Frankfurt Alliance’s Science Festival a full success

Science Festival invited all interested parties to experience research up close and personal


This news is based on a press release by the Goethe University Frankfurt

Hands-on science: Last Saturday, visitors from near and far flocked to Roßmarkt to find out more about research from Frankfurt and the surrounding area. The big event, put together by the Frankfurt Alliance, featured an exciting stage program and lots of activities. GSI/FAIR offered insights into the function of particle accelerators and their scientific work with two hands-on experiments.

The weather played along on September 28, the day Frankfurt’s first Science Festival, organized by the Frankfurt Alliance founded at the beginning of the year, officially kicked off in the city center. The alliance consisting of non-university research institutes and Goethe University Frankfurt had put together the big festival to showcase the strength and diversity of research in the science city of Frankfurt and the wider Rhine-Main region. The diverse program had something in store for everyone, from science slams, musical contributions and debates on stage, to lots of hands-on activities and things to discover in the tents of the participating institutions. Among others, visitors young and old were able to explore a giant model of the human heart, immerse themselves in a cell using VR glasses, experiment and paint in open studios, or submit ideas for peace.

At the GSI/FAIR booth, visitors of all ages took part in two hands-on experiments to find out how the particles are brought up to speed at the accelerator facilities and how a new element can be produced by nuclear fusion. A total of six elements were produced at GSI/FAIR, including Darmstadtium (named after the city of Darmstadt) and Hassium (named after the federal state of Hesse).

Dr. Bastian Bergerhoff, Frankfurt City Treasurer and Head of Human Resources, said in his welcoming address, held in the morning: “This festival is a monument to the science location Frankfurt: Our city is a city of science. Roßmarkt has turned into an open-air laboratory, making science tangible and alive, and taking it out of its supposed ivory tower. In so doing, the participating institutions are also sending a clear signal that science is also a driving force for economy, culture and urban society.”

Goethe University President Prof. Enrico Schleiff said: “Frankfurt is known for its lively sports, cultural and museum landscape and its role as a banking and data center hub. This, our first science festival, shows that science also constitutes a strong pillar of our international reputation. The city of Frankfurt especially, which stands for openness, diversity and freedom, is an ideal location for scientists from all over the world, while the greater Rhine-Main region is an amazing space to conduct outstanding international research on topics ranging from astrophysics to social cohesion – all under the protection of scientific freedom. As a newly founded science network, we deliberately chose to address the public with our festival, which is aimed not only at arousing interest in science, but also answering questions about the how, what and why of research. We want to strengthen this dialog between research and society and disseminate scientific findings – in a manner that is fun and can be enjoyed by the entire family.”

Apl. Prof. Dr. Zoe Waibler, Vice President of Paul-Ehrlich-Institut (PEI) / Goethe University – Faculty of Biological Sciences: “Science is part of our DNA. We at Paul-Ehrlich-Institut use it daily to ensure the safety, efficacy and availability of vaccines and biomedical drugs. Science drives ahead progress, and impacts our daily lives in many ways – be it through vaccines that protect our health, or through the regulation of blood products whose safety patients can rely on. We want to share our enthusiasm for science and its direct benefits for health with as many people as possible at the Frankfurt Science Festival.”

Prof. Dr. Florian Heider, Leibniz Institute for Financial Research SAFE / Goethe University – Faculty of Economics and Business: “With the Science Festival, we as the Frankfurt Alliance, together with the Hessian Ministry of Higher Education, Research, Science and the Arts and Kassel Foundation, are building a bridge between science, practice and society. It is great to experience this direct exchange and deepen our understanding of the diverse research that is conducted here. As the Leibniz Institute for Financial Market Research SAFE and given that we are located in the financial hub of Frankfurt, we are particularly pleased to be able to show people on site how important financial literacy is for each individual and how the markets work.”

Dr. Katharina Stummeyer, GSI/FAIR: “The Science Festival of Frankfurt Alliance in the heart of the city embodies the power of interdisciplinary collaboration to jointly develop sustainable solutions for the future. GSI/FAIR as a large-scale physics research center contributes to pushing the boundaries of knowledge and enabling technological innovations that have an impact far beyond science. This festival offers a unique opportunity to bring our research closer to the public and to promote a lively exchange between science and society.” (JGU/CP)

Frankfurt Alliance

Frankfurt Alliance is a regional science network consisting of 16 research institutions from Frankfurt and the surrounding area, who on January 30, 2024, signed a relevant Memorandum of Understanding and presented their concept for the alliance, which is currently being set up. The aim is to deepen existing collaborations, pool the expertise of those involved and further strengthen international competitiveness. In so doing, the alliance seeks to optimize the structural, personnel and political framework conditions for cutting-edge research in the Frankfurt Rhine-Main region, while at the same time contributing to Frankfurt's positioning as an excellent science location and an international metropolis worth living in. The following institutes are part of Frankfurt Alliance:

  • DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education
  • Leibniz Institute for Financial Research SAFE
  • Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF)
  • Senckenberg Society for Nature Research (SGN)
  • GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung
  • German Cancer Consortium (DKTK) – Frankfurt site
  • Fraunhofer Institute for Translational Medicine and Pharmacology (ITMP)
  • Fraunhofer Institute for Secure Information Technology (SIT)
  • Max Planck Institute of Biophysics (MPIBP)
  • Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics (MPIAe)
  • Max Planck Institute for Heart and Lung Research (MPIHL)
  • Max Planck Institute for Brain Research (MPIBrain)
  • Max Planck Institute for Legal History & Legal Theory (MPILHLT)
  • Ernst Strüngmann Institute for Neurscience (ESI)
  • Paul-Ehrlich-Institut (PEI)
  • Goethe University Frankfurt
Further information
