Press and media

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The winning teams at Karriere Kick
What does recruiting young talent have to do with tabletop soccer? That's what xx interested participants and yy apprenticeship employers were able to find out at “Karriere Kick” in the Böllenfalltorhalle in Darmstadt at the beginning of February. Similar to speed dating, young people and training companies are drawn by lot in each round and get to know each other in a playful way during a round of tabletop soccer. GSI/FAIR took part and even won second place in the election of the best…

Brochures and flyers

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Pictures, Movie Clips and Podcasts

You are looking for pictures in print quality, movie clips or podcasts about GSI and FAIR topics. Or a logo of GSI/FAIR? Find them in our media center.

Guided Tours

You would like to visit the accelerator facility and the experiments of GSI? You are welcome to join one of our guided tours.


Visit our lecture series Wissenschaft für Alle (German) or find information about other  public events of GSI and FAIR.
