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The cover of „Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology“.
It could become a powerful weapon in the fight against cancer and open up completely new possibilities for tumor therapy with charged particles. FLASH irradiation – the application of an ultra-high radiation dose in a very short time – is in strong focus worldwide and is being advanced with high expertise at GSI and FAIR. FLASH clinical implementation is one of the top 10 Breakthroughs of the Year 2022 according to “Physics Word”. In its December issue, the world’s leading high-impact journal…

"Pilars of Creation" recorded with the JWST
The lecture program of the series “Wissenschaft für Alle” by GSI and FAIR will continue in the first half of 2023. This time, the lectures will be about the limits of physics — both about exploring them and going beyond them. Interested parties can either attend the event in the lecture hall of GSI/FAIR following a registration or dial into the broadcast of the event via video conference using an internet-enabled device such as a laptop, cell phone or tablet. The program will begin ...

At the PHELIX laser at GSI/FAIR, fundamental experiments on fusion take place.
The Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) congratulates our colleagues at the National Ignition Facility for the breakthrough in Inertial Confinement Fusion research.

Radon chamber at GSI.
Anti-inflammatory, therapeutic effects, but also risks - the radioactive noble gas radon contains both at the same time. Radon and especially its short-living progeny are considered to be responsible for about half of the annual radiation exposure from natural sources and are classified as carcinogenic. Researchers from the GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung now have proven in a paper published in the “International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health” that face…

Delivery of the coldbox for the FAIR cryo facility
A large heavy goods transport set off from Aschaffenburg to Darmstadt on November 30, 2022. Its destination was the international accelerator facility FAIR (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research), which is currently being built at the GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung. Loaded was the so-called “coldbox”, a steel tank with a length of 18 meters, a height of more than 4.5 meters and a weight of 85 tons. The coldbox is the heart of the cryogenics facility, produced and installed by…

Signing of contract with Focused Energy
In the coming months, the Darmstadt-based start-up company “Focused Energy” and GSI/FAIR will explore the parameters for laser-driven inertial confinement fusion. Chief Science Officer Professor Markus Roth of Focused Energy as well as Professor Paolo Giubellino, Scientific Director of GSI and FAIR, and Dr. Ulrich Breuer, Administrative Director of GSI and FAIR, signed a corresponding collaboration agreement.

Dr. Timo Steinsberger, Dr. Veronika Flatten and Christopher Cortes Garcia received the Schmelzer Prize 2022.
Three young researchers have been awarded this year’s Christoph Schmelzer Prize: Dr. Veronika Flatten from the University Marburg and Dr. Timo Steinsberger from the Technical University Darmstadt receive the award in recognition of their dissertations, Christopher Cortes Garcia from the TU Darmstadt for his master’s thesis. With this award, the Association for the Promotion of Tumor Therapy with Heavy Ions e.V. annually honors outstanding master’s and doctoral theses in the field of tumor…

Heavy-ion synchrotron SIS18 - exterior view.
It is still a glimpse into the future: Astronauts could be put into artificial hibernation and in this state be better protected from cosmic radiation. At present, there are already promising approaches to follow up such considerations. An international research team led by the Biophysics Department of the GSI Helmholtzzentrum in Darmstadt now has found decisive indications of the possible benefits of artificial hibernation for radiation resistance.

Visualization of the future FAIR facility.
Following the decision of the FAIR Council, the highest body of the FAIR GmbH’s shareholders, for an up-to-date review of the FAIR project, the international committee of experts appointed for the task has completed its final report. The decision was motivated by the challenging financial status of the project. The report has been presented at an extraordinary FAIR Council meeting on October 25th, 2022.
