
Publications during the reporting period that resulted from the HITRAP project:

  1. H. Häffner, N. Hermanspahn, P. Indelicato, H.-J. Kluge, E. Lindroth, V. Natarajan, W. Quint, S. Stahl, J. Verdu, G. Werth, Testing Atomic Structure Theories with High-Accuracy Mass Measurements on Highly Charged Ions, Hyperfine Interactions 127, 271 (2000)
  2. T. Beier, S. Djekic, H. Häffner, N. Hermanspahn, H.-J. Kluge, W. Quint, S. Stahl, T. Valenzuela, J. Verdú, and G. Werth
    A new value for the mass of the electron from an experiment on the g factor in 12C5+ and 16O7+
    Can. J. Phys. 80, 1241 (2002)
  3. J.L. Verdu, T. Beier, S. Djekic, H. Häffner, H.-J. Kluge, W. Quint, T. Valenzuela and G. Werth
    Measurement of the gJ  factor of a bound electron in hydrogen-like oxygen 16O7+
    Can. J. Phys. 80, 1233 (2002)
  4. T. Beier, P. Indelicato, V. M. Shabaev, and V. A. Yerokhin
    New value for the electron’s mass – theoretical foundations
    J. Phys. B 36, 1019 (2003)
  5. T. Beier, S. Djekic, H. Häffner, P. Indelicato, H.-J. Kluge, W. Quint, V. M. Shabaev, J. Verdu, T. Valenzuela,  G. Werth and V. A.Yerokhin
    Determination of the electron’s mass from g-factor experiments in 12C5+ and 16O7+
    Nucl. Inst. Meth. Phys. Res. B 205, 15 (2003)
  6. Z. Berényi, K. Tökési, J. Tóth, and J. Burgdörfer
    Electron energy loss spectra of Ge
    Journ. of Electron. Spec. and Rel. Phenom. 129, 299 (2003)
  7. H. Häffner, T. Beier, N. Hermanspahn, H.-J. Kluge, W. Quint, J. Verdú, T. Valenzuela and G. Werth
    Double Penning Trap technique for precise g factor determinations of the electron bound in a hydrogen like ion
    Eur. Phys. J. D 22, 163 (2003)
  8. G. Laurent, M. Tarisien, X. Fléchard, P. Jardin, L. Guillaume, P. Sobocinski, L. Adoui, A. Bordenave-Montesquieu, D. Bordenave-Montesquieu, J.-Y. Chesnel, F. Frémont, D. Hennecart, E. Liénard, L. Maunoury, P. Moretto-Capelle, A. Cassimi
    Coincident Auger electron and recoil ion momentum spectroscopy for low-energy ion-atom collisions
    Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 205, 546 (2003)
  9. M. Seliger, K. Tökési, C. O. Reinhold, J. Burgdörfer
    Highly transverse convoy electron distributions emitted by highly charged ions
    Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. B 205, 830 (2003)
  10. J. Verdú, Th. Beier, S. Djekic, H. Häffner, H.-J. Kluge, W. Quint, T. Valenzuela, M. Vogel and G. Werth
    The Magnetic Moment Anomaly of the Electron Bound in Hydrogen-like 16O7+
    J. Phys. B. 36, 655 (2003)
  11. M. Vogel and G. Werth
    Das Elektron auf der Präzisionswaage
    Physik in unserer Zeit 34, 253 (2003)
  12. G. Werth, H. Häffner, and W. Quint
    The Continuous Stern-Gerlach effect on atomic ions
    Adv. At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 48, 191 (2002)
  13. G. Werth, Th. Beier, H.-J. Kluge, W. Quint, T. Valenzuela, J. Verdú and M. Vogel
     Precision Studies in Traps: Measurement of Fundamental Constants and Test of Fundamental Theories
    Nucl. Inst. Meth. Phys. Res. B 205, 1 (2003)
  14. L. Wirtz, C. O. Reinhold, C. Lemell, and J. Burgdörfer
    Liouville master equation for multi-electron dynamics: neutralization of highly charged ions near an LiF surface
    Phys. Rev. A 67, 012903 (2003)
  15. L. Wirtz, J. Burgdörfer, M. Dallos, T. Müller
    Potential energy surfaces for charge exchange between singly charged ions and a LiF surface
    Phys. Rev. A 68, 032902 (2003)
  16. B. Ban d’Etat, F. Haranger, P. Boduch, S. Bouffard, H. Lebius, L. Maunoury, J.Y. Pacquet, H. Rothard, C. Clerc, L. Thomé, R. Hellhammer, Z. Pesic, N. Stolterfoht,
    Potential and kinetic sputtering of UO2 by slow highly charged ions
    Physica Scripta, T 110, 281-283 (2004)
  17. Z. Berényi, K. Tökesi, J. Toth, J. Burgdörfer
    Electron energy loss spectra of Ge
    J. of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 129, 195 (2003)
  18. J. Burgdörfer, L. Wirtz, C. Reinhold, and C. Lemell
    Multi-electron dynamics for neutralization of highly charged ions near surfaces
    Vacuum 73, 3 (2004)
  19. K.I.Dimitriou, D.G.Arbó, S. Yoshida, E. Persson, J. Burgdörfer
    Origin of the double peak structure in the momentum distribution of single ioni-zation of atoms driven by strong laser fields
    Phys. Rev. A 70, 061401 (2004)
  20. C. Dimopoulou, R. Moshammer, D. Fischer, C. Höhr, A. Dorn, P.D. Fainstein, J.R. Crespo López-Urrutia, C.D. Schröter, H. Kollmus, R. Mann, S. Hagmann, and J. Ullrich
    Break-Up of H2 in Singly Ionizing Collisions with Fast Protons: Channel-Selective Low-Energy Electron Spectra
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 123203 (2004)
