SPARC PhD-Prize Winners
Please find more detailed information in SPARC-Newsletter
2024: Dr. Stephan Dickopf „High-precision Penning-trap measurements of the magnetic moments and hyperfine splitting in hydrogen-like beryllium-9",
University of Heidelberg and Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics
2023: Dr. Jonas Sommerfeldt „All-Order Calculations of Delbrück Scattering",
Technical University of Braunschweig
2022: Sebastian Klammes „Laser cooling of ions in storage rings",
Friedrich-Schiller University Jena and Helmholtz Institute Jena
2021: Robert Klas „Efficiency Scaling of High Harmonic Generation using Ultrashort Fiber Lasers",
Friedrich-Schiller University Jena and Helmholtz Institute Jena
2020: Dr. Zuzana Slavkovska „Experimental investigation of the proton capture by 124Xe nucleus",
GSI Helmholtzzentrum and Goethe University Frankfurt
2019: Fabian Heiße „High-precision measurement of the proton’s atomic mass",
Max-Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg
2018: Ilia A. Maltsev "Calculations of charge-transfer and excitation probabilities in collisions of heavy highly charged ions",
St. Petersburg State University, Russia
Keeping our tradition of awarding SPARC Prize for the best PhD thesis related to atomic physics studies at GSI and FAIR. We would like to pay your attention that one can nominate not only those students who have already completed their PhD study but also students who will defend their thesis in the next six months. See the details below.
Please, pay your attention to the nomination rules below.
- The SPARC PhD Prize is open to students who successfully completed or will complete soon their PhD theses related to the SPARC experimental or theoretical program.
- The date of PhD defence should be no longer than two years prior and six months after the date of the nomination for the prize.
- The candidate has to be available to attend the SPARC collaboration workshop at the year of nomination.
Nomination Procedure
- Applicants are nominated by their PhD supervisor.
- Nominations must be submitted per email to the Chair of the Selection Committee and must consist of:
- A letter of nomination from the PhD supervisor in which the impact of the nominated work for SPARC program is described. Letter should not exceed one A4 page.
- The CV of the nominee, including full list of publications.
- If PhD defence was in the past: An electronic copy of the PhD diploma with the date of the defence. (If for whatever reason it is not possible, another confirmation of when the defence was held must be provided.)
- If PhD defence will be held in the next six months: Confirmation about expected date of the defence, signed by PhD supervisor.
- An electronic copy of the PhD thesis or its draft.
- If the PhD thesis is written in a language other than English, a short summary of its main results (in English, maximum half a page) should be presented together with an electronic copy of the thesis.
Selection procedure
- After the nomination deadline, which will be defined in each year depending on the dates of SPARC collaboration meeting, the Chair of the Selection Committee will send all nominations to the SPARC board members.
- The SPARC board members will be asked to select three candidates based on the documents available and to rank them. The ranked lists from the board members are to be sent to Chair of the Selection Committee no later than four weeks before the beginning of the SPARC collaboration meeting.
- Should a nominee be from the same group as a member of the SPARC board, this member will automatically be excluded from the final assessment (for this particular nominee).
- Based on the opinions of the SPARC board members the Chair of the Selection Committee together with Spokesperson and both Deputies should define a prizewinner. The decision has to be communicated to the SPARC board before the beginning of the collaboration meeting and has to be announced in the next SPARC News Letters edition.
- One SPARC PhD Prize will be awarded each year.
Awarding of the prize
- The prize will be awarded every year during the SPARC collaboration meeting.
- The prizewinner will be asked to make a presentation about her/his work at the special session of the SPARC collaboration meeting.
- The Award shall consist of financial prize (amount will be decided by the SPARC board) and an honorary recognition.