ng GmbH Superschwere Elemente - SHIP Planckstr. 1 D-64291 Darmstadt Telefon: +49-6159-71-1609 Telefax: +49-6159-71-2902 Zimmer: SB3 3.175 Publications 1. J.M. Gates, C.E. Düllmann, M. Schädel, A. Yakushev [...] Lommel, R. Mann " The new isotope 208 Th" Eur. Phys. Jour. A46, 337, DOI: 10.1140/epja/i2010-11058-1 (2010) 6. L.L. Andersson, D. Rudolph, P. Golubev, R.D. Herzberg, R. Hoischen, E. Merchan, D. Ackermann [...] Darmstadtium - Status and Perspectives of Superheavy Element 58. Research” Eur.Phys.J. A 25, Supplement 1, 577 (2005) 59. P.Kuusiniemi, F.P.Heßberger, D.Ackermann , S.Hofmann, I.Kojouharov “ Decay studies of