  21. T. Jalowy, L.S. Farenzena, C.R. Ponciano, H. Schmidt-Böcking, E.F. da Silveira, K.O. Groeneveld.
    Molecular secondary ion emission from binary collisions
    Surface Science, 557, 91-100 (2004)
  22. K. Koo, J. Sudbery, D.M. Segal and R. C. Thompson,
    Doppler cooling of CA ions in a Penning trap
    Phys Rev. A 69, 043402 (2004)
  23. K. Tökesi, L. Wirtz, C. Lemell, J. Burgdörfer
    Angular distribution of highly charged ions transmitted through metallic capil-laries
    J. of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena,129, 229 (2003)
  24. K. Tökesi, L. Wirtz, C. Lemell, J. Burgdörfer
    Ab-initio calculations of charge exchange in ion-surface collisions: An embed-ded cluster approach
    in: Correlation Spectroscopy of Surfaces, Thin Films, and Nanostructures (eds: J. Berakdar and J. Kirschner), 130, Wiley-VCh (2004)
  25. K. Tökesi, X.-M. Tong, C. Lemell, J. Burgdörfer
    Friction force for charged particles at large distances from metal surfaces
    Adv. Chem. Phys. 46, 79 (2004)
  26. J. Verdu, J. Alonso, S. Djekic, H.-J. Kluge, W. Quint, S. Stahl, T. Valenzuela, M. Vogel and G. Werth,
    Determination of the g-factor of single hydrogen-like ions by mode coupling in a Penning trap
    Physica Scripta T112, 68 (2004)
  27. J. Verdu, J. Alonso, S. Djekic, H.-J. Kluge, W. Quint, S. Stahl, T. Valenzuela, M. Vogel and G. Werth
    The electronic g-factor of hydrogen-like Oxygen 16O7+
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 093002 (2004)
  28. G. Werth, T. Beier, H.-J. Kluge, W. Quint, T. Valenzuela, J. Verdu and M. Vogel
    Precision Studies in Traps: Measurement of fundamental constants
    Nucl. Inst. Meth. B 205, 1 (2003)
  29. S. Boudjadar, F. Haranger, T. Jalowy, A. Robin, B. Ban d’Etat, T. Been, P. Boduch, H. Lebius, B. Manil, L. Maunoury, H. Rothard
    Contribution of ion emission to sputtering of uranium dioxide by highly charged ions: Monomers and cluster size distributions
    Eur. Phys. J. D 32, 19-24 (2005)
  30. S. Legendre, E. Giglio, M. Tarisien, A. Cassimi, B. Gervais, L. Adoui
    Isotopic effects in water dication fragmentation
    J. Phys. B: At. Mol. And Opt. Phys. 38, L233-L241 (2005)
  31. L. Adoui, T. Muranaka, M. Tarisien, S. Legendre, G. Laurent, A. Cassimi, J.Y. Chesnel, X. Fléchard, F. Frémont, B. Gervais, E. Giglio, D. Hennecart
    Swift heavy ion induced small molecule fragmentation dynamics
    Accepted for publication in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B (2006)
  32. F. Haranger, B. Ban d’Etat, P. Boduch, S. Bouffard, H. Lebius,L. Maunoury, H. Rothard
    Projectile charge and velocity effect on UO2 sputtering in the nuclear stopping power regime
    Submitted for publication to Eur. Phys. J. D. (June 2005)
  33. M. Unipan, D.F.A. Winters, A. Robin, R. Morgenstern, R. Hoekstra
    Surface spin polarization in Fe(110) and Ni(110)
    Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 230, 356-360  (2005)
  34. M. Unipan, A. Robin, D.F.A. Winters, R. Morgenstern, R. Hoekstra
    Transfer of spin polarization in ion - surface scattering
    Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 232,  1-7 (2005)
  35. M. Unipan, A. Robin, R. Morgenstern, R. Hoekstra
    Local Spin Polarization of Surfaces from Interaction with Multiply Charged Ions
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 177601 (2006)
  36. M. Seliger, C.O. Reinhold, T. Minami, and J. Burgdörfer,
    Non-unitarity master equation for the internal state of ions traversing solids
    Nucl. Inst. Meth. B 230, 7 (2005)
  37. M. Hörndl, S. Yoshida, K. Tökesi, J. Burgdörfer,
    Enhancement of low-energy electron-ion recombination in a magnetic field: in-fluence of transient field effects Nucl. Inst. Meth. B 235, 290 (2005)
  38. Abel Robin, Mirko Unipan, Reinhard Morgenstern, and Ronnie Hoekstra
    Investigating magnetic surfaces by multiply charged ions
    Book of Reports of 17th international conference on Ion-Surface-Interactions 25-29 (2005)
  39. J. Verdu, J. Alonso, S. Djekic, H.-J. Kluge, W. Quint, S.Stahl, T. Valenzuela, M. Vogel and G. Werth
    Determination of the g-factor of single hydrogen-like ions by mode coupling in a Penning trap
    Proceedings of the 2003 EGAS conference, Physica Scripta T 112, 68 (2004)
  40. S. Djekic, J. Alonso, H.-J. Kluge, W. Quint, S. Stahl, T. Valenzuela, J. Verdu, M. Vogel, G. Werth
    Temperature measurement of a single ion in a Penning trap
    Eur. Phys. J. D 31, 451 (2004)
  41. M. Vogel and G. Werth
    A high-accuracy test of bound state QED: The electronic g-factor of hydrogen-like ions
    Recent Res. Devel. Physics 5,  1295 (2004)
  42. M. Vogel, J. Alonso, S. Djekic, H.-J. Kluge, W. Quint, S. Stahl, J. Verdu, G. Werth
    Towards electronic g-factor measurements in medium-heavy hydrogen-like and lithium-like ions
    Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B 235, 7 (2005)
  43. S. Stahl, J. Alonso, S. Djekic, H.-J. Kluge, W. Quint, J. Verdu, M. Vogel, G. Werth
    Phase-sensitive measurement of trapped particle motions
    J. Phys. B  38, 297 – 304 (2005)
  44. J. Alonso, K. Blaum, S. Djekic, H.-J. Kluge, W. Quint, B. Schabinger, S. Stahl, J.  Verdu, M. Vogel and G. Werth
    A miniature Electron-Beam Ion Source for in-trap creation of highly-charged ions used in precision experiment
    Rev. Sci. Instrum. 77, 03A901 (2006)
  45. Thomas Beier, Ludwig Dahl, H.-Jürgen Kluge, Christophor Kozhuharov, Wolf-gang Quint, and the HITRAP collaboration
    Trapping ions of hydrogen-like uranium: The HITRAP project at GSI
    Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B 235, 473 (2005)
  46. S. Stahl, F. Galve, J. Alonso, S. Djekic, W. Quint, T. Valenzuela, J. Verdu, M. Vogel, and G.Werth
    A planar Penning trap
    Eur. Phys. J. D 32, 139 (2005)
  47. C. Dimopoulou, R. Moshammer, D. Fischer, P.D. Fainstein, C. Höhr, A. Dorn, J.R. Crespo López-Urrutia, C.D. Schröter, H. Kollmus, R. Mann, S. Hagmann, and J. Ullrich
    Dissociative Ionization of H2 by Fast Protons: Three-body Break-up and Mo-lecular-frame Electron Emission
    J. Phys. B 38, 593-601 (2005)
  48. C. Dimopoulou, M.E. Galassi, R. Moshammer, R.D. Rivarola, D. Fischer, C. Höhr and J. Ullrich
    Electron Emission from Fragmentation of CO2 by Fast Proton Impact
    J. Phys. B  38, 3173-3183 (2005)
  49. J.R. Crespo López-Urrutia, A. Artemyev, J. Braun, G. Brenner, H. Bruhns, I.N. Draganic, A.J. González Martínez, A. Lapierre, V. Mironov, J. Scofield, R. Soria Orts, H. Tawara, M. Trinczek, I. Tupytsin and J. Ullrich
    High precision Measurements of Forbidden Transitions in Highly Charged Ions at the Heidelberg EBIT
    NIM B 235, 85-91 (2005)
  50. M. Dürr, C.Dimopoulou, B. Najjari, A. Dorn and J. Ullrich
    Three-dimensional images of electron emission in electron-impact single-ionization of Helium
    (to be submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett.)
