November 6-11, 2013, Lanzhou, China

From November 6 to 11, 2013, the first Chinese-German Symposium about "High Precision Experiments with Stored Exotic and Stable Ions" takes place in Lanzhou, China. In the symposium experts from Germany, China and three other countries meet to discuss techniques and experiments in storage rings.

The proposal for the symposium was submitted in a joint effort by Dr. Yuri Litvinov, GSI, and Professor Yuhu Zhang, Institute of Modern Physics in Lanzhou. It was evaluated by referees from Germany and China. The approval and a grant for 173 600 RMB (approx. 20 000 Euro) for the realization of the events as well as travel funds for 18 participants were given in September 2013. The money is given by the Sino-German Centre for the Advancement of Science funded by the German Research Foundation DFG and the National Natural Science Foundation of China. The centre’s goal is to further the scientific cooperation between China and Germany in the fields of natural, life, managment and engineering sciences.

March 26th, 2013 - First storage ring for FAIR:

From the Manne-Siegbahn-Laboratory in Stockholm the first storage ring has been delivered to the future FAIR accelerator facility. The so called CRYRING has a diameter of 18 meters and will at first be assembled in cooperation with GSI at the existing GSI facility to conduct experiments and machine tests. In the long run it is planned to use it for research in atomic physics with slow antiprotons at FAIR. CRYRING is an in-kind contribution of Sweden to the FAIR facility, that is built in international cooperation at GSI. . [Full press release (German only)]