SPARC Topical Workshops

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21th SPARC Topical Workshop

September 6-10, 2024, Münster, Germany

20th SPARC Topical Workshop

September 5-8, 2023, Edinburgh, UK

19th SPARC Topical Workshop

September 6-9, 2021, Online

18th SPARC Topical Workshop

September 6-9, 2021, Online

SPARC User and Collaboration Workshop: Stored and Cooled Heavy Ions at FAIR Phase-0

Dezember 15th, 2020, Online

17th SPARC Topical Workshop

September 14-16, 2020, Online

16th SPARC Topical Workshop

September 9-13, 2019, Jena, Germany

15th SPARC Topical Workshop

September 7-11, 2018, Lisbon, Portugal

14th Topical Workshop of the SPARC collaboration

September 11-14, 2017, Caen, France

13th Topical Workshop of the SPARC collaboration

September 16-20, 2016, Kraków, Poland

12th Topical Workshop of the SPARC collaboration

September 22-26, 2015, Fodele, Crete

11th Topical Workshop of the SPARC collaboration

October 16-17, 2014, Worms, Germany

10th Topical Workshop of the SPARC Collaboration

October 28-31, 2013, Jena, Germany

9th International Topical SPARC Workshop in Wien, Österreich

November, 26-28, 2012

8th International Topical SPARC Workshop and SPARC Lecture Days in Moscow, Russia

September, 5-10, 2011

SPARC Workshop in Lanzhou, China

August, 24-27, 2010

SPARC Collaboration Symposium

September, 1-4, 2009

5th SPARC Workshop and Collaboration Meetingion Meeting in Predeal, Romania

September, 23-28, 2008

SPARC Workshop in Paris, France

February, 12-15, 2007

SPARC Collaboration Meeting in Belfast, UK

September, 1st, 2006

SPARC Workshop in Piaski, Poland

September, 6-11, 2005
In Remembrance of Prof. Dr. Gerhard Soff and his Contributions to our Field

SPARC Workshop at GSI

October 29 -30, 2004

Workshop on Atomic Physics Research at the Future GSI Facility

December 9 - 10, 2002