  51. K. Tokesi, B. Juhasz, and J. Burgdörfer
    Exotic Rydberg atom formation in low-energy antiproton-helium collisions
    J. Phys. B 38, 401 (2005)
  52. I. Barna, K. Tokesi, and J. Burgdörfer
    Single and double ionization of Helium in heavy-ion collisions
    J. Phys. B 38, 1001 (2005)
  53. M. Seliger, C. Reinhold, T. Minami, and J. Burgdörfer
    Quantum trajectory Monte Carlo method for non-unitary open quantum sys-tems
    Phys. Rev. A 71, 062901 (2005)
  54. K. Tokesi, X.-M. Tong, C. Lemell, and J. Burgdörfer
    Energy loss of charged particles at large distances from metal surfaces
    Phys. Rev. A. 72 (2005)
  55. K. Tokesi, I. Barna, and J. Burgdörfer
    Ionization of Helium by positron impact
    Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 233, 307 (2005)
  56. I. Barna, A. Gagy-Palffy, L. Gulyas, K. Tokesi, and J. Burgdörfer
    Singly differential electron emission cross sections for ionization of Helium by protons
    Nucl. Inst. Meth. B  233, 176 (2005)
  57. J. Burgdörfer
    Closing remarks
    Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 233, 330 (2005)
  58. K. Schiessl, W. Palfinger, C. Lemell, and J. Burgdörfer
    Simulation of guiding of highly charged projectiles through insulating nano-capillaries
    Nucl. Instr. Meth. B  232, 228 (2005)
  59. H.P. Winter, S. Lederer, H. Winter, C. Lemell, and J. Burgdörfer
    Kinetic electron emission induced by grazing scattering of slow atoms: local probe of the Compton profile near the surface
    Phys. Rev. B 72, 161402 (2005)
  60. M. Hörndl, S. Yoshida, A. Wolf, G. Gwinner, and J. Burgdörfer
    Enhancement of low energy electrons-ion recombination in a magnetic field: influence of transient field effects
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 243201 (2005)
  61. C. Lemell, M. Alducin, J. Burgdörfer, I. Juaristi, K. Schiessl, B. Solleder, K. Tokesi
    Interaction of slow multicharged ions with surfaces
    submitted for publication to Nucl. Instr. Meth. B (2005)
  62. K. Schiessl, W. Palfinger, K. Tokesi, H. Nowotny, C. Lemell, and J. Burgdörfer
    Simulation of guiding of multiply charged projectiles through insulating nano-capillaries
    Phys. Rev. A 72, 062902 (2005)
  63. J. Burgdörfer, C. Lemell, C.O. Reinhold, K. Schiessl, B. Solleder, K. Tokesi, L. Wirtz
    Collisions of slow highly charged ions with surfaces
    Book of Invited Papers, ICPEAC XXV (World Scientific Singapur, 2006)
  64. K. Schiessl, B. Solleder, K. Tokesi, L. Wirtz
    Collisions of slow highly charged ions with surfaces, J. Burgdörfer, C. Lemell, C.O. Reinhold
    Book of Invited Papers, ICPEAC XXV (World Scientific Singapur, 2006)
  65. J.R. Castrejon­Pita and R.C. Thompson
    Proposal for a planar Penning ion trap
    Phys. Rev. A 72, 013405 (2005)
  66. D.F.A. Winters, A.M. Abdulla, J.R. Castrej’on­Pita, A. de Lange, D.M. Segal and R.C. Thompson
    Plans for laser spectroscopy of trapped cold hydrogen­like HCI
    Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. B 235, 201 (2005)
  67. M. Vogel, D.F.A. Winters, D.M. Segal, and R.C. Thompson
    Proposed precision laser spectrometer for trapped, highly charged ions
    Rev. Sci. Instrum. 76, 103102 (2005)
  68. D.F.A. Winters, M. Vogel, D.M. Segal, and R.C. Thompson
    Electronic detection of charged particle effects in a Penning trap
    J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys 39, 3131 (2006)
  69. R.T. Rajendra Kumar, X. Badel, G. Vikor, J. Linnros, and R. Schuch
    Fabrication of silicon dioxide nano-capillary arrays
    Nanotechnology 16, 1 (2005)
  70. M.B. Sahana, P. Skog, Gy. Vikor, R.T. Rajendra Kumar, and R. Schuch
    Ion guiding through SiO2 nanocapillaries
    Book of Inv. Papers, Intern. Conf. on Photonic, Electronic, and Atomic Colli-sions, to be published
  71. M. B. Sahana, P. Skog, G. Vikor, R.T. Rajendra Kumar, and R. Schuch
    Guiding of highly charged ions by highly ordered SiO2 nanocappilaies
    submitted for publication to P.R. A rap. communications
  72. S. Nagy, T. Fritioff, A. Solders, R. Schuch, M. Björkhage and I. Bergström
    High-Precision Mass Measurements of 40Ca17+ and 40Ca19+ ions in a Penning Trap
    Eur. Phys. J. (to be submitted)
  73. S. Nagy, T. Fritioff, M. Suhonen, R. Schuch, K. Blaum, M. Björkhage and I. Bergström
    Improved mass of 7Li
    Rapid Com. Phys. Rev. A (to be submitted)
  74. S. Nagy, T. Fritioff, R. Schuch, M. Björkhage and I. Bergström
    On the Q-value of the tritium ?-decay
    Phys. Rev. Lett. (to be submitted)
  75. G. Bednarz, A.Warczak, D. Sierpowski, T. Stoehlker, S. Hagmann, F. Bosch, A. Gumberidze, C.Kozhuharov, D.Liesen, P.H. Mokler, X. Ma, Z. Stachura
    Charge state dependence of L-REC into highly charged U-ions
    Nucl. Instr. and Methods in Physics Research B 235 (2005) 280-283
  76. M. Kajetanowicz, S. Samek, D. Sierpowski,T. Stoehlker, A. Warczak, A. Wilk
    Digital processing of Ge-detector signals
    accepted for publication in Rad. Phys.and Chem., Paper presented at X-05 Int. Conference, Melbourne, Australia (4-8 July, 2005)



Publications related to the HITRAP project:

(Published results which were obtained without utilizing support provided by the European Union through the HITRAP contract)

  1. Adoui L., Tarisien M., Rangama J., Sobocinski P., Cassimi A., Chesnel J.Y., Fremont F., Gervais B., Dubois A., Krishnamurthy M., Sanjay K. et Mathur D.
