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Archiv | 2018 | KW:04 |Ausgabe: 04-2018 | 22.01. - 28.01.

Kurier - Messages from and for employees

Ausgabe: 04-2018 | 22.01. - 28.01.



APPA R&D meeting

Quelle: T. Stöhlker

The third APPA R&D meeting of German University groups brought together about 100 scientists from 15 German universities and research institutions involved in the APPA research pillar at FAIR. The APPA umbrella comprises the international research collaborations BIOMAT (biophysics and materials research), FLAIR (low-energy antiproton and ion research), HED@FAIR (plasma and laser physics), and SPARC (atomic physics with stored highly charged ions). The research of this community covers investigations of matter under extreme conditions including strong fields, high densities, high pressures, and high temperatures.
During the two-day workshop (January 11 - 12, 2018), the present status of the different APPA activities, the progress of the APPA-related BMBF research projects funded by the Verbundforschung as well as upcoming activities (beam time, new BMBF proposals) were discussed. Particular emphasis was put on the FAIR phase-0 research program. The presentations and discussions made clear that APPA with its versatile state-of-the-art instrumentation is well prepared for making excellent contributions to the FAIR research right from the start.

S. Schippers (Univ. Gießen), Christina Trautmann (GSI)

Aikido - New course

In February a new course for Aikido will be launched. It's a perfect opportunity for everybody interested in Aikido. You will get an introduction in basic concepts, aspects and elements of Aikido. In addition there is also Taiso (gymnastics), Rolls and Meditation. For more information or registration please ask me.

Best regards,
Christian Wolbert (

Begin: 1st February 2018. Then every Thursday until 8th of March. Participation at a later point of time is possible.

Time: 16:30 - 17:46

Location: TT-Hall on the old GSI premise (B1), Messeler-Park-Straße (Wixhausen)

Aikido - Neuer Kurs

Im Februar startet ein neuer Einführungskurs im Aikido. Geeignet für alle, die mal reinschnuppern möchten und sich für Aikido interessieren. Es werden die grundlegenden Ideen, Aspekte und Elemente von Aikido vorgestellt und einige Basistechniken erlernt. Hinzu kommen noch andere Übungen, wie Taiso (Gymnastik), Rollen und Meditation. Für nähere Informationen oder Anmeldung stehe ich jederzeit zur Verfügung.

Liebe Grüße,
Christian Wolbert (

Kursbeginn: Donnerstag, 01. Februar 2018. Danach wöchentlich jeweils donnerstags bis zum 08. März (inklusive). Ein späterer Einstieg ist problemlos möglich.

Uhrzeit: 16:30 - 17:45 Uhr

Ort: TT-Halle auf dem alten Betriebsgelände B1 der GSI an der Messeler-Park-Straße (Wixhausen)

C. Wolbert, Basis-IT, Tel. 2223

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Gruppe PER-PAD


Kerstin Schiebel | Phone: 2703 | Email:

Editorial deadline: Thursdays 12 p.m.
Web interface for submitting contributions:

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GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH
Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe GmbH

Planckstr. 1 | 64291 Darmstadt | Telefon: +49-6159-71- 0