Tickets for public transport
Dear Guests,
There are several options for public transport. Here please find some options:
- price 58 € per month
- valid nationwide in 2nd class on local and regional trains (not on long-distance trains, e.g. ICE, IC, EC), non-transferable
- can be canceled monthly, automatic term, unlimited term
- please note that the ticket must be cancelled in time
- more information and how to get the DeutschlandTicket:
How to purchase DeutschlandTicket (page 2 is in english)
other options
Otherwise, the following ticket options are available for local public transfer from GSI/FAIR campus (tariff zone 4035) to Darmstadt center (tariff zone 4001):
- day ticket: 6,65 €
- weekly ticket: 24,70 €
- monthly ticket: 83,90 €
(status as of 07.06.2024)
Informations about the bus line
- Bus line G connects the GSI Helmholtzzentrum, Planckstraße, with the train station in Wixhausen and the streetcar in Arheilgen-Dreieichweg.
- From the official stop "Merianstraße/GSI" the line G changes to the factory traffic (no change necessary).
- This plant transport route Merianstraße/GSI to GSI Planckstraße (and vice versa) is free of charge for GSI employees/guests/visitors.
The timetable of line G (runs only Mon - Fri) can be found here