Offers for visitors & high school students

Guided tours

Scientists want to unravel unsolved secrets about the structure and the evolution of the universe with experiments at the GSI accelerator facility and in the future at FAIR - Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research. You are welcome to visit our accelerators and experiments and join a guided tour through the facility.

Information material

You would like to know more about the work and the scientific achievements of GSI? Our information material gives an overview.

Wissenschaft für Alle

GSI's lecture series "Wissenschaft für Alle" is aimed at persons interested in current science and research. The focus is to prepare the science in an understandable fashion for the layman and make it accessible for a broader public.

Offers for high school students

GSI participates in a variety of activities and events for high school students to allow them to learn about GSI and thus cutting-edge research at an international research facility in a first hand experience.

Job training

GSI looks forward to young faces in our departments. It is possible to get a taste of the GSI work culture as well as to learn a job. Currently approx. 30 apprentices work at GSI.