"Longterm Dronelapse 2018-2021" wins first place in the "Hyperlapse" category at the Brazilian film festival "NO AR Drone Film Fest".

The lecture program of the series “Wissenschaft für Alle” by GSI and FAIR will continue in the first half of 2023. This time, the lectures will be about the limits of physics — both about exploring them and going beyond them. Interested parties can either attend the event in the lecture hall of GSI/FAIR following a registration or dial into the broadcast of the event via video conference using an internet-enabled device such as a laptop, cell phone or tablet. The program will begin ...

The Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) congratulates our colleagues at the National Ignition Facility for the breakthrough in Inertial Confinement Fusion research.

Two radio-frequency buncher cavities for GSI/FAIR's UNILAC linear accelerator have recently been delivered. They are used to shape the ion beams during transfer to the poststripper section (Alvarez structure) and are essential for longitudinal matching to achieve low-loss acceleration and good beam quality, especially at high intensities. The two bunchers, with operating frequencies of 36 and 108 MHz, are intended to replace the existing devices, which have been in operation for about 25 years,…

GSI scientist Prof. Dr. Hannah Elfner is appointed Senior Fellow at the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS). She made it into this highest category at the theoretical research institute FIAS - comparable to a W3 professorship at the university.

Anti-inflammatory, therapeutic effects, but also risks - the radioactive noble gas radon contains both at the same time. Radon and especially its short-living progeny are considered to be responsible for about half of the annual radiation exposure from natural sources and are classified as carcinogenic. Researchers from the GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung now have proven in a paper published in the “International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health” that face…

In a review article in the diamond jubilee issue of the journal “Radiochimica Acta”, researchers from GSI/FAIR, the Helmholtz Institute Mainz, and Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz report on highlights of the research on superheavy elements (SHE) carried out at GSI over the past five decades. The article focuses on the discovery of the “superheavies” and on chemical studies addressing the placement of the new, heaviest elements in the periodic table of elements.

Professor Hans-Jürgen Wollersheim has been awarded an adjunct professorship at the University of Delhi for his many years of cooperation with Indian scientists. Since 2004, the GSI researcher has engaged in intensive scientific cooperation with India and was the liaison person for the cooperation with India in the FAIR project as In-Kind Coordinator FAIR@GSI.

A large heavy goods transport set off from Aschaffenburg to Darmstadt on November 30, 2022. Its destination was the international accelerator facility FAIR (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research), which is currently being built at the GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung. Loaded was the so-called “coldbox”, a steel tank with a length of 18 meters, a height of more than 4.5 meters and a weight of 85 tons. The coldbox is the heart of the cryogenics facility, produced and installed by…