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New rules for smartphone procurement
New rules for smartphone procurement
Announcement ITEE-Palaver on 30.1.2018
New rules for smartphone procurement
Announcement ITEE-Palaver on 30.1.2018
New rules for smartphone procurement
Announcement ITEE-Palaver on 30.1.2018
New rules for smartphone procurement
End of DIN membership effective 31.12.2017
Announcement ITEE-Palaver on 30.1.2018
New rules for smartphone procurement
Workshop on hadron therapy, space research and materials science held in Greece
A farewell to our GSI retirees and jubilees
Rückschau auf die Weihnachtsfeier
20.12.2017 Maintenance tasks windows software deployment
End of DIN membership effective 31.12.2017
Announcement ITEE-Palaver on 30.1.2018
New rules for smartphone procurement
New opening hours main warehouse
Presentation of the beam time schedule 2018
Reminder on our Christmas Party
20.12.2017 Maintenance tasks windows software deployment
New rules for smartphone procurement
New opening hours main warehouse
Electron Cooled ion beam in CRYRING@ESR
16 Polish students as guests at GSI/FAIR
Einladung zur Betriebsversammlung
news from the safety engineers
Advance Notice Stocktaking 2017
Business trips: Booking of travel expenses for business trips in 2017
New opening hours main warehouse
Redistribution of the procurement priorities in the Purchasing Management Department
From the Scientific-Technical Council from November 21th, 2017
Einladung zur Betriebsversammlung
Annual day of health and safety
Advance Notice Stocktaking 2017
Reminder to handover the compensation of the workingtime concerning the „Open House Event“.
Redistribution of the procurement priorities in the Purchasing Management Department
Business trips: Booking of travel expenses for business trips in 2017
New opening hours main warehouse
The Universe in the Laboratory — New FAIR science film published
Three scientists receive the Christoph Schmelzer Award 2017
November 21-23, 2017: Center Evaluation
Aus der Arbeitsgruppe Dienstreisen des WTR und der PA
Redistribution of the procurement priorities in the Purchasing Management Department
Instruction on procurement release
New instruction module on the topic regarding office workstations/ ergonimics
New opening hours main warehouse
Business trips: Booking of travel expenses for business trips in 2017
Information Session for Delivery Process and Export Control
Christoph-Schmelzer-Prize 2017
November 21-23, 2017: Center Evaluation
Business trips: Booking of travel expenses for business trips in 2017
Buchvorstellung "Vom Targetrad zum Federkiel" am 15. November 2017
Wahlvorstand für die Betriebsratswahl 2018
Vortragsreihe der betrieblichen Gesundheitsvorsorge
New opening hours main warehouse
Information Session for Delivery Process and Export Control
Mu metal tubes 2" available @ TH-R3B Cave
Das "Auge" des Beschleunigers - Frauen führen Frauen
New opening hours main warehouse
Information Session for Delivery Process and Export Control
Nachruf: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Adam Sobiczewski 1931-2017
From the Scientific-Technical Council from October 24th, 2017
Detours for Cyclists and Pedestrians
New opening hours main warehouse
Information Session for Delivery Process and Export Control
Employee Survey: Your opinion is important to us!
QT-Workshop "Transportprozesse in Mensch und Umwelt"
Invitation to the Roadshow, Th, 26.10.2017
NI Actor Framework / CS++ Workshop Series
Transfer Websites Finanzen / Einkauf & Materialwirtschaft
Information Session for Delivery Process and Export Control
New opening hours main warehouse
Chinese Professorship for Peter Senger
FAIR car parking area is being enlarged
Please accommodate in case of changing the working hours
Transfer Websites Finanzen / Einkauf & Materialwirtschaft
The 30th CBM collaboration meeting
Vortrag für Führungskräfte von betrieblicher Sozialberatung
Information Session for Delivery Process and Export Control
Markus Steck receives Dieter Möhl Medal
Panda Collaboration honors PhD: Prize for Dr. Erik Etzelmüller
Program Advisory Committees for FAIR Phase-0
14th SPARC Topical Workshop, GANIL Campus, Caen, France, 11th – 14th September 2017
GSI Scientific Report 2016 / GSI Report 2017-1
Stored ion beam in CRYRING@ESR
Information Session for Delivery Process and Export Control
Mainframe for the HADES ECAL detector installed
From the Scientific-Technical Council from Sept. 19th, 2017
Information Session for Delivery Process and Export Control
Plasma physics lecture course on Equation Of State
Betriebsversammlung am 22.9.2017
Maintenance work SAP and e.biss Sept. 22-24
New corporate design and logo of the Helmholtz Association
2. Teil der Vortragsreihe unserer betrieblichen Sozialberaterin
Sicherheit im Büro: Prüfung von Whiteboardhalterungen
Information Session for Delivery Process and Export Control
40 years of cooperation with the Institute of Modern Physics in China
Inhouse Seminar! Wer möchte als Betriebssanitäter unterstützen?
