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Archiv | 2017 | KW:05 |Ausgabe: 05-2017 | 30.01. - 05.02.

Kurier - Messages from and for employees

Ausgabe: 05-2017 | 30.01. - 05.02.




July 2016: IsoSiM/HGS-HIRe Summer School

Quelle: M. Stachura

A summer school on "Isotopes for Science and Medicine" was jointly organized by IsoSiM NSERC CREATE (Canada) and HGS-HIRe in Schmitten on 25 - 30 July, 2016. Doctoral students as well as early career postdocs were discussing and learning about radioisotopes in different areas of research. Topics included material science, marine research, nuclear medicine and imaging as well as nuclear physics and astrophysics.

H. Büsching

October 2016: HGS-HIRe & RS-APS Lecture Week on Atomic & Laser/Plasma Physics

Quelle: G. Burau

This year's Joint HGS-HIRe and RS-APS Lecture Week on Atomic and Laser/Plasma Physics addressed innovative concepts for the detection of photons and particles. Hosted by Haus Ebersberg with its relaxed atmosphere, Michele Caselle (KIT), Andreas Fleischmann (U Heidelberg), Volker Tympel (U Jena), Michael Zürch (U Jena) and the participating students discussed together various aspects of this topic. Thanks to the enthusiasm of all participants this scientific event continues the successful series of our joint lecture weeks.

G. Burau

October 2016: HGS-HIRe Graduate Day 2016

Quelle: C. Freudenberger

The HGS-HIRe Graduate Day 2016 was held at FIAS on October 18, 2016.
This year the main annual event of the school was opened by a plenary talk by Michael Lestinsky on the CRYRING, followed by various participant presentations from the fields of atomic physics, hadron physics, hot & dense matter as well as biophysics. In the participant council meeting Philipp Sitzmann was re-elected as participant representative.

H. Büsching

November 2016: HGS-HIRe Lecture Week on Nuclear Structure Physics

Quelle: G. Burau

The HGS-HIRe Lecture Week "Gamma-ray Spectroscopy" tooks place in Laubach in the first week of November 2016. It is the seventh event in a very successful series of HGS-HIRe Lecture Weeks dedicated to nuclear structure physics. This year, Alfredo Poves Paredes from the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid discussed nuclear structure models on the theoretical side incorporating his great experience in the field while Jose Javier Valiente Dobon from the Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro gave an impressively didactical overview of experiments dedicated to Gamma-ray spectroscopy.

G. Burau

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Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe GmbH

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