreis

Reminder: Switching to Windows 10

Staff Meeting

Parken für GSI-Pendler in und um die GSI

Update for the Temporary Parking Management

Information of the purchasing department


Official inauguration of the new Target Laboratory

Einladung zum Frauen-Arbeitskreis

Maintenance of the online instruction system INSTRUCT


Reminder: Switching to Windows 10

Information of the purchasing department

Staff Meeting

Update for the Temporary Parking Management

Access restrictions Tankverkupferungshalle TVH (Galvanic workshop)

First Aid Course


Staff Meeting

From the Scientific-Technical Council from November 19th, 2019

Update for the Temporary Parking Management

Announcement annual stocktaking 2019

Information of the purchasing department

The Central site services asks for assistance

Skifreizeit 2020 von 31.1.-7.2.2020 in La Clusaz/Frankreich - es gibt noch freie Plätze

Access restrictions Tankverkupferungshalle TVH (Galvanic workshop)

Reminder: Switching to Windows 10

Mobile phone applications in the IT-Portal

Order deadline 2019


FAIR-GSI PhD Award 2019 for Kristian König

September 2019: Joint HGS-HIRe & RS-APS Lecture Week on Atomic and Laser/Plasma Physics


Calendar 2020

Reminder: Switching to Windows 10

Christoph-Schmelzer-Award 2019

Nutzerinformation Fahrraddrehkreuz KBW

Order deadline 2019


Christoph-Schmelzer-Award 2019

Reminder: Switching to Windows 10

Invitation to the Roadshow

GSI/FAIR Christmas Party

Blocking SB1

Baumfällarbeiten im Bereich Prinzenschneise

Nutritional counselling and screenings

Consultant day of Techniker Krankenkasse

IT Information Event

Qualitrain - Eine Mitgliedschaft, unzählige Möglichkeiten

Order deadline 2019


Advance information: Change of evacuation points

Inkraftsetzung des neuen Zufahrts- und Parkplatzmanagement

Blocking SB1

Business Development Manager at NI for European Research visits GSI

Order deadline 2019


Business Development Manager at NI for European Research visits GSI

Reminder: Switching to Windows 10

Caretaker Team not available on 31.10.19

Vortrag und Workshop Achtsamkeit/Mindfuless am Arbeitsplatz

Short-URLs für Webseiten der Administration

Vortrag „Erfolgsfaktoren und Stolpersteine auf dem Karriereweg von Frauen"

Order deadline 2019


From the Scientific-Technical Council from October 15th, 2019

Short-URLs für Webseiten der Administration

Baubeginn Parkhaus

Parking security

Glass cleaning

Forest parking area

Invitation to the Roadshow

Reminder: Switching to Windows 10

Order deadline 2019


7th International Expert Meeting on Next-Generation Fragment Separators

34. CBM Collaboration Meeting

Reminder: Switching to Windows 10

Tagesordnung für die Betriebsversammlung am 18.10.2019 um 9.30 Uhr im Hörsaal Südbau

Order deadline Library & Documentation

Order deadline 2019


Staff Meeting

Order deadline Library & Documentation

Master thesis: Topic and supervisor wanted

Vortrag „Erfolgsfaktoren und Stolpersteine auf dem Karriereweg von Frauen"

Order deadline 2019

Reminder: Switching to Windows 10

!!Update - Temporary Parking Management and Assignment Process - Update!!



Postal service week 40

16th SPARC Topical Workshop

Application for A1 - Certification for business trips - Procedure and framework conditions

!!Update - Temporary Parking Management and Assignment Process - Update!!

Order deadline 2019

Reminder: Switching to Windows 10



From the Scientific-Technical Council from September 17th, 2019



Information parking management

Reminder: Switching to Windows 10

Start of the Application Process for Additional Parking on the GSI Campus


Prolongation of the lease contract "Borsigstraße"

Start of the Application Process for Additional Parking on the GSI Campus

Reminder: Switching to Windows 10

Nächste Betriebsversammlung am Freitag, 18. Oktober

Staff outing Central Site Services

Invitation to the Roadshow


City Cycling 2019 Result: 1st Place

Abschaltung des Windows Fileservers WinFileSVI

Presentation N. Villacorta at the seminar on European funding of Sept. 6

Änderungen bei den Kalendern der Besprechungsräume

Organic waste

Start of the Application Process for Additional Parking on the GSI Campus

Flu vaccination

Reminder: Switching to Windows 10


Invitation to a seminar on European funding (Sept. 6, 9.00 hours, Lecture hall SB1)

Nutzung der Baustellenstraße von B3-Messeler Parkstr. / Verkehrssicherheit

Pflasterarbeiten vor BR1 / Poststelle und SB1-Nordseite - Fahrradparkanlage

Opening times canteen



Alvarez 2.0 – die nächste Generation

From the Scientific-Technical Council from August 20th, 2019

EDUROAM - only SMTP blocked

Changed e-mail address of DER travel agency

Invitation to the Roadshow

New GSI e-Mail servers

Reminder: Switching to Windows 10


Reminder: Switching to Windows 10

New GSI e-Mail servers

Fotoausstellung "The way to Ithaka"

