Information for our users

Approximately 1.000 scientists (called users) from all over the world visit GSI/FAIR per year to conduct experiments at the accelerator facility in the frame of FAIR Phase-0, and publish their discoveries. Before the start of FAIR, this program exploits the accelerator facilities of GSI, which have been upgraded in view of the requirements as FAIR injectors. FAIR-Phase-0 also allows the use of detectors, which have been developed for FAIR, plus the new FAIR CRYRING storage ring.

In addition to our users a large number of scientists come to GSI/FAIR as long-term guests in the framework of cooperations in research and development.

Furthermore GSI/FAIR host a variety of conferences and meetings regularly attended by many international guests.

Our guest-scientists find all relevant information for their stay on the following pages.

Applications for Beamtime

Proposals for beamtime are submitted to GSI/FAIR via the plattform GATE ( Depending on the research field the respective Program Advisory Committees (PAC) then will evaluate the applications and recommend the Scientific Director to grant beamtime. More information is given on the PACs' webpage, where links lead to the sub-pages of each individual committee:

It is recommended that all users register in GATE as user-specific information will be communicated to those persons.

Welcome Office

The central point of contact for associated guests and users on campus is the Welcome Office (WEO) ( Registering there before arrival at GSI is requested. This helps preparing a number of issues in advance, and to reduce the time spent on formalities when entering the campus.


Contact Persons for External Users

Dr. Karin Füssel

Phone: +49-6159-71 1441
E-Mail: K.Fuessel(at)


Dr. Manuel Vogel

E-Mail: M.Vogel(at)


Mailinglist of Users

User that are registered in GATE ( and agree to this, will receive user-related information such as 'Calls for beamtime proposals'.


Additionally, there is the mailinglist 'GSI-Usersgroup @', for which users can register themselves. Through this mailinglist information like the summer student program or calls for contributions to the yearly scientific report will be communicated.

For registering to this mailinglist please click here. If you do not own a password for Listserv yet, please get one under this link and confirm it upon reception of the respective E-mail. This password is valid for all Listserv mailinglists to which you are subscribed. Once you have a password, please login to register to the users mailinglist (as regular subscriber). You will receive an E-mail with a link to confirm your registration. Once the registration process is finalized you will receive a confirmation mail, incl. a link where you can remove your contact from the mailinglist yourself. For removal from the mailinglist, you can also contact Karin Füssel.

For information on mails sent to the users' mailinglist in the past you can check itsarchive.



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