Instruction on Proposal Structure for Proposals on Beamtime, submitted to PPAC
Please describe the long-term vision of your project, even though you can apply for beam time for the next period only. The text should summarize the scientific justification and relevant technical details for the proposed experiment and should cite relevant publications (from applicant and from the research field). Please explain why specifically PHELIX should be used. For a continuation request, a brief status report of the previous as well as an outline of the future experiments should be given.
Please remember to give quantitative information to allow evaluation of the proposal.
Proposals not prepared according to these guidelines risk being rejected on formal grounds.
The Proposal should be structured and contain the following information:
Frontpage of proposal (1 page):
- Title
- Principle Investigator (PI)
- Link Scientist
- Participants
- Is this proposal part of a PhD thesis project?
- Beam time requested for PHELIX and/or ion beam
- Continuation of previous proposal?
- Main experimental/scientific goal(s) (max. 4-5 lines)
- 3 major publications of the PI
- 2 publications relevant to the proposal (if any exist), incl. submitted publications (in particular, for continuation requests)
Proposal text (max. 9 pages) according to the following structure:
- Abstract (incl. references on the "state of art")
- Introduction to the topic state of the art
- New approach in this proposal & relevance to the field of research
- with reference to previous experiments and experimental background
- in case of previously B rated proposal: what has been modified and in case of previously A minus-rated proposals: what has been done since
- Expected results & accuracy of planned measurement (incl. error bars)
- Experimental design and methods incl. schematic view of set-up
- Justification of beamtime request
- Literature
(update July 2019, autumn 2023)