    HCI-induced molecule fragmentation : non-coulombic explosion and three body effects
    Physica Scripta, T92, 89 (2001)
  2. T. Beier, H. Häffner, N. Hermanspahn, S. Djekic, H.-J. Kluge, W. Quint, S. Stahl, T. Valenzuela, J. Verdu, and G. Werth
    The measurement of the electronic g-factor in hydrogenlike ions – a promising tool for determining fundamental constants
    Eur. Phys. J. A  15, 41 (2002)
  3. T. Beier, H. Häffner, N. Hermanspahn, S. G. Karshenboim, H.-J. Kluge, W.Quint, S. Stahl, J. Verdu, and G. Werth
    New determination of the electron’s mass
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 011603-1 (2002)
  4. I. Bergström, C.Carlberg, T. Fritioff, G. Douysset, J. Schonfelder, and R.Schuch
    SMILETRAP - A Penning trap facility for precision mass measurements using highly-charged ions
    Nucl. Instr. Meth. A487, 618 (2002)
  5. I. Bergström, T. Fritioff, R. Schuch and J. Schönfelder
    On the  Masses of 28Si and the Proton Determined in a Penning Trap
    Phys. Scripta 66, 201 (2002)
  6. I. Bergström, M. Bjorkhage, K. Blaum, H. Bluhme, T. Fritioff, and  R. Schuch
    High-Precision Mass Measurements of Hydrogen-like 24Mg and 26Mg Isotope Ions in a Penning Trap
    Eur. Phys. J. D. 22, 41 (2003)
  7. J. Burgdörfer, C. O. Reinhold, and F. Meyer
    Auger rates for highly charged ions near an insulator surface
    Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. B 205, 690 (2003)
  8. J.R. Crespo Lopez-Urrutia, J. Braun, G. Brenner, H. Bruhns, A. Lapierre, A.J. Gonzalez Martinez, V. Mironov, R. Soria Orts, H. Tawara, M. Trinczek and J. Ullrich
    Optimisation of the  charge state distribution of the ion beam extracted from an EBIT by dielectronic recombination
    In” ICIS 03 Conference Proceedings” (2003) (to be published in Rev. Sci. In-strum.)
  9. R. Dörner, Th. Weber, M. Weckenbrock, A. Staudte, M. Hattass, R. Mosham-mer, J. Ullrich, and H. Schmidt-Böcking,
    Multiple Ionization in Strong Laser Fields
    Adv. At. Mol. Physics 48, (2002) (eds.B. Bederson and H. Walther) (accepted)
  10. R. Dörner, Th. Weber, M. Weckenbrock, A. Staudte, S. Kammer, H. Schmidt-Böcking, H. Rottke, R. Moshammer, B. Feuerstein, J. Ullrich
    Double Ionization in Strong Laser Fields
    accepted for “The Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions”, AIP Confer-ence Proceedings (edited by S. Datz, R. Vane, J. Burgdörfer) (2002)
  11. I. Draganic, J.R. Crespo López-Urrutia, R. Du Bois, S. Fritzsche, V. M. Sha-baev, R. Soria Orts, I. I Tupitsyn, Y. Zou, and J. Ullrich
    High Precision Wavelength Measurements of QED-Sensitive Forbidden Tran-sitions in Highly Charged Argon Ions
    Phys. Rev. Lett 91, 183001 (2003)
  12. E. Eremina, X. Liu, H. Rottke, W. Sandner, A. Dreischuh, F.Lindner, F.Grasbon, G.G. Paulus, H. Walther, R. Moshammer, B. Feuerstein and J. Ullrich
    Laser-induced non-sequential double ionization investigated at and below the threshold for electron impact ionization
    J. Phys. B  36, 3269 (2003)
  13. D. Fischer, B. Feuerstein, R. D. DuBois, R. Moshammer, J. R. Crespo Lopez-Urrutia, I. Draganic, H. Lörch, A. N. Perumal, and J. Ullrich
    State Resolved Measurement of Single Electron Capture in Slow Ne7+ and Ne8+ - Helium Collisions
    J. Phys. B  35, 1369 (2002)
  14. Fremont F., Laurent G., Rangama J., Sobocinski P., Tarisien M., Adoui L., Cassimi A., Chesnel J. Y., Flechard X., Hennecart D. et Husson X.
    Electron capture in collisions of slow highly charged ions with an atom and a  molecule, processes and fragmentation dynamics
    International Journal of Molecular Sciences 3, 115 (2002)
  15. T. Fritioff, H. Bluhme, R. Schuch, I. Bergström, and M. Björkhage.
    Chasing mass accuracies below 10-9 using a Penning trap and highly charged ions
    Eur. Phys. J. A 15, 249 (2002)
