IP address application
To use the internal GSI network, you need to apply for an IP address. Please fill in the IP address form for every device you want to use and forward it to our IT Helpdesk. Depending on the device type, there are different procedures to follow:
Private notebook or private pc
- If you like to use your private computer at GSI, it is required to get it checked by the IT Helpdesk.
- After you have filled in the IP address form, the IT staff will configure your access to the internal network. For guests, who only stay for a couple of days at our facility, some special IP addresses are provided. Guests need to name their GSI contact in order to receive access.
Purchasing GSI hardware via IT department
- Please complete the order form and forward it to our IT Helpdesk. You will also need to fill in the IP address form.
- The IT staff will configure your device. When you collect your hardware you have to sign a receipt.
Purchasing GSI hardware via your own department
- Please fill in the IP address form. It is essential to provide the reference and serial number on top of the form.
- It is required to get your device verified by the IT Helpdesk in order to receive the IP address.