The IT department at GSI serves several purposes. On one hand it operates and manages the entire IT and HPC infrastructure at GSI and FAIR including the planned FAIR Tier-0 data center. On the other hand several research and development projects are conducted with the focus of building and improving a highly efficient and high performance IT infrastructure for the GSI and FAIR research. Within that context the latest technologies are used or developed in order to ensure environmental compatibility and resource efficiency, including Green-IT.
To date GSI is operating the most advanced and efficient data centers world wide, the largest, highest performing and most cost effective mass storage system, based on Lustre. Further the computing model for FAIR is being developed.
The department is organized in the following specialist groups:
Groups with specialist groups
Group ITC – IT Core Services and Applications
Head: Helmut Kreiser
- Data Center (DC)
- IT Services Group (ISG)
- Linux & Web (LW)
- Netzwerk & Telefon (NET)
- Technical Services (TEC)
- Windows (WIN)
Group ITR – IT Scientific Services and Reseach
Head: Mohammad Al-Turany
Central tasks:
Department Head: Dr. Thorsten Kollegger (T.Kollegger)
- FAIR Computing Coordinator: N.N. (ad interim: Dr. Thorsten Kollegger)
- Deputy Department Heads:
- Dr. Mohammad Al-Turany (M.Al-Turany)
- Dr. Helmut Kreiser (H.Kreiser)
- Assistance:
- Katharina Behnert (Tel.: +49 6159 71 2527, Büro: SB3.2.264d, K.Behnert)
- Simone Ollweiler (Tel.: +49 6159 71 3560, Büro: SB3.2.264d, S.Ollweiler)
- Training (IHK) :Arthur Mensch (A. Mensch), Leandro Ramos Rocha (L. Ramos Rocha)
- Education/Dual Study: Dr. Mohammad Al-Turany (KOSI) (M.Al-Turany)