Project Group Special Installations (SSI)


The existing SIS18 is equipped with 20 fixed and 3 mobile reloading collimators. Operation and maintenance of these components are also part of the project group's tasks.

In the planned SIS100 there will be 60 trans-shipment collimators in cryogenic areas, so-called cryocollimators. Furthermore, there will be another collimation system for the suppression of beam halo, which consists of 21 movable collimators and foils. Development, design and procurement of these systems is a main focus of the project group SSI.

Within the scope of several PhD theses a simulation program for the effect of the dynamic vacuum has been and will be developed. For further understanding and improvement of the data situation, different test rigs have been and are being built and measurements are being performed. The ion impact-induced desorption behaviour of different (cryogenic and room temperature) materials has been investigated and the suction capacity of cryogenic surfaces has been measured. The obtained results are used to evaluate new approaches to eliminate the dynamic vacuum. For this purpose prototype test rigs for accelerator components are built.