  16. T. Fritioff, H. Bluhme, R. Schuch, I. Bergström, and M. Björkhage.
    Shedding light on the mercury mass discrepancy by weighing Hg52+ ions in a Penning trap
    Nucl. Phys A 723, 3 (2003)
  17. T. Kirchner, L. Gulyás, M. Schulz, R. Moshammer, and J. Ullrich
    Doubly Differential Electron Emission Spectra in Single and Multiple Ionization of Noble Gas Atoms by Fast Highly-Charged Ion Impact
    Phys. Rev. A. 65,  042727 (2002)
  18. H. Kollmus, R. Moshammer, R.E. Olson, S. Hagmann, M. Schulz and J. Ullrich
    Simultaneous Projectile-Target Ionization: An Approach to (e,2e) Experiments on Ions
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 103202 (2002)
  19. C. Lemell, X. Tong, F. Krausz, J. Burgdörfer
    Electron emission from metal surfaces by ultrashort pulses: determination of carrier-envelope phase
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 076403 (2003)
  20. T. Minami, C. O. Reinhold, J. Burgdörfer
    Quantum trajectory Monte Carlo method describing the coherent dynamics of highly charged ions
    Nucl. Inst. Meth. Phys. Res. B 205, 818 (2003)
  21. T. Minami, C. O. Reinhold, J. Burgdörfer
    Quantum trajectory Monte Carlo Method for internal state evolution of fast ions traversing amorphous solids
    Phys. Rev. A 67, 022902 (2003)
  22. V. Mironov, M. Trinczek, A. Werdich, A.J. González Martínez, P. Guo, X. Zhang, J. Braun, J.R. Crespo López-Urrutia, and J. Ullrich
    Tests of a Laser Ion Source at the Heidelberg Electron Beam Ion Trap
    Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. B 205, 183 (2003)
  23. R. Moshammer, B. Feuerstein, D. Fischer, A. Dorn, C.D. Schröter, J. Deipen-wisch, J.R. Crespo López-Urrutia, C. Höhr, P. Neumayer, J. Ullrich, H. Rottke, C. Trump, M. Wittmann, G. Korn, W. Sandner
     Non-Sequential Double Ionization of Ne in Intense Laser Pulses: A coinci-dence Experiment
    Optics Express 8, 358 (2001)
  24. R. Moshammer, B. Feuerstein, J. R. Crespo Lopez-Urrutia, A. Dorn, D. Fischer, C.D. Schröter, W. Schmitt, J. Ullrich, H. Rottke, C. Trump, M. Witt-mann, G. Korn, K. Hoffmann, W. Sandner
    Correlated Two-Electron Dynamics in Strong Field Double Ionization
    Phys. Rev. A 65, 035401 (2002)
  25. R. Moshammer, J. Ullrich, B. Feuerstein, D. Fischer, A. Dorn, C.D. Schröter, J.R. Crespo  Lopez-Urrutia, C. Höhr, H. Rottke, C. Trump, M. Wittmann, G. Korn, K. Hoffmann and W. Sandner
    Strongly directed electron emission in non-sequential double ionization of Ne by intense laser pulses
    J. Phys. B  36, L113 (2003)
  26. W. Quint and the g-factor Collaboration
     The g-Factor of the Bound Electron in Hydrogenic Ions
    Atomic Physics 17 (E.Arimondo, P. DeNatale, M. Inguscio eds.) AIP Conf. Proc. 551, 269 (2001)
  27. W. Quint, J. Dilling, S. Djekic, H. Häffner, N. Hermanspahn, H.-J. Kluge, G. Marx, R. Moore, D. Rodriguez, J. Schönfelder, G. Sikler, T. Valenzuela, J. Verdú, C. Weber, G. Werth
    HITRAP: A Facility for Experiments with Highly Charged Ions
    Hyperfine Interactions 132, 453 (2001)
  28. W. Quint, T. Beier, H. Häffner, N. Hermanspahn, S. Karshenboim, H.-J. Kluge, G. Marx, T. Valenzuela, J. Verdú, and G. Werth
    The magnetic moment anomaly of the electron bound in hydrogen-like ions
    AIP Conf. Proc. 564, 144 (2001)
  29. A. Robin, J. Jensen, and W. Heiland
    Azimuthal effects in grazing surface scattering
    J. Electron Spectr. Rel. Phen. 129, 309 (2003)
  30. A. Robin, D. Niemann, N. Stolterfoht, and W. Heiland
    Highly charged ions impinging on a stepped metal surface under grazing inci-dence
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  31. A. Robin, D. Niemann, N. Stolterfoht, and W. Heiland
    Step effects in the interaction of highly charged ions (HCI) with a metal sur-face,
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  32. H. Rottke, C. Trump, M. Wittmann, G. Korn,  W. Sandner, R. Moshammer, A. Dorn, C.D. Schröter, D. Fischer, J. R. Crespo Lopez-Urrutia, P. Neumayer, J. Deipenwisch, C. Höhr, B. Feuerstein, and J. Ullrich,
    Coincident Fragment Detection in Strong Field Photo Ionization and Dissocia-tion of H2
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 013001 (2002)
  33. Schulz M., Moshammer R., Madison D. H., Olson R. E. , Marchalant P., Whe-lan C. T., Walters H. R. J., Jones S.,  Foster M., Kollmus H., Cassimi A. et Ull-rich J.
    Triply differential single ionization cross sections in coplanar and non-coplanar geometry for fast heavy ion-atom collision
    J. Phys. B 34, L305 (2001)
  34. Sobocinski P., Rangama J., Chesnel J. Y., Tarisien M., Adoui L., Cassimi A., Husson X. et Fremont F.
    Inner-shell electron capture mechanisms in slow He2+ + CO and  O7+ + CO collisions
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  35. Sobocinski P., Rangama J., Laurent G., Adoui L., Cassimi A., Chesnel J. Y., Dubois A., Hennecart D. et Husson X.
    Evidence for highly energetic fragments following electron capture in O5+ - He collisions at low impact velocities
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  36. Sobocinski P., Chesnel J. Y., Adoui L., Cassimi A., Husson X., Rangama J., Tarisien M. et Fremont F.
    Fragmentation of H2 molecules following electron capture in slow O5+ and Xe23+ + H2 collisions
    AIP Conference Proceedings 576, 114 ( 2001): Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry (CAARI)
  37. Stolterfoht N., Sulik B., Hoffmann V., Skogvall B., Chesnel J. Y., Rangama J., Fremont F., Hennecart D., Cassimi A., Husson X., Landers A. L., Tanis J., Ga-lassi M. et Rivarola R. D.
    Evidence for interference effects in electron emission from H2 colliding with 60MeV/u Kr34+ ions
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  38. Y. Takabayashi, T. Ito, T. Azuma, K. Komaki, Y. Yamazaki, H. Tawara, E. Ta-kada, M. Murakami, M. Seliger, K. Tökési, C. O. Reinhold, J. Burgdörfer
    Excited-state evolution probed by convoy electron emission in relativistic heavy ion collisions
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  39. Tarisien M., Adoui L., Fremont F., Moretto-Capelle P., Gervais B., Dubois A., Krishnamurthy M., Sanjay K. et Mathur D.