Information Session for Delivery Process and Export Control
New opening hours main warehouse
„Questions about statutory health insurance?“
City Cycling: Cycling for a better climate 03.-23.09.2017
Information Session for Delivery Process and Export Control
Regeln zum Umgang mit wichtigen Dokumenten
Welcome of the new safety engineer (SiFa)
Amtsübergabe Betriebsrats-Vorsitz
Information Session for Delivery Process and Export Control
Neues Programm der öffentlichen Vortragsreihe „Wissenschaft für Alle“
From the Scientific-Technical Council from August 15th, 2017
Information Session for Delivery Process and Export Control
Funding for quantum dynamics research at GSI and FAIR
Ab dem 14.08.2017: Weitere Sperrungen rund um FAIR-Baustelle
e.biss not available August 18
Vortragsreihe der betrieblichen Gesundheitsvorsorge
Information Session for Delivery Process and Export Control
Sperrungen und Umleitungen bei FAIR-Baustelle
Information Session for Delivery Process and Export Control
Volkmar Dietz visits FAIR and GSI
Upgrade of Indico to version 1.2
From the Scientific-Technical Council from July 18th, 2017
Upgrade of Indico to version 1.2
Upgrade of Indico to version 1.2
Regeln zum Umgang mit wichtigen Dokumenten
An important milestone: Groundbreaking ceremony for the FAIR accelerator facility
Thai princess visits GSI and FAIR
News in windows environment (Windows 10 & latest Firefox version)
Connecting your publications with your ORCID
From the Scientific-Technical Council from June 20th, 2017
IT-Portal - New Application for Hardware and Software Orders
New Procedure for Password Management SAP/e.biss
Einladung zur Betriebsversammlung FAIR und GSI
ARIES Beam Diagnostics Workshop related to Ionization Profile Monitors
Einladung zur Betriebsversammlung FAIR und GSI
Das "Auge" des Beschleuniger - Frauen führen Frauen
Information Session for Shipping and Export Control
Information Session for Shipping and Export Control
Information und Erinnerung von der Poststelle
Betriebssport: Wanderung um den Altkönig im Taunus
Delivery of Fast Current Transformers for FAIR HEBT
From the Scientific-Technical Council from May 21st, 2017
Information Session for Shipping and Export Control
Almost 11 000 visitors at Open House of GSI and FAIR
Zugriffe auf Accounts und Daten
Central Service / Processing of orders
Information Session for Shipping and Export Control
Maintenance tasks windows software deployment
Information Session for Shipping and Export Control
Informationsveranstaltung zum Großen Shutdown 2016-2018
Informationsveranstaltung zum Großen Shutdown 2016-2018
Call for volunteers for the Open House event
From the Scientific-Technical Council from April 18th, 2017
Call for volunteers for the Open House event
Call for papers for the GSI Scientific Report 2016 (GSI Report 2017-1)
Call for volunteers for the Open House event
New deputy ruling PROZ and DIO
Betriebssport: Mitgliederversammlung der ‚Schnellen Ionen‘
CBM PhD Award for Dr. Maksym Zyzak
Call for volunteers for the Open House event
HEPTech Symposium 2017 @GSI - Call for Applications - Deadline 20th April 2017
CBM Collaboration Meeting at GSI from March 20-24, 2017
Preparatory construction activities are making headway at GSI/FAIR
From the Scientific-Technical Council from the 21st of March 2017
Einladung zur Betriebsversammlung am 31.03.2017
Set a BIOS password and restrict boot media
Vacuum, beam dynamics, collimators and surfaces were all smiles in Karlsruhe
Maintenance of the online instruction system INSTRUCT
e.biss not available August 18
Frauen führen Frauen - Was macht eigentlich eine Datenschutzbeauftragte?
Devices without a responsible person
Set a BIOS password and restrict boot media
Dr. Yoshiki Tanaka receives FAIR-GENCO-Award for young scientists
Devices without a responsible person
Set a BIOS password and restrict boot media
Reachability of UHD out of business hours
Inauguration of the New Scientific Managing Director of GSI and FAIR
HEPTech Symposium 2017 @GSI – Call for Applications
From the Scientific-Technical Council from the 21st of February
Special Colloquium: GENCO Award 2017
Invitation for the Inauguration of Professor Paolo Giubellino
Travel regulation and work time keeping on 3rd March, 2017
GSI Scientists Participate in Top 10 Discovery
Invitation for the Inauguration of Professor Paolo Giubellino
Sitzungsberichte des Betriebsrats
Travel regulation and work time keeping on 3rd March, 2017
Chinese delegation visits FAIR and GSI
Deactivation of Unnecessary User Accounts
working hours informaion - Shrovetide
Working hours information - Heinerfest
Studenten der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt besuchten die GSI
3. Annual MT Meeting - 31. Januar - 2. Februar 2017
From the Scientific-Technical Council
Deactivation of Unnecessary User Accounts
Informationen der Exportkontrollbeauftragten
Around 300 Nuclear Physicists Meet in Darmstadt — FAIR accelerator facility also on the agenda
"target" magazine issue 15 published
Access to the AIP Conference Proceedings in 2017
Typo3-CMS - Update of the GSI-Website
For the Scientific-Technical Council