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"target" magazine issue 17 published
"target" magazine issue 17 published
SB1 - Renovation works former canteen
Demontage der Zaunelemente des Zugangs C24
SB1 - Renovation works former canteen
Saturday Morning Physics: Excursion leads to FAIR and GSI
Maintenance of the online instruction system INSTRUCT
SB1 - Renovation works former canteen
First HEBT Quadrupol delivered
Maintenance of the online instruction system INSTRUCT
SB1 - Renovation works former canteen
GSI-FAIR Scientific Report 2017
From the Scientific-Technical Council from November 20th, 2018
Panda Collaboration honors PhD: Prize for Dr. Mustafa Schmidt
Einladung zur Betriebsversammlung
Christoph-Schmelzer-Price 2018
"50 years GSI" photo calendar 2019
Successful discussions in South Africa
West entrance SB1 closed due to construction
Yuri Litvinov receives chinese expert award
West entrance SB1 closed due to construction
HED@FAIR Annual Meeting Summary
Giersch-Excellence-Grant awarded to Sajjad Hussain Mirza
West entrance SB1 closed due to construction
Roof renovation SE Laboratory building
Roof refurbishment of the SE-laboratory building and turnstile north gate KBW
September 2018: HGS-HIRe & RS-APS Lecture Week on Atomic & Laser/Plasma Physics
From the Scientific-Technical Council from October 16th, 2018
Change of certificate for eduroam wifi
Construction work Planckstreet area
Heart rate variability Measurement: Relaxation coaching
Roof refurbishment of the SE-laboratory building and turnstile north gate KBW
Change of certificate for eduroam wifi
Geldspende vom Bücherflohmarkt
Roof refurbishment of the SE-laboratory building and turnstile north gate KBW
Seminar "Selbstwirksamkeit in Zeiten der Veränderung"
"Wixhäuser Grenzgang": Visit at GSI and FAIR
Roof refurbishment of the SE-laboratory building and turnstile north gate KBW
Consultant day of the Techniker health insurance
ICUIL 2018 conference, Lindau, Germany
From the Scientific-Technical Council from September 25th, 2018
Collector Ring: Contract with Budker Institute has been signed
First octant of PANDA Solenoid Magnet yoke complete
"Euroschool on Exotic Beams" celebrates 25th anniversary
Rauschunterdrückung und Daten-Komprimierung von Vektorfeldern
Interruption of drinking water supply in the UNILAC area
Inhouse-Seminar mit der Qualifizierung zum Betriebssanitäter
Reconstruction of the main entrance SB1
City Cycling: Cycling for a better Climate 26.05.-15.06.2018 - 2. Place
Relaxation during the lunch break
20 years of tumor therapy: Clinical studies began in 1998
Training electronic management decision proposals
Parliamentary State Secretary visits FAIR and GSI
From the Scientific-Technical Council from August 21th, 2018
GSI/FAIR-Sommerfest - Nachlese
Ruprecht Karls Award for Dr. Andreas Samberg
GSI/FAIR Sommerfest: Informationen zu Bonvorverkauf, Kuchen
Invitation to staff meeting FAIR and GSI on 23-8-2018
Questions about statutory health insurance
Erinnerung! Brandschutzhelfer- Ausbildung
LV/AF/CS++ Course Announcement
Neues Programm der öffentlichen Vortragsreihe „Wissenschaft für Alle“
LV/AF/CS++ Course Announcement
GSI/FAIR Summer Party - Cake buffet
Interner Kurzvortrag Herausforderungen und Stress, betriebliche Sozialberatung
Electronic management decision proposal
Electronic management decision proposal
Changes in bus and tram traffic
Changes in bus and tram traffic
Electronic management decision proposal
Delegation from Thailand obtains information about FAIR and GSI
Electronic management decision proposal
Infos zur Beschaffung persönlich angepasster PSA
Patrick Burghardt gets informed about FAIR and GSI
Electronic management decision proposal
A prestigious award for Professor Nasser Kalantar-Nayestanaki
June 2018: HGS-HIRe Lecture Week on Electromagnetic Probes
Einführung der neuen Unterschwellenvergabeordnung (UVgO)
Summer party 23th August 2018 - Festival of Cultures
Surreale und andere Welten: Ausstellung von Starfotograf Harry Bünger
Vertragsverlängerung mit unserem Caterer ARAMARK
Vandalism on confectionery machines and coffee machines
"Beam on": Accelerator operation restarts, experimental time is being prepared
From the Scientific-Technical Council from Juni, 19th, 2018
Summer party 23th August 2018 - Festival of Cultures
Vertragsverlängerung mit unserem Caterer ARAMARK
Heinerfest - Montag, ab 12:05 Uhr arbeitsfrei
Panda Collaboration honors PhD: Theory Prize for Dr. Antje Peters
Young Scientists' GSI/FAIR Poster Colloquium 2018
Announcement „Wer strahlt denn da 2018“
Juni 2018: HGS-HIRe Lecture Week on Accelerator Physics and Technology