Closure of the main storage on Tuesday, 20.08.2019

Info: Zusätzliche Beratertage betriebl. Sozialberatung



New GSI e-Mail servers

Turnstile south of the guest house

Post room 12.08. - 30.08.19

Closure of the main storage on Tuesday, 20.08.2019

Info: Zusätzliche Beratertage betriebl. Sozialberatung

Reminder: Switching to Windows 10



New supplier on e.biss

Reminder: Switching to Windows 10

Conversion work on the elevator system SB2


June 2019: HGS-HIRe Lecture Week on Accelerator Physics & Technology

June 2019: HGS-HIRe Power Week Big Data I

Conversion work on the elevator system SB2


Reminder: Switching to Windows 10

Lufthansa Domestic flights and EU Flex only with hand luggage (Economy Light fare)

Parking at campus of GSI

New application forms for official personal dosimeter and QR codes


Abschlussevent Netzwerk Mentoring Hessen an der TU Darmstadt

Lufthansa Domestic flights and EU Flex only with hand luggage (Economy Light fare)

Access restrictions Tankverkupferungshalle TVH (Galvanic workshop)

Besucherregelung FAIR/GSI


Parking at campus of GSI

New application forms for official personal dosimeter and QR codes

Reminder: Switching to Windows 10


The Big picture for Big Science

Young Scientists’ GSI-FAIR Poster Colloquium 2019

New application forms for official personal dosimeter and QR codes

Lufthansa domestic flights only with hand luggage

New GSI e-Mail servers

Reminder: Switching to Windows 10

Conversion work on the elevator system SB2


New GSI e-mail servers

Conversion work on the elevator system SB2

Reminder: Switching to Windows 10

Lunch on Monday, 08.07.19


Exploring the strong interaction over the last ten years

Reminder: Switching to Windows 10

Change of responsibility for ID cards GSI Campus Darmstadt

Provision for business trips abroad

Action day on the subject of occupational safety

Tipps für das Arbeiten im sommerlich warmen Büro


Symposium of MCITN AVA & OMA

From the Scientific-Technical Council from June 18th, 2019

Reminder: Switching to Windows 10

IT training room with new equipment

Student looking for Bachelor Thesis

Organic bins

Consultant day of Barmer statutory health insurance

Occasional blocking of staircases in SB1-3, BR1-3 and SE


Invitation Employees Meeting - 18.6.2019, 9:15 am

Consultant day of Barmer statutory health insurance

Facade works SB2-SB3 south area

Occasional blocking of staircases in SB1-3, BR1-3 and SE

BK1-Vaud, blocking access dining room


Invitation Employees Meeting - 18.6.2019, 9:15 am

New caterer at the GSI canteen

Footpath closed in front of building BR2

Test alarms in ring tunnel and transfer hall

Radtour nach Oppenheim am So., den 16.Juno 2019

BK1-Vaud, blocking access dining room

Occasional blocking of staircases in SB1-3, BR1-3 and SE

Fotoausstellung „What a wonderful world“


Invitation to the Roadshow

"Wer strahlte denn da?" talk (in German)

Work on the north gate at the KBW

Occasional blocking of staircases in SB1-3, BR1-3 and SE

Health campaign: Skin screening

BK1 - TS. Facades, correction of defects

BK1-Vaud, blocking access dining room


Apprenticeship completed - congratulations for successful graduates

From the Scientific-Technical Council from Mai 21st, 2019

"Wer strahlte denn da?" talk (in German)