    Dissociation of molecules induced by multicharged heavy ions
    Proceedings, International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (ICPEAC) Santa Fe; Burgdörfer, Cohen, Datz, and Vane (eds.), Rin-ton Press Princeton NJ publishers (2002)
  40. K. Tökési, L. Wirtz, C. Lemell, J. Burgdörfer:
    Angular distribution of highly charged ions transmitted through metallic micro-capillaries
    J. Electr. Spec. Rel. Phen. 129, 195 (2003)
  41. G. Werth, H. Häffner, N. Hermanspahn, H.-J. Kluge, W. Quint, J. Verdu
    The g-factor of Hydrogenic ions: A test of bound state QED
     Proc. The Hydrogen Atom II (S. Karshenboim and F. Pavone, eds.) Lecture Notes in    Physics 570, 204 (Springer 2001)
  42. G. Werth, H. Häffner, H.-J. Kluge, W. Quint, T. Valenzuela, J. Verdu
    A possible new value for the electron mass from g-factor measurements on Hydrogen-like ions
     Hyperfine Interactions 132, 209 (2001)
  43. L. Wirtz, C. Stampfer, S. Rotter, J. Burgdörfer
    Semiclassical theory for transmission through open billards: Convergence to-wards quantum transport
    Phys. Rev. E 67, 016206 (2003)
  44. Y. Zou, J. R. Crespo Lopez-Urrutia, and J. Ullrich
    Observation of Dielectronic Recombination Through Two-Electron One-Photon Correlative Stabilization in an Electron Beam Ion Trap
    Phys. Rev. A 67, 042703 (2003)
  45. D. G. Arbó, C. O. Reinhold, J. Burgdörfer,
    Classical and quantum scaling for localization of half-cycle pulse-driven Rydberg wave packets
    Phys. Rev. A 69, 23409 (2004)
  46. I. F. Barna,
    Ionisation of helium in positron collisions
    Eur. Phys. J. D 30, 5 (2004)
  47. J. Bernard, J. Alonso, T. Beier, M. Block, S. Djekic, H.-J. Kluge, C. Kozhu-harov, W. Quint, S. Stahl, T. Valenzuela, J. Verdu, M. Vogel and G. Werth,
    Electron and Positron Cooling of Highly Charged Ions in a Cooler Penning Trap
    Nucl. Inst. Meth. A 532, 224 (2004)
  48. A. Cassimi, M. Tarisien, G. Laurent, P. Sobocinski, L. Adoui, J.Y. Chesnel, F. Fremont, B. Gervais, D. Hennecart.
    Charged-particle induced molecular fragmentation at large velocities
    In: Many particle quantum dynamics in atomic and molecular fragmentation, J. Ullrich and V.P. Shevelko editors. Springer series on atomic, optical and plasma physics 35, 429-445 (2003)
  49. J.R. Crespo López-Urrutia, J. Braun, G. Brenner, H. Bruhns, A. Lapierre, A.J. González Martínez, V. Mironov, R. Soria Orts, H. Tawara, M. Trinczek, and J. Ullrich
    Optimization of the Charge State Distribution of the Ion Beam Extracted from an EBIT by Dielectronic Recombination
    Review of Scientific Instruments 75,  1560 (2004)
  50. J.R. Crespo López-Urrutia, B. Bapat, B. Feuerstein, D. Fischer, H. Lörch, R. Moshammer, and J. Ullrich
    Physics with Highly-Charged Ions in an EBIT
    Hyperfine Interactions 146/147,  109 (2003)
  51. I. Draganic, J.R. Crespo López-Urrutia, R. Soria,  R. DuBois, S. Fritzsche, Y. Zou, and J. Ullrich
    High Precision Wavelength Measurements of Forbidden Transitions in Highly Charged Argon and Krypton Ions
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 91,  183001 (2003)
  52. F. B. Dunning, C. O. Reinhold, J. Burgdörfer,
    The kicked Rydberg atom: a new laboratory for study of nonlinear dynamics
    Physica Scripta 68, C44 (2003)
  53. D. Fischer, R. Moshammer, B. Feuerstein, A. Dorn, C.D. Schröter, J.R. Crespo Lopez-Urrutia, C. Höhr, H. Kollmus, S. Hagmann, and J. Ullrich
    On the Charge-Sign Dependence of Four-Particle Dynamics in Helium Double Ionization
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 90,  243201-1 (2003)
  54. D. Fischer, R. Moshammer, M. Schulz, A. Voitkiv, D.H. Madison, M. Foster, and J. Ullrich
    Fully Differential Cross Sections for the Single Ionization of Helium by Ion Im-pact
    J. Phys. B 36,  3555 (2003)
  55. D. Fischer, B. Feuerstein, R. Moshammer, J.R. Crespo López-Urrutia, I. Draganic, H. Lörch, A.N. Perumal, and J. Ullrich
    Subshell Resolved Measurements of Single Electron Capture in Slow Ne7+ - Helium Collisions
    Hyperfine Interactions 146/147,  177 (2003)
  56. A. C. Gagyi-Pálffy, I. F. Barna, L. Gulyás, and K. Tökési,
    Angular differential cross sections for ionisation of helium in C6+ ion collisions
    Chin. Phys. Lett. 21, 1258 (2004)
  57. R. Klages, I. F. Barna,.L. Mátyás
    Spin modes in the diffusion of a granular particle on a vibrating surface
    accepted by Phys. Lett. A (2004)
  58. D.H. Madison, D. Fischer, M. Foster, M. Schulz, R. Moshammer, S. Jones, and J. Ullrich
    Probing Scattering Wave Functions Close to the Nucleus
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 91,  253201-1 (2003)
  59. E. Persson, S. Yoshida, X.-M. Tong, C.O. Reinhold, J. Burgdörfer
    Quantum localization in the three-dimensional kicked Rydberg atom
    Phys. Rev. A 68, 63406 (2003)
  60. W. Quint, J. Alonso, S. Djekic, H.-J. Kluge, T. Valenzuela, J. Verdu, M. Vogel and G. Werth
    Continuous Stern-Gerlach effect and the Magnetic Moment of the Antiproton
    Nucl. Inst. Meth. B 214, 207 (2004)
  61. C. O. Reinhold, W. Zhao, J. C. Lancaster, F. B. Dunning, E. Persson, D. G. Arbó, S. Yoshida, and J. Burgdörfer
    Response of highly polarized Rydberg states to trains of half-cycle pulses
    Phys. Rev. A 70, 033402 (2004)
  62. S. Rotter, F. Libisch, J. Burgdörfer, U. Kuhl, H.J. Stöckmann,
    Tunable Fano resonances in transport through microwave billiards
    Phys. Rev. E 69, 46208 (2004)
  63. S. Rotter, B. Weingartner, N. Rohringer, J. Burgdörfer,
    Ballistic quantum transport at high energies and high magnetic fields
    Phys. Rev. B 68, 165302 (2003)
  64. M. Schulz,  R. Moshammer, D. Fischer, H. Kollmus, D.H. Madison, S. Jones, and J. Ullrich
    Three-Dimensional Imaging of Atomic Four-Body Processes
    Nature 422, 48 (2003)
  65. P. Sobocinski, J. Rangama, J.Y. Chesnel, G. Allio, D. Hennecart, G. Laurent, L. Adoui, A. Cassimi, S. Dubois, O. James, D. Martina, A. Spicq, J.H. Bremer, A. Dubois, F. Fremont.