Vortrag "Mehr Gelassenheit im beruflichen Alltag"
FAIR: Erfolgreicher FAT für erste Power Converter in Indien
Shutdown of old Citrix terminal server farm
Betriebsversammlung am 13.06.2018
Joint risk management manual for GSI and FAIR
Arbeitnehmerüberlassung Manual
Interruption power supply BK1 - 16.06.2018
Physicist Hannah Petersen receives renowned award
Pre-announcement „Wer strahlt denn da 2018“
Closure of the main storage area on 11.06.2018
Interruption power supply BK1 - 16.06.2018
Celebrating the 10-year anniversary of PHELIX
Closure of the main storage area on 11.06.2018
Interruption power supply BK1 - 16.06.2018
Günther-von-Pannewitz-Preis 2018
From the Scientific-Technical Council
Inbetriebnahme der Beschleunigeranlage gestartet
GSI/FAIR Summer Festival on 23.08.2018 - musical/artistic support wanted
Kunstausstellung "Wave of Light"
Günther-von-Pannewitz-Preis 2018
City Cycling: Cycling for a better Climate 26.05.-15.06.2018
Festkolloquium für Professor Uli Lynen
Neuer Betriebsrat ab 1. Mai 2018
Kündigung durch unseren Caterer
City Cycling: Cycling for a better Climate 26.05.-15.06.2018
Fire protection restoration SB2 - decommissioning of media supply SB2
More than 40 girls learn about science and technology during Girls’Day
GSI/FAIR summer party - Save The Date
Klausur des Gleichstellungsgremiums
Beratertag der Techniker Krankenkasse
Fire protection restoration SB2 - decommissioning of media supply SB2
Ergebnis der Betriebsratswahl 2018
From the Scientific-Technical Council from April, 17th, 2018
Abschaltung von Brandmeldegruppen/ Brandmeldern
Bevorstehende Sperrung von Parkplätzen vor dem BR3
Fire protection restoration SB2 - decommissioning of media supply SB2
Betriebsratswahl bei GSI und FAIR GmbH am 19. April 2018
Fire protection restoration SB2 - decommissioning of media supply SB2
Cryogenic testing of magnets: First quadrupole units for the large FAIR ring accelerator tested
Betriebsratswahl bei GSI und FAIR GmbH am 19. April 2018
Fire protection restoration SB2 - decommissioning of media supply SB2
Playing Billiards with a Laser Beam
Candidates Works Council Election
Fire protection restoration SB2 - decommissioning of media supply SB2
New targets greatly improve the performance of laser-driven particle acceleration
From the Scientific-Technical Council (WTR) from March, 20th, 2018
Fire protection restoration SB2 - decommissioning of media supply SB2
Interruption of cold water supply in the old experimental hall (EH)
Electronics and Racks do be given away
Masterclass 2018 — Particle physicist for a day
Interruption of cold water supply in the old experimental hall (EH)
Available BIOS Updates in Windows-Software Centre
Candidacy for the Works Council on the electoral list "Persönlichkeitswahl"
Betriebsversammlung: Einladung und Tagesordnung
Electric height-adjustable desks
Dr. Yusuke Tsunoda receives FAIR GENCO Award for young scientists
Reception on the occasion of the International Women
Call for papers for the GSI Scientific Report 2017 (GSI Report 2018-1)
From the Scientific-Technical Council
Special Colloquium: FAIR-GENCO Award 2018
Construction works and measures concerning BK1 grounds
The Universe in the Laboratory: ESA and FAIR form partnership for researching cosmic radiation
Information concerning the Election of the Works Council 2018
Candidacy for the Works Council on the electoral list "Persönlichkeitswahl"
Restriction of crane operation in the old experimental hall (EH)
FAIR is sending a delegation to the Big Science Business Forum 2018 (BSBF2018) in Copenhagen
Upgrading Symantec Endpoint Protection (antivirus scanner)
Closing date for the financial year 2017
Girls'Day 2018 on Thursday, 26 April 2018
Restriction of crane operation in the old experimental hall (EH)
Kunstausstellung „Steps towards abstractions“
Studierende der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt besuchten die GSI
Closing date for the financial year 2017
"target" magazine issue 16 published
Außerbetriebnahme WC-Anlagen SB2
From the Scientific-Technical Council from January, 15th, 2018
Change of a default setting in Outlook
Buchungsschluss für das Geschäftsjahr 2017
Neue EU-Schwellenwerte zum 01.01.2018
Ausstellung "Die Einheit der Welt"
Call for papers for the GSI Scientific Report 2017 (GSI Report 2018-1)
Neue EU-Schwellenwerte zum 01.01.2018
Ausstellung "Die Einheit der Welt"
Neue EU-Schwellenwerte zum 01.01.2018
Ausstellung "Die Einheit der Welt"
Neues Programm der öffentlichen Vortragsreihe "Wissenschaft für Alle"
Updated Schedules of Responsibility