GET_INvolved-Programme is searching for internship projects

Zufahrt Planckstraße

Erstanlaufstelle Feuerwehr_Container-Anbau an Pforte

BK1 - TS. Facades, correction of defects

Footpath closed in front of building BR2

Neuer Artikel zu speziellem Thema des Arbeitsschutzes: Lithium-Ionen-Batterien

Darmstädter Firmenlauf am 29.05.2019: Startplatz zu vergeben

BK1-Vaud, blocking access dining room

Parkplatzreservierung Bereich SB2 - Südseite

City Cycling: Cycling for a better Climate 28.05.-17.06.2019


Frauen führen Frauen

BK1-Vaud, blocking access dining room

Erstanlaufstelle Feuerwehr_Container-Anbau an Pforte

Parkplatzreservierung Bereich SB2 - Südseite

City Cycling: Cycling for a better Climate 28.05.-17.06.2019

Fotoausstellung „What a wonderful world“


Migration to Windows 10

New caterer

Masterclass event for children of employees

Parkplatzreservierung Bereich SB2 - Südseite

Consultant day of the Techniker health insurance

Information concerning receiving goods in the main warehouse

City Cycling: Cycling for a better Climate 28.05.-17.06.2019


Election of the Equal Opportunity Committee of GSI and FAIR 2019

Invitation to the Roadshow

Information concerning receiving goods in the main warehouse


Parking security

Information concerning receiving goods in the main warehouse


Rector of Heidelberg University visits FAIR and GSI

Moove Online-Gesundheitsportal

First Aid Course

Information concerning receiving goods in the main warehouse

Parking security


From the Scientific-Technical Council from April 9th 2019

Vorstellung der Kandidatinnen

Information concerning receiving goods in the main warehouse

Information about the new interim car park

Improvement of the experimental electronic laboratory in the SB2 Bracelet


Member of the Bundestag Norbert Altenkamp visits FAIR and GSI

Information from the personnel department on travel expenses

Russisch für Anfänger: Neubeginn am 02.05.2019

Sewer works on SH4


Significant improvement of SIS-18 slow extraction ‘micro-structure’

HADES FAIR Phase-0 beam time successfully concluded

Election of the Equal Opportunity Board of GSI and FAIR


Roof renovation SB3 bracelet

Sewer works on SH4

Forest parking area


March 2019: HGS-HIRe Lecture Week on Hot and Dense Matter

From the Scientific-Technical Council from March 19th, 2019

Einladung zur Betriebsversammlung am 27.3.2019

Invitation to the Roadshow

Sewer works on SH4

Forest parking area

Questions about statutory health insurance?

Health campaign fitness roll

Upgrading of the experimental electronics laboratory SB2

Roof renovation SB3 - Bracelet


International Women

Access authorization system

CS Workshop

Mailing list for women at GSI and FAIR

Staff Meeting

Roof renovation SB3 - Bracelet

Upgrading of the experimental electronics laboratory SB2


FAIR GENCO Award for Dr. Moritz Pascal Reiter

NUSTAR Annual Meeting 2019

Internal instruction roles and responsibilities

CS Workshop

Artikel zu speziellen Themen des Arbeitsschutzes

Upgrading of the experimental electronics laboratory SB2

Roof renovation SB3 - Bracelet

Glass cleaning foyer

Closure of the main storage on Tuesday, 20.08.2019

Trennwandreparatur im SB1-Hörsaal


Workshop on Super heavy Element research

Closure of the main storage on Tuesday, 20.08.2019

Invitation of the Equal Opportunity Board to the women

Roof renovation SB3 - Bracelet

Limited issuing of materials in the Halbzeuglager

Trennwandreparatur im SB1-Hörsaal

KBW-Ausstellungen im Rahmen des Darmstädter Dialogs

Darmstädter Firmenlauf 2019


Handover of the hammer: Experiments start with transfer of daily status meeting to scientific users

From the Scientific-Technical Council from February 19th, 2019

Three publications in the same issue of Physical Review Letters

Special Colloquium: FAIR-GENCO Award 2019

Moove Online-Gesundheitsportal – Testen Sie es jetzt!

Betriebssport Skigruppe

Campus Development Department - new website

Roof renovation SB3 - Bracelet

Limited issuing of materials in the Halbzeuglager

Trennwandreparatur im SB1-Hörsaal

Darmstädter Firmenlauf 2019


From the Scientific-Council from February, 8th, 2019

Campus Development Department - new website

Limited issuing of materials in the Halbzeuglager

Exchange of the first aid booklets

Consultant day of the Techniker health insurance

Trennwandreparatur im SB1-Hörsaal

Aufstellungsorte der GSI–Aktenvernichtungstonnen

Roof renovation SB3 - Bracelet

Darmstädter Firmenlauf 2019


Darmstadt magistrate visits FAIR and GSI

Roof renovation SB3 - Bracelet

Darmstädter Firmenlauf 2019


Änderung der Freigabestrategie für e.biss Versand-Warenkörbe

FAIR and GSI inform members of the Bundestag in Berlin

New subscription

Darmstädter Firmenlauf 2019


Studierende der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt besuchten die GSI

From the Scientific-Technical Council from January 15th, 2019

December 2018: HGS-HIRe Lecture Week on Nuclear Structure Physics


Research on tumor therapy with oxygen ions: GSI doctoral candidate is honored

Relocation of the library & documentation department

Cut of network connection

Workshop "Stochastic Cooling 2019"

Alte Kalender


Workshop "Stochastic Cooling 2019"

Finanzen – Internal Information concerning Closing 2018 - Due Dates of FAIR and GSI


Taking a break? - Please lock your screen

Skifreizeit 2019 - es sind noch Plätze frei!

Alte Kalender


From the Scientific-Technical Council from December 18th, 2018

Alte Kalender


Taking a break? - Please lock your screen


Glass cleaning foyer


Glass cleaning foyer


Glass cleaning foyer


Jutta Leroudier | Phone: 2634 | Email:

Editorial deadline: Thursdays 12 p.m.
Web interface for submitting contributions:

If you have any comments or suggestions about this page, please contact

GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH
Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe GmbH

Planckstr. 1 | 64291 Darmstadt | Telefon: +49-6159-71- 0