New procedure for creating new IT accounts or for changing passwords

1. The password for Windows and/or Linux has expired, is no longer valid or unknown.

1.1. Procedure until now:

  • The account owner contacts the IT Helpdesk (ITH) and brings a valid photo ID to set a new password.

--- alternatively ---

  • A GSI employee named by the account owner comes with a valid photo ID to the ITH to set a new password and then informs the account owner only verbally, either directly or by phone.

1.2. Additional, new procedural method

  • Requirements:  camera, microphone and valid Skype account
  • The employee calls the ITH. While on the phone a video call will be established. Using the video call the ITH checks the identity of the employee using his valid photo ID. Afterwards the password is transmitted over the phone verbally (no chat!)

--- alternatively ---

  • The initial password is sent in a sealed envelope to the employee's private address registered in the HR department.

2. Application for additional / secondary accounts

2.1. Procedure until now:

  • An account application is filled out via web interface and the printed document, signed by account owner and department head, is handed over to the ITH.
  • The ITH creates the submitted accounts. The access data will be sent to the user by in-house mail or the user or the person responsible will be informed of the completion by email. Changing the password is done in the same way as described above  (see 1.1)

2.2. Additional, new procedural method

  • An account application is filled out via web interface. Please make sure to note in the comment field of the web form which account already exists (with the login name). The PDF will be sent to the department head by email. With his consent, the latter forwards the PDF to our ticket system, using the address  acc-ou-service(at) .
  • The ITH creates the submitted additional accounts and the account owner is informed of the completion by email. The password is transmitted in the same way as described above (see 1.2)

3. Application for new accounts (e.g.  for new colleagues)

3.1. Procedure until now:

  • An account application is filled out via web interface and the printed document, signed by account owner and department head, is handed over to the ITH. The signature by the account owner can be obtained later, where necessary (see below).
  • The ITH creates the submitted accounts. The access data will be sent to the account owner by in-house mail or the person responsible will be informed of the completion by email. Changing the password is done in the same way as described above  (see 1.1)
    If the signature from the account owner is still missing (advance application), it must be made up. For this purpose, the account owner has to pick up the documents at the ITH and bring a valid photo ID.

3.2. Additional, new procedural method

  • An account application is filled out via web interface. The PDF will be sent to the department head by email. With his consent, the latter forwards the PDF to our ticket system, using the address acc-ou-service(at)
  • The ITH creates the submitted additional accounts and the person responsible, named in the application, will be informed of the completion by email. The initial login data are transmitted to the account owner in the same way as described above for the password transmission  (see 1.2)