    Impact parameter dependence of electron capture in slow O5+ plus He colli-sions
    Journal of Physics B, Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 36, 1283-1295 (2003)
  66. S. Stahl, F. Galve, J. Alonso, S. Djekic, W. Quint, T. Valenzuela, J. Verdu, M. Vogel and G. Werth
    A planar Penning trap
    Eur. Phys. J. D 32, 139 (2005)
  67. J. Ullrich, R. Dörner, R. Moshammer, H. Rottke, and W. Sandner
    Multiple Ionization in Strong Fields
    In: Proceedings of the XVIII International Conference on Atomic Physics, ed-ited by H.R. Sadeghpour, E.R. Heller, and D.E. Pritchard, World Scientific, Singapore, p. 219 (2003)
  68. J. Ullrich,  R. Moshammer, A. Dorn, R. Dörner, L. Ph. H. Schmidt, H. Schmidt-Böcking
    Recoil-Ion and Electron Momentum Spectroscopy: Reaction-Microscopes
    Reports on Progress in Physics 66,  1463 (2003)
  69. Manuel Vogel und Günther Werth,
    Das Elektron auf der Präzisionswaage
    Physik in unserer Zeit, 34. Jahrgang Nr.6, Seite 253 (2003)
  70. M. Wickenhauser and J. Burgdörfer,
    Theoretical aspects of time-resolved autoionization
    Laser Physics 14, 492 (2004)
  71. W. Zhao, J. Lancaster, F. Dunning, C. Reinhold, and J. Burgdörfer,
    Characterization of the quasi-one dimensional Rydberg atom using half-cycle pulses
    Phys. Rev. A 69, 041401 (2004)
  72. L. Dahl, W. Barth, T. Beier, W. Vinzenz, C. Kitegi, U. Ratzinger, A. Schempp
    The HITRAP-Decelerator for Heavy Highly-Charged Ions
    Linac2004, Lübeck, Germany, (2004)
  73. J. Bernard, J. Alonso, T. Beier, M. Block, S. Djekic, H.-J. Kluge, C. Kozhu-harov, W. Quint, S. Stahl, T. Valenzuela, J. Verdu, M. Vogel, G. Werth
    Electron and positron cooling of highly charged ions in a cooler Penning trap
    Nucl. Instr. Meth A 532, 224 (2004)
  74. P. Indelicato, A.-M. Maartensson-Pendrill, W. Quint, and J.-P. Desclaux
    Correlation and Relativistic Effects on Landé gj Factors of Atomic Ions
    Hyp. Int. 146/147, 127 (2003)
  75. G. Ewald et al.
    Nuclear Charge Radii of 8,9Li Determined by Laser Spectroscopy
    Physical Review Letters 93, p. 113002 (2004)
  76. H.-J. Kluge, K. Blaum, and C. Scheidenberger
    Mass Measurement of Radioactive Isotopes
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 532: p. 48 – 55 (2004)
  77. H.F. Beyer, et al.
    FOCAL: X-ray optics for accurate spectroscopy
    Spectrochimica Acta B, p. 1535 – 1542 (2004)
  78. H.-J. Kluge and K. Blaum
    Trapping Radioactive Ions
    Nuclear Physics A 746: p. 200c - 205c (2004)
  79. K. Blaum, et al.
    Population inversion of nuclear states by a Penning trap mass spectrometer
    Europhysics Letters 67, p. 586-592 (2004)
  80. G. Tommaseo, P. Paasche, C. Angelescu, G. Werth
    Subharmonic excitation of the eigenmodes of charged particles in a Penning trap
    Eur. Phys. J. D 28, 39 (2004)
  81. J.R. Crespo López-Urrutia,  J. Braun, G. Brenner, H. Bruhns, C. Dimopou-lou, I.N. Draganic, D. Fischer, A.J. González Martínez, A. Lapierre,V. Mi-ronov, R. Moshammer, R. Soria Orts, H. Tawara, M. Trinczek, and J. Ullrich
    Progress at the Heidelberg EBIT
    IOP Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2,  42-51 (2004)
  82. J.R. Crespo López-Urrutia, J. Braun, G. Brenner, H. Bruhns, A. Lapierre, A.J. González Martínez, V. Mironov, R. Soria Orts, H. Tawara, M. Trinczek, and J. Ullrich
    Optimization of the Charge State Distribution of the Ion Beam Extracted from an EBIT by Dielectronic Recombination
    Review of Scientific Instruments 75,  1560 (2004)
  83. A. Rudenko, B. Feuerstein, K. Zrost, V.L.B. de Jesus, T. Ergler, C. Dimopou-lou, C.D. Schröter, R. Moshammer, and J. Ullrich
    Fragmentation Dynamics of Molecular Hydrogen in Strong Ultrashort Laser Pulses
    J. Phys. B 38, 487-501  (2005)
  84. M. Dürr, B. Najjari, C.Dimopoulou, A. Dorn and J. Ullrich
    Fragmentation of Helium in Collisions with Slow Electrons: Three- and Four-body Dynamics
    (to be published in AIP Conference series)
  85. X. Zhang, J.R. Crespo López-Urrutia, P. Guo, V. Mironov, X. Shi, A.J. Gon-zález Martínez, H.Tawara and J. Ullrich
    Experimental study of the deep-lying dielectronic recombination resonances of He-like germanium ions
    J. Phys. B 37,  2277 (2004)
  86. A.J. González Martínez, J.R. Crespo López-Urrutia, J. Braun, G. Brenner, H. Bruhns, A. Lapierre, V. Mironov, R. Soria Orts, H. Tawara, M. Trinczek, J. Ullrich and J.H. Scofield
    State-Selective Quantum Interference Observed in the Recombination of Highly Charged Hg75+...78+ Mercury Ions in an Electron Beam Ion Trap
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 203201 (2005)
  87. J. Braun, H. Bruhns, M. Trinczek, J.R. Crespo López-Urrutia and J. Ullrich
    Novel technique for high-precision Bragg-angle determination in crystal x-ray spectroscopy
    Review of Scientific Instruments 76,  073105 (2005)
  88. M. Schulz, D. Fischer, R. Moshammer and J. Ullrich
    Electron-Electron Correlations and Dipole Selection Rules in Double Ioniza-tion of Helium by Proton Impact
    J. Phys. B 38,  1363-1370 (2005)
  89. C. Höhr, A. Dorn, B. Najjari, D. Fischer, C.D. Schröter and J. Ullrich
