The FAIR news are kindly hosted by GSI.

The ISOLDE experiment faciliy at CERN.
Physicists call the atomic nucleus of tin-100 doubly magic because it simultaneously has two shell closures. Nevertheless, it is very difficult to measure its mass. An international group of scientists at the European research centre CERN (Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire) including physicists from GSI Helmholtzzentrum and University of. Greifswald has now succeeded in measuring the precise masses of the indium isotopes 99In, 100In and 101In, thus making it possible to draw…

Screenshot from the vidoeconference — High-school students learn more about GSI/FAIR during Saturday Morning Physics
Approximately 170 high-school students learned about GSI and FAIR this year in the lecture series “Saturday Morning Physics”. The series, organized by the Technical University of Darmstadt, takes place as an online-only event due to the Corona pandemic, as it already did last year. On four Saturdays, the participants quench their thirst for knowledge about current research in physics —last Saturday, a virtual visit to the accelerators and experiments of GSI and FAIR was part of the program.
