The Masterclass is back on campus! In February, twenty interested students had again the opportunity to analyze data from the ALICE experiment at the CERN research center in a Masterclass, this time on site at GSI/FAIR. The event was organized by scientists of GSI/FAIR’s ALICE research department.

On 9th and 10th February 2023, 75 delegates from 27 European institutes met at GSI to participate in the Annual Meeting of the EU-project EURIZON. Another 40 persons joined via video. After a fundamental transformation process triggered by the war of aggression of Russia on Ukraine end of February 2022, EURIZON emerged from the former CREMLINplus project.

When neutron stars collide, they produce an explosion that, contrary to what was believed until recently, is shaped almost like a perfect sphere. Although how this is possible is still a mystery, the discovery may provide a new key to measuring the age of the Universe. The discovery was made by an international collaboration with participation of researchers of the GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung in Darmstadt and led by astrophysicists from the University of Copenhagen. The result…

The Science Year 2023 has been launched. This year, the nationwide campaign is entitled "Our Universe". GSI and FAIR participate with numerous events and provide the public with exciting insights into the research facilities and scientific results. Interested persons can learn in many ways how our universe is explored in the laboratory on Earth.

Laser-driven “mirrors” capable of reflecting or manipulating light have been produced in research led at the University of Strathclyde with participation of GSI/FAIR scientists. The “mirrors” exist for only a fragment of time but could help to reduce the size of ultra-high power lasers, which currently occupy buildings the size of aircraft hangars, to university basement sizes.

On November 1, the 80th birthday of Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. Hans Gutbrod was celebrated with a colloquium highlighting the scientific milestones of his career. Four renowned scientist-colleagues reported in lectures on Hans Gutbrod’s work and achievements in the field of relativistic heavy-ion physics.

Synthetic hibernation of astronauts could become a promising key technology for the future of spaceflight and for the benefit of mankind. This is especially the case for long-term missions, for example to Mars. In an exciting science video on the topic, the European Space Agency ESA features the essential expertise of GSI/FAIR in this field and presents it prominently.

Also this year GSI/FAIR participates in the successful format "Artist-in-Science-Residence". After the productive visit of the Italian artist Luca Spano in summer 2022, interested artists now have the opportunity to apply.

Support for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and the public sector in their digital transformation. This is the goal of the so-called European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIHs), which the European Commission had announced for the first time by competition. A consortium in southern Hesse supported by the state government and coordinated by the House of Digital Transformation e.V. (HoDT) and with the other members GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung in Darmstadt,…