    Electron Impact Ionization in the Presence of a Laser Field: A Kinematically Complete (n?e, 2e) Experiment
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 94,  153201 (2005)
  90. A. Rudenko, K. Zrost, B. Feuerstein, V.L.B. de Jesus, C.D. Schröter, R. Moshammer and J. Ullrich
    Correlated Multielectron Dynamics in Ultrafast Laser Pulse Interactions with Atoms
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 253001 (2004)
  91. V.L.B. de Jesus, A. Rudenko, B. Feuerstein, K. Zrost,C.D. Schröter, R. Moshammer and J. Ullrich
    Reaction microscopes applied to study atomic and molecular fragmentation in intense laser fields: non-sequential double ionization of helium
    Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 141, 127 (2004)
  92. A. Rudenko, K. Zrost, C.D. Schröter, V.L.B. de Jesus, B. Feuerstein, R. Moshammer and J. Ullrich
    Resonant structures in the low-energy electron continuum for single ioniza-tion of atoms in the tunneling regime
    J. Phys. B 37,  L407 (2004)
  93. G. Sakhelashvili, A. Dorn, C.Höhr, J. Ullrich, A.S. Kheifets, J. Lower, K. Bartschat
    Triple coincidence (e, ?2e) Experiment for Simultaneous Electron Impact Ionization Excitation of Helium
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 94,  153201 (2005)
  94. A.B. Voitkiv, B. Najjari, R. Moshammer, M. Schulz and J. Ullrich
    Three-body quantum dynamics of helium single ionization by 1 GeV/u U92+ impact
    J. Phys. B 37,  L365 (2004)
  95. W. Zhao, J. Lancaster, F. Dunning, C. Reinhold, and J. Burgdörfer
    The periodically kicked atom: effect of the average DC field
    J. Phys. B 38, 191 (2005)
  96. S. Yoshida, C. Reinhold, E. Persson, D.G. Arbó, J. Burgdörfer, and F. B. Dunning
    Steering Rydberg wavepackets using a chirped train of half-cycle pulses
    J. Phys. B. 38, S 209 (2005)
  97. M. Hörndl, S. Yoshida, K. Tokesi, and J. Burgdörfer
    Comment on 'Radiative recombination enhancement of bare ions in storage rings with electron cooling'
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 209301 (2004)
  98. M. Wickenhauser, J. Burgdörfer, F. Krausz, and M. Drescher
    Time-resolved Fano resonances
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 023002 (2005)
  99. F. Aigner, S. Rotter,and J. Burgdörfer
    Shot noise in the quantum-to-classical and chaotic-to-regular crossover re-gimes
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 216801 (2005)
  100. M. Hörndl, S. Yoshida, K. Tokesi, J. Burgdörfer
    Enhancement of low-energy electron-ion recombination in a magnetic field: influence of transient field effects
    Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 235, 290 (2005)
  101. C. Deiss, N. Rohringer, and J. Burgdörfer
    Cluster-laser interaction: fast production of hot electrons by short laser pulses Nucl. Instr. Meth. B  235, 210 (2005)
  102. M. Wickenhauser, J. Burgdörfer, F. Krausz, and M. Drescher
    Attosecond streaking of overlapping Fano resonances
    J. Mod. Optics (accepted, 2005)
  103. F. Libisch, S. Rotter, J. Burgdörfer, A. Kormanyos, and J. Cserti
    Bound states in Andreev billiards with soft walls
    Phys. Rev. B (accepted, 2005)
  104. B. Weingartner, S. Rotter, and J. Burgdörfer
    Simulation of electron transport through a quantum dot with soft walls
    Phys. Rev. B  72, 075304 (2005)
  105. C. Stampfer, S. Rotter, J. Burgdörfer, and L. Wirtz
    Pseudo-path semiclassical approximation to transport through open quan-tum billiards: Dyson equation for diffractive scattering
    Phys. Rev. E (accepted, 2005)
  106. S. Rotter, U. Kuhl, F. Libisch, J. Burgdörfer, and H. Stöckmann
    Fano resonances and decoherence in transport through quantum dots
    Physics E (accepted, 2005)
  107. S. Rotter, B. Weingartner, F. Libisch, F. Aigner, J. Feist, and J. Burgdörfer
    A modular method for the efficient calculation of ballistic transport through quantum billiards
    Springer Lecture Notes in Comp. Physics (accepted, 2005)
  108. W. Zhao, J. Mestayer, J. Lancaster, F.B. Dunning, C.O. Reinhold, S. Yo-shida, and J. Burgdörfer
    Engineering very-high-n polarized Rydberg states using tailored HCP pulses
    Phys. Rev. Lett. (accepted, 2005)
  109. C. Deiss, N. Rohringer, and J. Burgdörfer
    Laser-cluster interaction: x-ray production by short laser pulses
    Phys. Rev. Lett. (submitted 2005)
  110. C. Stampfer, S. Rotter, and J. Burgdörfer
    Comment on dynamic range of nanotube and naowire-based electrome-chanical systems
    Applied. Phys. Lett. (submitted, 2005)
  111. N. Rohringer, S. Peter, and J. Burgdörfer
    Calculating state-to-state transition probabilities within TDDFT
    Phys. Rev. Lett. (submitted 2005)
  112. C. Prigent, L. Adout, E. Lamour, J.P. Rozet, D. Vernhet, O. Gobert, P. Meynadier, D. Normand, M. Perdix, C. Deiss, N. Rohringer, and J. Burgdör-fer
    Low intensity threshold values for keV x-ray production in laser-cluster inter-action
    Phys. Rev. Lett. (submitted 2005)
  113. M. Kajetanowicz, S. Samek, D. Sierpowski, T. Stoehlker, A. Warczak, A. Wilk
    Digital processing of Ge-detector signals
    GSI Scientific Report 2004, APHY-EXP-21